Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante is known for sticking his feet in his mouth and the video clip above is a good illustration of that. In this video, Bustamante says that “there are people in this town who shouldn’t be having kids.”
Who is Bustamante to make a statement like that? How is he going to determine who should and who should not have kids? Is he proposing to sterilize his constituents? Doesn’t this sound like Hitler’s “final solution?” Unbelievable. How did this clown ever get elected in the first place – and why is Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido STILL promoting him after those awful “waterbra” remarks?
These comments were made by Bustamante at a public meeting of the City’s NICE Committee. But his remarks certainly weren’t nice.
The kicker is that Bustamante was one of the loudest proponents for the City’s “Code of Ethics.” And yet he has repeatedly violated his own Code – and no one has held him accountable to it. I am sure he will be touting the Code in his mailers…
Instead on trying to make something out of nothing and making yourself look bad, why don’t write about something of substance.Talk about how you will work diligently on reviving the Nice committee, or you strategy for combating graffiti, or how you plant to impliment your library plans.
Anything but these tired jokes and nicknames.
Perhaps Carlos was referring to the 8 out of 10 teenage females that get pregnant in the city of Santa Ana (source: Latino Health Access).
Darn Art, looks like you lost a Busty backer
Senor Ben Dayhoe,
Perhaps Carlos was talking about those similar to Senator Palin’s daughter.
Is this just to address the demographics of Santa Ana?
The problem is larger here but is not isolated to this community or any Hispanic community in any other part of the country.
Teen births out of wedlock happen in every culture and race. More in some than others.
Carlos argued “fit to be parents”.
I hope you are not arguing teeage females in Santa Ana are not fit to be parents but other teeage females are.
Teenage births in Santa Ana are high. We all should be interested in addressing this social issue.
Fit to be parents based on culture, race or economic level should be off the table of arguments for obvious rights issues and other more significant human emotions.
Dr. Lomeli,
IMHO, Teenagers are not fit to be parents. Period.
Black, white, brown, rich, poor.
…especially in a city where the odds are stacked against the disadvantaged, with very few parks, gangs being a major problem, and where we have only one library.
Ben Dayhoe,
Those numbers are highly suspect. An 80% teen pregnancy rate? I don’t think so.
According to this link ( sinced the 1990’s the teen pregnancy rate amongst Latinas has been cut in half. That same report indicates a teen birth rate amongst Latinas in Orange County of 67 births per 1,000 girls. That comes to less than 7%! That is substantially different from an 80% birth rate.
It may well be that the numbers you cited actually indicated a rate of 80 births to every 1,000 teens in Santa Ana. That would come to an 8% birth rate, which compares favorably with the above-referenced O.C. rate.
BTW, Santa Ana Mayoral candidate Stanley Fiala emailed me a response to this post. He says he agrees with Bustamante that “Mexicans should be sterilized.” So there you go. Birds of a feather.
Lastly, the answer to all of this, as usual, is EDUCATION. Bustamante is allied with fellow Republican, SAUSD Trustee Rosie Avila, who is against teaching sex ed in our schools. She believes, like Sarah Palin, in abstinence only education. Well, the Palins found out the hard way that abstinence only education does not work!
I did NOT include any jokes or nicknames in this post. Please re-read the post. I take Bustamante’s comments seriously – they deserve to be scrutinized and lambasted.
Ben Dayhoe,
I agree that teens are not ideal parents. Again the answer is MORE education.
Take note by the way that Bustamante DID NOT specify teens in his comments. So who was he talking about?
Lastly, while teen pregnancies are not ideal, with proper support the children do not need to fall through the cracks.
Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama came from broken families. And look at what they have accomplished.
Our City leaders routinely ignore those who are needy and challenged. How else do you explain the fact that we have almost 400 hundred liquor licenses and only ONE library? And we have ten times as many liquor licenses as we do parks?
It is time for change in Santa Ana!
She believes, like Sarah Palin, in abstinence only education. Well, the Palins found out the hard way that abstinence only education does not work!
Art, that’s one of those myths the Leftosphere has been spinning out about Palin, and which the lazy media repeats. Palin doesn’t advocate abstinence-only sex education.
