Republican Assembly committee assignments are ridiculous

Republican Assembly Members Jim Silva and Diane Harkey

Does Assemblyman Jim Silva know anything about the “Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism and Internet Media?”  I doubt it, but the lame Republican has been appointed Vice Chair of that Assembly Committee, according to the Sacramento Bee.  Silva is a former teacher and a past O.C. Supervisor.  He voted for both the county union worker pension spike and the ill-fated O.C. PLA.

Other strange committee assignments doled out to Republicans include:

  • Jeff Miller was appointed to the Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials committee.  Are you kidding?  Since when do Republicans care about the environment?
  • Diane Harkey was appointed vice chair of the Housing and Development committee.  What a joke!  Republicans don’t care about housing…but I am sure Harkey will be trying to garner checks from developers.
  • Van Tran is now vice chair of the Judiciary committee.  Are you kidding?  Wasn’t his wife indicted a few years ago?
  • Here is a funny one, Chuck DeVore was assigned to the Revenue and Taxation committee.   He will be voting no on everything.  They should just put a “no” in front of him.  Unless they come up with a tax on gays, in which case I am sure he will be happy to vote “yes.”
  • Mike Duvall, of Yorba Linda, was appointed to “Utilities and Commerce.”  Didn’t a bunch of homes burn down in that area because their lame water district screwed up and didn’t maintain water pressure?  Does anyone think Duvall will actually hold them accountable?

As for Democratic Assemblyman Jose Solorio, who represents the 69th Assembly District, he will be chairing the Public Safety committee.  His co-chair, Curt Hagman, is as big as about three Jose Solorios…  I wonder if he will be telling Jose to “Get in my belly!”

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.