If you read Martin Wisckol’s writing in the OC Register‘s “Total Buzz” blog, you already know that Tim Carpenter, the charismatic founder of Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) was in town yesterday giving inspirational non-partisan talks on political activism at both Marina and Fountain Valley High Schools.
What you wouldn’t know from the article is the identity of the exciting local Congressional candidate who was the actual cause of Carpenter’s visit to the area, even though Tim spoke quite enthusiastically about her at the events, and is in town to organize PDA canvassing for her.
But you would catch, in the final sentence of Wisckol’s post, a completely gratuitous mention of that mysterious candidate’s opponent, who just happens to be a Congressman friendly to Wisckol, and who used to write for the Register in the 80’s: “Beforehand, while I was checking in with the main office, Principal Paul Morrow went out of his way to let me know that they’d called GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher’s office to ask for a speaker from the other side. So far, he said, no response.”
Doesn’t mean anything, you say, just a simple oversight in a blog entry. Except, try searching “Total Buzz” for any mention of the mystery candidate, in the seven months since her February announcement, while dozens of stories were appearing in all the other local papers and blogs, and the only thing you’ll find is what must be an accidental, offhand mention July 31 from Wisckol’s co-blogger Norberto Sanchez, quoting her favorably on the new HB City Administrator Fred Wilson.
Since the policy of “Partial Buzz” is obviously a complete blackout of the Candidate Whose Name Must Not Be Mentioned, I have one question for Martin Wisckol: Why does Norberto still have a job there?
Wisckol’s the best of the Register, and he’s just awful.
The News Blackout at the Register of Debbie Cook’s campaign is nothing short of amazing. When the local reporters for Huntington Beach tried to cover it, they were shut down by Dena Bunis in Washington, and her coverage of Rohrabacher is worshipful stenography. She never saw a Rohrabacher press release that she didn’t want to parrot glowingly.
There are never any stories in the Register about Rohrabacher and his long history of association with scum, slime, and wackos.
Register did the same thing when B-1 Bob Dornan faced off with Loretta Sanchez. Sanchez won and it was a great day for all of OC.
The same thing is going to happen to Dana and we’ll all be so much better off when that buffoon is gone.
Good luck to Debbie!
I was in HTB this morning for a pancake breakfast fund raiser for the HBHS football team.
I saw two yard signs for Dana and two signs for Debbie on the main street easements.
I would have expected more, but heck maybe they don’t have the comm spirit SA has.
I also saw a group of women with yes on 8 signs and neer the freeway a group of pure *ssholes with a big sign saying 9-11 was fake.
The folks running Debbie’s campaign don’t think much of littering the streets this early with lots of expensive signs, though some of our volunteers obviously disagree. Drive thru the neighborhoods and you’ll see plenty lawn signs – which won’t get taken down by passersby or The Man. Whatever signs we have left over around Nov. 1 will go up quickly.
oh and you’re right Cook, HB doesn’t have SA’s community spirit. We’re working on that!