As for Carlos’ comment: you present a 9-second clip that is devoid of context and then twist his words beyond all recognition.
Besides, it’s hard to take issue with what he actually said. Do you disagree there are “people out there who are not good parents, and who shouldn’t be having kids”?
I agree with you about teeage pregnancies in general.
As art pedroza stated, your numbers of off. You misinterpreted LHA data.
I think it is wrong for you to place emphasis on race , culture and economic level unless you have studies supporting your opinion. if not then it is really only your honest opinion as you stated previously. Remember your point is fit to be parents- I agree with this in general.
In the video Carlos did not refer to teenagers, you did. So you
Who are we to pass judgement on these families?
May I remind you that Jesus Christ himself was born under less than ideal conditions – to a then unwed teenager.
BTW, the video clip is NOT edited. It is exactly what he said. It was part of a long boring movie. God only knows what set Bustamante off this time.
You do know Matt that the OC Lincoln Club declined to endorse your pal Bustamante this time around?
You know what that message meant. You read it on this blog all the time from supportes of Pulido and his choices on council.
More clearly these comments have been directed specifically at Santa Ana’s Hispanic community. Stating that parents of gang members are not fit to be parents.
I believe the statement was in response to a question of crime in the city. It was during a NICE committee meeting.
Yes there some individuals who should not be parents:
1. Corporate heads with no time for parenting.
2. Child abusers.
3. The severely mental handicapped.
I do not think these were the idividuals targeted by the comment though.
I know that voice….it is Gary Boatwright stating “who are you to decide who can and can’t have kids?” I have a you tube video Santa Ana Police want to make a point with him in it. This must have to do with homeless people and their children?
Bustamontes must get ready because there are probably going to be more people than ever in the streets with families the way the economics are going.
Who knows, the way the stock is falling at his bank he just might end up in the streets with his family.
Bustamontes parents were immigrants from Mexico, and they probably came and lived in the same cramped living conditions as everyone else. They started a business and succeeded. He should Thank God for his good fortune, many other children of immigrants were not so lucky. I wonder what his parents think of him now and the babosadas that come out of his mouth.
The moral of this story is Glass houses shouldn’t throw stones!
There are people in your city who should not be having kids….like the teenagers and all of the adults who dont discipline or supervise their children. He represents Santa Ana, it is a bit of a stretch for you to insinuate it was a racist comment against Latinos Art.
And you are you to decide who should and who should not be having kids? Henry Nicholas is rich and he was indicted. Should he have had children?
8 out of 10 teenage females in Santa Ana get pregnant.
There was no misinterpretation as those were the facts given to me over the phone about 9 months ago by a representative of Latino Health Access.
I never said all of them carry the child to full term.
Let’s move on, shall we?
There are teenagers having children and adults who do not discipline and supervise their children in every city . They are from every culture, race, and economic level.
If the statement was generic then there is no argument and we all agree.
If the statement is specific towards Hispanics, then, it is racist.
We do not not hear government officials that represent other cities making this statement about their residents. Why is that?
It is because it is directed at a community (Hispanic) that officials and their supporters in and outside of Santa Ana feel safe offending. Flowerszz proves it.
LOL art that is quite a tangent (not surprising)….I thought the issue was Carlos was being racist against latinos. The comment he made is his opinion and he is correct …there are in fact lots of people should not have kids…rich and poor, but alas they do. Has nothing to do with race, religion or wealth.
You are starting to sound a bit desparate with all you attacks here of your oponent…why not change the blog from OC blog to “vote for Art and hate Carlos blog”. Alot of self promoting going on here and I am sure your campaign has paid the fair market value for your ads here….we will all find out soon on your campaign reports.
