GOP politician in San Bernardino hid meth addiction and gay lifestyle

(Picture Courtesy of the San Bernardino Sun)

You may recall reading about the indictment of former San Bernardino Assistant Assessor, and Red-faced County blogger, Adam Aleman.  Now his boss, San Bernardino County Assessor Bill Postmus, is in a world of hurt.

Postmus was arrested this week and guess what?  The police found meth in his house!  How does a 37 year old Republican politician end up on meth?  The truth is not going to be pleasant for the San Bernardino GOP.

“One of his closest friends said Postmus’ meth addiction stems from the years he has spent hiding his sexual orientation, attempting to resist “carnal pleasures” and cloaking his sexual identity as a gay man from not only voters, but his family, friends and political allies,” according to the San Bernardino Sun newspaper.

In the early days of his political career, “Postmus was often attending political conventions and rallies, flanked by young men. In the coming years, he would develop a reputation for hiring twenty-something worshippers who blithely followed him, sources said. Among them was Aleman, then a teenager.”

Postmus was eventually investigated by the San Bernardino County Grand Jury, but there “was one detail it failed to uncover – that among Postmus’ reportedly unethical employment practices in the assessor’s office was the hiring of Jonathan Stucker, a man with whom he had an intimate relationship, multiple sources said. Stucker left county employment July 7, said David Wert, county spokesman, who declined to disclose the circumstances surrounding Stucker’s departure. Stucker did not return calls seeking comment.”

And it turns out that Red-faced County blogger Aleman’s arrest was the beginning of the end for Postmus.

“He seems to have shut down from the things that gave him pleasure – politics, sex and drugs,” one source said. “His soul mate has been ripped apart from him.”

I wonder who else was hiding under the GOP rock with Postmus?  And did he vote Yes on Prop. 8?  Did his supporters vote Yes on Prop. 8?  Did trying to repress his homosexuality drive Postmus to meth?  Will the GOP learn from this disaster?  I doubt it.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.