(Picture courtesy of the L.A. Times)
You would have to be pretty drunk to hit a police car – and that appears to be what happened earlier this week, in Anaheim, when a police trainee and her supervisor were taken to a hospital after being rear-ended (see picture above).
“The officers, one male and one female, were slowly driving west on Orangethorpe Avenue shortly after 2 a.m. when their vehicle was hit from behind by a pickup truck that appeared to be traveling much faster than the patrol car,” according to the L.A. Times.
Here are a few more excerpts from the L.A. Times:
Anaheim firefighters had to extract the truck driver, Luis Bustamante of Anaheim, from his vehicle, and he displayed signs of intoxication, Martinez said.
Bustamante, 24, was taken to Western Medical Center in Anaheim for treatment and then booked at the Anaheim City Jail on suspicion of felony drunk driving and driving without a license.
As a defensive driving instructor for the National Safety Council, I can tell you that drunk drivers are often distracted by bright lights. And they tend to crash into things that they are looking at. In this case, the Bustamante fellow almost took out two police officers. They are fortunate to have survived this episode. The lesson for us – always be aware of who is around you when you are driving – and what they are doing. When you are out that early in the morning, you really have to watch out for other drivers as they might be inebriated drunks trying to find their way home.
In related news, a suspected drunk driver in Santa Ana struck a police officer early this morning.
“The driver, identified as Francisco Jimenez, was traveling north on Bristol and tried to turn into a parking lot when he lost control of the car. Jimenez hit a curb and caromed off the officer’s car and then struck the officer” according to the O.C. Register.
You may have noticed that I have closed this post to new comments. I think the horse has been beaten to death. Move on folks.
Bustamonte? A new low Arturo even from you… I hope you are rewarded. Your false advertising is also under scrutiny by truth seekers- try clicking on the ads, dear readers.
This is a pretty ridiculous attempt to somehow relate this person to Carlos Bustamante. I don’t understand why you need to use these tactics. C’mon, you’re better than that.
An Art is the guy who is always whining about the City Council’s Code of Ethics and lambasting the integrity of the incumbents.
As the first commenter said, this is low even for someone like you.
glad i didn’t vote for you…this just confirms it
wow, art, you just lost my vote with moronic post. That’s about as sleazy as Pulido and Alvarez. It makes me think that you’re no better than them. You must think we are dumb. It appears you’re a hack just like the rest of the council. What a disppointment you turned out to be.
Wow, you may want to research the word “libel” because if I were Carlos I would be slapping you over the head with it.
Just when I thought you’d moderated and matured somewhat, you come out with the sleazy piece of innuendo. You need professional help dude.
Oh, and any member of your blog team that gets on and defends this is a sad enabler. The others, conspicuous by their silence, aren’t much better.
It’s a joke, guys. Chill.
Ah, the patented “it’s a joke” defense. Now THAT is a joke.
The others, conspicuous by their silence, aren’t much better.
Silent on the comments page doesn’t always mean silent behind the scenes. All I’m saying.
The “it’s a joke” defense doesn’t even work when my 4 year old tries it. It would be best to take this down, don’t you think?
Dear readers,
Sorry for the late reply. I have been out walking precincts. As Sarah intimated, this post was done with tongue firmly planted in cheek. At no time did I ever refer to the “other” Bustamante in this post. Many of you need to secure a sense of humor. In the case of Matt “Jubal” Cunningham that may be impossible.
As for those of you who think this post is somehow libelous, may I suggest you contact Jose Hernandez’ attorney, Mr. Nathan Jacques Warren, III, and ask him to send me a nasty letter?
Elections by the way are not won on the blogs. They are won in the streets. We are walking precincts as are many of our volunteers – NO ONE is walking for either Bustamante.
Anon teacher,
No. I don’t think so. Perhaps we should ask the L.A. Times to take down their story too? Honestly. The voters aren’t stupid – unless of course they vote for the other Bustamante on Nov. 4, in which case they will get the politician they deserve.
The fact that you chose to bury the name “Luis” after the jump tells us all we need to know about the intent of this post.
Please, spare us the lame defense that absolutely nobody is buying.
I guess someone should start searching for all of the criminal acts perpetrated by Pedroza’a and post them around Santa Ana. Shameless and feeble. Don’t get me wrong, I would never vote for Bustamante but now I have to seriously reconsider voting for you. Can you honestly explain what this story has to do with anything? This blog is not well known for posting random crimes that occur in Los Angeles. Go ahead and explain, we’re waiting.
‘Ah, the patented “it’s a joke” defense. Now THAT is a joke.‘
Art pulled a ‘made ya look.’ It had nothing to do with Carlos. You fell for it. I pointed it out. Don’t shoot the messenger.
anon teacher,
That is a silly reaction. Anyone who would change their vote over this wasn’t going to vote for me in the first place.
We report on crime throughout the county all the time – and I just updated the post to include yet another instance of a drunk driver hitting a police officer. This one happened right here in Santa Ana early this morning.
As I have stated I wrote this post as a lark – I thought it was funny that a fellow named Bustamante was in big trouble. The only real objections are coming from people who never had any intention of voting for me.
This blog has always had fun doing what we do. I assure you that will never stop. If you want a boring blog by all means try the local red and blue blogs. They may be more to your liking.
Art, the LA Times didn’t put up a deliberately misleading headline.