Hmm lets see according to your rates page, you have the full banner on the front page which is $750 per month and a little side banner – top with priority that runs $500 per month – so that is $1250 per month for the past few months thatyour campaign should have paid….am I right?
how about no one having kids.
can anyone really afford them anyways?
education and protection. i dont care who says what but we can all agree that more people in what global resources (because they DO matter) are dwindling. we do not have enough water people, and running out of food, clean air and soil, and that is just the basics not services or anything else included.
educate all rich and poor, healthy and weak, too young and of age that making another life is a serious, SERIOUS thing and we need to stop acting like we can do whatever we want and start thinking about those who will be here in future generations and what resources they are going to be left with.
bottom-line, b-man should be specific if he is meaning a specific demo, talk about everyone and WHY. other than that everyone educate before procreate. we live in the world and should think about the whole not the “me”. if you are going to say “dont procreate” then say who and why, but dont be a coward.
lets talk about getting services to educate people and what they are and how it is going to happen. lets talk doing with what we have and making things work and building, conserving, growing…stop blaming and start working on the problems that face us as….and i agree, dont throw stones, that does jack-sh**. use the opportunities that you have to better the whole, that is why you are in office.
Lomeli – i’ll say it – there are too many people in my city as well, Costa Mesa having children that should not be. And guess what some of them are WHITE omg! Carlos represents a city that is predominately hispanic and that city has a VERY high teen pregnancy rate. End of story drama queens.
Besides you endorse Carlos – its on his website, so what are you critcizing him for? lol.
correction: there are too many people everywhere. so now that we got that established, let do something! get them educated, productive and making healthy choices that benefit the community and people as a whole
How ridiculous. I don’t have to pay myself for my ads. If this blog was a public company and I had to report to shareholders, that would not be the case. But it is mine.
This blog by the way is not a newspaper. It is an opinion driven blog. My opinion is that Bustamante is an awful Councilman. Most folks I know agree with that notion.
Lastly, Lomeli did NOT endorse Bustamante this year. Your boy Bustamante has lied on his site about many of his endorsements. In fact he lied about getting the Lincoln Club’s endorsement. He is so awful that even the Lincoln Club is NOT endorsing him. My attorney is sending his consultant a letter asking him to remove those false endorsements.
Yes but you are not your campaign Art….I would argue that since you charge other campaigns for ad space you should charge your own the same. Otherwise are you being “fair and balanced”? You yourself have touted how you have soooooo many readers, and that this is the only place to receive unbiased news, and yet it is becoming more and more the “vote for Art” news site…how fair and balanced is that?
And btw Carlos is not my boy, I would vote for neither of you. I am bringing this up only in the name of fair and balanced news and campaigns. LOL your attorney…don’t forget to pay your attorney from your campaign….that is definately required!
Art –
Come on! You can do better than this. I think we’re all in agreement that nobody should have kids that can’t take care of them and that this planet, especially this part of it, is overpopulated.
I mean, we take pets away from people when they’re neglected or abused, but human beings? Well, I guess we have to respect parental rights over those of the child who is technically a legal non-person until they’re 18. I know from experience. My parents should not have had children and the more I complained about their abuse, the more it was violently forced upon me that I was a worthless, insignificant ‘minor child’ that deserved it. In fact ‘minor child’ became my parents’ excuse and mantra and the police, involved many times in our domestic violence situations, never did a thing to help me and outright agreed (quite literally) that I was my parents’ property… hence my distrust of the government.
The abuse I suffered wasn’t illegal to them, it was ‘parenting,’ because as a straight-A student going through an identity crisis because my parents didn’t want me, it was somehow my fault that I was being abused.
Sorry Art, but you’re absolutely reaching on this one. Busty is bad, but this is not why.
Who are we to pass judgement on these families?
Art, you yourself already said you don’t know who Carlos was talking about, but now you do?
And to suddenly see the most judgmental guy in the OC blogosphere sermonizing about not passing judgment?
Let’s try an example: do you think a drug-addicted single woman should have a child? Do you think an unmarried 15-year old is well-equipped to be a good mother? The answer is no, and that exercise in recognizing the obvious is simple common sense.
May I remind you that Jesus Christ himself was born under less than ideal conditions – to a then unwed teenager.
Oh, come on. Mary was betrothed to Joseph when she conceived Jesus via the Holy Spirit. Comparing her situation to a teenager who gets knocked up is ignorant and offensive.
BTW, the video clip is NOT edited. It is exactly what he said. It was part of a long boring movie. God only knows what set Bustamante off this time.
