Good afternoon voters.
At the end of this post of individual candidates I have added the OC Register Ballot Measure recommendations alongside my Sept 23rd picks.
While some of the following candidates are not on our Mission Viejo ballot, as this blog is read statewide, I am recommending them based on my personal relationships with them and/or their conservative values.
Additional choices. As every race is vital, and I didn’t wish to delay posting my broader base of recommendations, I am now adding two names that appear under the South Orange County Community College District.
Trustee Area #1 David Lang and Trustee Area #3 Arlene Greer
The remaining “Larry’s picks” are as follows:
President/VP. John McCain/Sarah Palin
US Rep CA-4 Tom McClintock
US Rep 42nd Distr. Gary G. Miller
US Rep 48th Distr. John Campbell
State Senator 19th District Tony Strickland
State Senator 29th District Bob Huff
State Senator 35th District Tom Harman
State Senator 60th District Curt Hagman
State Senator 33rd District Mimi Walters
Member State Assembly 70th AD Chuck DeVore
Member State Assembly 71st AD no endorsement
Member State Assembly 73rd AD Diane Harkey
Judicial Office #12 Kermit Marsh
South OC Community College Distr. Trustee area #1 no endorsement
South OC Community College Distr. Trustee area #3 no endorsement
South OC Community College Distr. Trustee area #6 Tom Fuentes
South OC Community College Distr. Trustee area #7 John S. Williams
Capistrano Unified School District Trustee area #1 Jack Brick
Capistrano Unified School District Trustee area #2 Sue Palazzo
Capistrano Unified School District Trustee area #3 Mike Winsten
Capistrano Unified School District Trustee area #5 Ken Maddox
City of Mission Viejo, member, city council .. vote for no more than two
Cathy Schlicht Note: Also endorsed by the California Republican Assembly CRA
Neil Lonsinger Note: Also endorsed by the California Republican Assembly CRA
City of Irvine office of Mayor.. Christina Shea
City of Laguna Hills
Ellie Michaels-Smith Note Also endorsed by the California Republican Assembly CRA
L Allan Songstad, Jr. Note: Also endorsed by the California Republican Assembly CRA
City of Lake Forest
Marsha Rudolph. Note: Also endorsed by the California Republican Assembly, CRA
City of Rancho Santa Margarita — vote for no more than two
Tony Beall
Jerry Holloway
City of San Clemente .. Steve Knoblock
City of San Juan Capistrano.. Joe Soto
City of Santa Ana, Ward 3 Art Pedroza
Santa Margarita Water Distr. Director. no endorsement
Prop 1A Larry & OC Register NO
Prop 2 Larry & OC Register NO
Prop 3 Larry & OC Register NO
Prop 4 Larry & OC Register YES
Prop 5 Larry NO OC Register YES
Prop 6 Larry YES OC Register NO
Prop 7 Larry & OC Register NO
Prop 8 Larry YES OC Register NO
Prop 9 Larry YES OC Register NO
Prop 10 Larry & OC Register NO
Prop 11 Larry & OC Register YES
Prop 12 Larry YES OC Register NO
Municipal Water District of Orange County. Director Div #6 no endorsement
Larry why you did not pick a candidate for Mayor in Santa Ana Ciyt?. I hpo you are in favor for Chage!!!!!!!!!
Larry as a conservative let me inform you there is only one GOP candidate for Mayor in Santa Ana City ,and by the way had bee endorsed by the GOP. I really want to know your opinion regarding this matter.(candidate for Mayor)
If you read the opening statement in this post you will see that I have only recommended those candidates, not on my Mission Viejo ballot, for whom I have direct knowledge or evidence of their conservative positions. Many years ago resident Pulido fought the city against using eminent domain to take his 1st street muffler shop. As Co-director of Californians United for Redevelopment Education I was pleased to see him take that stand. Sadly, like many elected officials, they change their stripes after getting elected. As Mayor of Santa Ana, his current position on failing to honor private property rights (other than a valid public purpose) is very troubling to me.
Therefore I would not endorse him. As to the other candidates I really do not have any knowledge of their background. Perhaps Art, or someone else on the blog from Santa Ana, can add their local endorsements to this post.
So except Art, basically vote the opposite.
Here is an easier to remember slate: Just vote no on Incumbants, thats the way to get change and you dont have to read all that crap. If things are going good for you vote for all the incumbants. Propositions are just welfare for lawyers – always vote no on all of them.
Yo, proposition authors, if you want a law changed get all of our representatives to work on it, turn it into an appropriately worded law, and see if you cant get people who know about this stuff to vote for it. Don’t give us something you paid to get signatures on and then paid to bury us in your advertisements so that the madison avenue sheep you expect us to be will vote it into law where lawyers will gut the thing and then direct our anger towards the least assailable in our society – the judges. In case you didnt get the memo – we aren’t falling for that anymore.
