Saddleback Arrest (non-)Notification Watch: Day 29

Today was the court arraignment of Alonso Manuel Gonzalez, a special education instructional assistant who has been arrested and charged with lewd acts against one of Saddleback High School’s special needs students.  Absent from reporting this news are the local newspapers, The Orange County Register and The Los Angeles Times, Orange County edition.  Since Gonzalez arrest on November 17, 2008, the Saddleback High School’s administrators have refused to notify parents of these vulnerable students in either Spanish or English.    It is now day 29 of silence by the school site, the special education department and the superintendent’s office.  However, Gustavo Arellano of the OC Weekly has posted on the story as a way to warn Saddleback students, families and other potential crime victims.  He reports on today’s court appearance in which the judge has required Gonzalez to stay away from the victim.  Judge Leininger has also issued a protective order for discovery and has forbid Gonzalez from entering any school campus for three years. See the full story here  Link.

Will Saddleback High School personnel cooperate in the discovery process set fourth by the judge or will the administrators continue to stonewall the process, clearly in violation of ADA regulations?  How many more days until the notification process is set in motion?  It is now Day 29 for the dirty little secret.

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