I didn’t say it was edited. I pointed out it was a 9-second clip that has no context. Obviously, there was preceding dialogue that provides context but was left out of the clip — eliminating any context to the remark. Not that that prevented you from making several wild accusations based on no information. More of the ready-fire-aim attitude citizens want in their elected representatives.
You do know Matt that the OC Lincoln Club declined to endorse your pal Bustamante this time around?
Of course I knew. I also see they didn’t endorse you, either. And stop with the “my pal” business. I’m disappointed in Carlos’ record, among other things. Try dealing with the criticism of your post and leave off the lame attempts at deflection.
Flowerszzz says: “…it is becoming more and more the “vote for Art” news site…how fair and balanced is that?”
I don’t think that the OJ blog, or any other similar blog, claims to be fair and balanced. That is not what blogs are about.
It is called, “have an opinion” – let people know what that opinion is – and provide an opportunity for discussion of the issues. If you don’t like that – don’t participate.
Additionally, Carlos has the opportunity to start his own blog. That is “fair and balanced.”
You know what that message meant. You read it on this blog all the time from supportes of Pulido and his choices on council.
No, I do not know. And unless you can provide something…let’s say, evidence…that Carlos was directing his comments at Latinos because they are Latinos, you’re just engaged in entho-huffing-and-puffing.
junior –
‘It is called, “have an opinion” – let people know what that opinion is – and provide an opportunity for discussion of the issues. If you don’t like that – don’t participate.‘
Thank you! Finally! Someone who gets it!
So many teenage girls, so little time.
To me the issue isn’t teen pregnancies (an important issue to be sure and worthy of debate and intervention) the issue is ‘forgetting where you come from’ and it seems to me from what I read the Busty has forgotten where he came from.
Its axiomatic, unfortunately, that one who rises through the ranks and comes into a position of authority is often worse to those he came up with than one who comes to authority from outside. I suppose there are a lot of reasons for this but the one that makes the most sense to me is that these people are deluded by their good fortune to believe that they are somehow special or more deserving than those they grew up with.
To that I say, well ok, just dont expect us to vote for you.
The point is that neither you nor I know who Carlos was directing his message to.
You think it was directed towards teenagers.
I say based on previous arguments on this blog about crime and gangs in Santa Ana, it was directed at Hispanic parents.
I am simply stating my perception, as you have.
You and Flowerszzz are the ones saying Carlos is direcing his message to Hispanic teenagres based on the high Hispanic population in Santa Ana and it’s high teen pregnancy.
Carlos and I did not and have not had a conversation of supporting his campaign this term. lol
Good Job Lomielli you are finally getting the lingo down with your lol! I hav eno idea what Carlos intention of the statement is however, no matter his intention IMO he is correct.
Junior and SMS Art says it ALL the time, especially when he is criticizing other blogs about their coverage on topics…pay attention.
The point is that neither you nor I know who Carlos was directing his message to.
Exactly, which is why I criticized Art’s post.
You think it was directed towards teenagers.
No, I didn’t say that.
What I did was asked Art if he would “judge” that teenage girls shouldn’t have babies.
I say based on previous arguments on this blog about crime and gangs in Santa Ana, it was directed at Hispanic parents.
And you’re assuming Carlos based his comments on what people have said on this blog.
Thank you for correcting me on what you said.
I beleive you understand that there is a significant anti Hispanic sentiment in Orange County in particular with a significant part of the voters that are responsible for electing the Mayor of Santa Ana and those he supports.
This leadership has successfully manipulated negative perception of Hispanics in the city as beign responsible for all the city’s short comings. This is used as a tool for economic and political manipulation.
The strategy is beautiful. It gains votes and removes the government’s responsibilty in providing PROPER education, safety, public services and economic development to over 85% of the city’s population which is Hispanic.
Many voters in the city, on their own or by manipulation, have the belief that Hispanic residents of Santa Ana are under achievers, not capable of success , are not capable of deciplining their children, not capable of supervising their children, not taking responsibility in their children’s education and will never be capable of escaping poverty.
The argument then is that these people are not fit to be parents . They lack the requirements (listed above) to be fit parents.
Jubal, I do believe POLITICIANS will say what those that place them in power believe. He might not beleive it himself.
You understand this better than I. You are a GOP political machine.