Generally speaking I would agree with you.
As voters, it’s our own way to impose Term Limits. However, after I testifed in Sacramento about a bogus declaration of “blight” in Mission Viejo an Assemblywoman from San Diego, familiar with our city and while agreeing with my testimony, said we should not throw the baby out with the bath water.
It may take some time for research but there truly are some dedicated and honest politicians in the world.
As to using the ballot box with citizen or group sponsored Propositions. At times we have no alternative. As you surely know we have gridlock not just on our freeways. We have a tough time to get our elected officials to throw their partisan hats into the Sacramento River and focus on us, the citizens of California. I can speak from personal experience on SB 1206 for proof of how our elected officials cave to special interests that fund their campaigns.
citizen of the vern-o-sphere Says
No problem.
The most important step you must take is inside the voting booth or to your mail box with an absentee ballot and a first class stamp.
Larry, I admit my proposal is extreme, however it does have some positives. First and foremost all you need to know is if the politician is an incumbant AND if you are doing better off or worse off this year.
Obviously some are as well or better off and will vote for the incumbants but the bulk of the voters will decide the election on their perception of overall performance. This will lead to campaign finance reform because campaigning by incumbants will become irrelevent, the relevancy will be their incumbancy and my personal circumstance and neither of these can be changed much by campaigning. Who cares what a politician says they will do? What they do is what counts and it either makes my life better or it doesnt. If it doesnt then vote them out.
Granted choosing from among the hordes of non incumbants will be difficult but no more than now. And you can choose from among the career politicians runniong for other offices by seeing how often they’ve been voted out of office – something that term limits doesn’t provide.
Interesting to revisit all your ballot recommendations, with the OC Register, now that I put together mine. I agree with OC Register on all but Prop 4, and I consider Prop 4 to be a close call.
Your willingness to bust out our checkbook for Republican-sounding causes like Props. 6, 9 & 12 helps to highlight the difference between social conservatives like you and libertarian/economic conservative like me (and it seems like the OC Register).
Where did you stand on the Bush plan for energy spending, No Child Left Behind, agriculture subsidies, expansion of Medicare prescription drug benefits, the economic stimulus package, the recent Bush/Pelosi/Obama/McCain bailout package, or any of the other recent big-government-conservative spending surges?
As I prepare for my trip to DC, and tonight’s city council meeting, let me tackle two of your issues.
Prop 12. My original thought was to recommend a NO vote. However, when we have sons and daughters going across the world fighting for freedom I gave consideration for the CalVets. When arnold now reports the urgency for our own state bailout it is the wrong time to float bonded indebtedness.
Like someone else has suggested. Vote NO on all of them. However, that’s not the best attitude to take when some of these initiatives are presented due to our legislature’s failure to protect us rather than themselves on prop 11.
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. In Feb of 2002 Ron Winship and, representing the Cutting Edge- a talkshow covered the 4th of 7 Town Hall kick off events promoting the Act that was held at Huntington Park HS. US Treasurer Rosaio Marin, and a team of speakers including Grammy winner Jon Secada, joined her in explaining the Title 1A UNDERFUNDED program. Early in hispresidency President Bush described his bipartisan education reform as “the cornerstone of my Administration.”
During a break I asked Gov. Romer, LA Superintendent of Educ, to answer one question since his taking over the LAUSD. US Sec of Education Paige reported that “over 1,000 CA schools are underachieving” to which he answered it’s an accountability issue. “We will exceed federal standards.” Really??????
Whatever that means, around 50 percent of Latino HS students are dropping out of the LAUSD system today.
We were told that 350 pages of HTML pages on preparing for college were released that day. They also promoted interactive web sites.
Thanks for the clarification Larry,
On the propositions I’ve got myself in 50% agreement with you, 91% in agreement with Vern, 92% in agreement with the OC Register, and only 9%/18% in agreement with Ron/Anna. I’m questioning my own identity and contemplating a subscription to the OC Register.
Larry as every body knows Pulido is a Democrat candidate even as the firs time that he run for Mayor. My only concern with your picks is that knowing the Collins is the ONLY REPUBLICAN running for Mayor of Santa Ana ,You did not pick him?. Just to know the a Republican with enough GUTS is running again Podrido should have an effect positive on CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!!!
Thank you for reminding me of another choice omitted from my list of recommendations. Having met George a few times, he appears to have his head on straight which is something not found in every city or candidate.
There are some Republicans whom I will not endorse as they do not “walk the talk.” Right now, in my own city we ahve one council member who is not running again. That said I would not vote for any of the other four, each of whom I helped get elected before they flipped to the dark side.
While I am still a Republican that in itself does not mandate automatic endorsements of other Republicans. If I resided in Santa Ana, and had time to fully vet George, I might select him for Mayor. I surely would select George over Mayor Pulido but am not familiar with other candidates running this year