This “joke” defense is lame and dishonest, and aren’t fooling anyone. You’ve stated on this blog that you think it is alright to employ any means in order to “take down’ the “Pulido cabal.” This is just an example of you applying your ends-justifies-the-means political morality.
‘This blog is not well known for posting random crimes that occur in Los Angeles‘
Oh yeah, and since when is Anaheim in Los Angeles? We didn’t leave Anaheim. Anaheim left us???
“Anyone who would change their vote over this wasn’t going to vote for me in the first place”
Wrong. Actually I probably will still vote for you but I would hope that your behavior would be a bit more mature in the future.
“Anyone who would change their vote over this wasn’t going to vote for me in the first place.”
Geezus, talk about having a tin ear.
End justifies the means? You mean like all the lies your wife and your pals are propagating on the Prop. 8 campaign? Give me a break. Go back to your vile red blog – we’re not buying your spin here.
Ethics is it, Arturo? What about the fake ads you have posted on this website? Can’t wait for the Reg/downtown/Albertson’s/Armour Meats cabal to get ahold of that, you know the Conspiracy is after you Art. Cuz you’re so important. Go Rocco!
You don’t get this moral, ethical and legal outcry from these same individuals when scandalous, libelous and slanderous attacks have occurred on some challenger mayoral and council candidates.
Are they just concerned when they think it has occurred on their candidate?
Good job in letting those objecting illustrate the contrast in how and when they are concerned with slander and libel.
The reaction is entertaining.
Art Lomeli,
Yes, I think you do get the same outcry and that’s why many of us aren’t voting for most of the incumbents. I just don’t agree with the “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” mentality. I’m glad you are entertained, but at this point I have personally encouraged and convinced people to vote for Art and it’s these type of tactics that can make Art look ridiculous.
Like it or not some of us have real lives. We don’t spend all day & night here, sometimes we’re actually away from our computers. So lack of comment is not a reflection of much.
The BIGGEST problem here is you who read this ASSUMED too much. Admit it. You either didn’t read the post correctly (gee that’s news) or you were so taken by your ASSUMPTION that you failed to read it and understand it properly.
I am more amazed by the lack of reading comprehension by our “readers” than I am about Powell’s endorsement of BO. Not to mention a teacher that is so geographically challenged.
Rintrah, go back to your pocket universe where you belong! Or your comic books from whence the name came.
Most of these posts have expressed dismay at Art’s ill-advised actions. South County repugs aside, many are voters in the SA. Castigating any criticism of your ticket-mate as reactionary may get more of a response than you imagine. I daresay that Rocco is looking mighty good from an absurdist perspective. I would stick to being a mouth plumber, Doc.
Rintrah is Blake’s God of wrath. Literacy I’D expect from deep OC.
If you don’t think that people are NATURALLY going to make the assumption you speak of, then there’s not much one can say about that. Except perhaps “get a clue”.
But then, that was the alleged intent of this post…to make people think he’s talking about Carlos. It’s only AFTER the flip (coincidence? I think not) that one learns that it’s not Carlos. You’d have a VERY difficult time convincing us readers who lack comprehension that every single person is going to make that jump.
None of the way that was all designed has ANYTHING to do with whether or not your readers can comprehend.
Well Rintrah, since both Rintrah and Urthona are characters from both Blake and Marvel Comics, Dr Strange, it was a tough call on my part which to choose. And my reference fit my desires better. So there you have it.
Let me add, Rocco isn’t looking good from any angle. He can’t even steal a bottle of Heinz and get away with it. You can go down to Burger King and get as many packets as you want for free. What a putz!
It’s called a hook. Is see it every time I go to the grocery store and check out.
The National Enquirer and many others use them all the time and NOBODY thinks twice about it.
The truth is in there, the name is correct as far as the story goes. You got duped in to reading the story and felt let down. Yes and I’m still looking for Space Aliens and Bigfoot too. Get over it.
Your analogy to The National Enquirer tells us all we need to know about this post. Thanks for that rare moment of transparency.
End justifies the means? You mean like all the lies your wife and your pals are propagating on the Prop. 8 campaign? Give me a break. Go back to your vile red blog – we’re not buying your spin here.
A patented Art Pedroza retort:
— refusal to respond to or refute what I said
— followed by vicious accusation he can’t back up
— followed by a gratuitous insult
— followed by an irrelevant, unsubstantiated insult.
Keep it up, Art. You continue to demonstrate you’re unfit for office.
You don’t get this moral, ethical and legal outcry from these same individuals when scandalous, libelous and slanderous attacks have occurred on some challenger mayoral and council candidates.
Are they just concerned when they think it has occurred on their candidate?
Good job in letting those objecting illustrate the contrast in how and when they are concerned with slander and libel.
The reaction is entertaining.
I didn’t vote for you, Dr. Lomeli — but only because I support Lisa Woolery, rather than opposing you. You’ve always seemed like a decent guy.
But your support of this sliminess by Art is certainly an eye-opener, and a poor reflection on you as a civic activist.
Worst of all is Carl’s defense of Art’s post. Carl and Thomas are about the only sane voices on this blog.
Carl, do you really, honestly believe that by putting “Bustamante” in the headline, Art did NOT intend for readers to think Carlos hit a police car while drunk?
Thank you I think Matt, I think…
I didn’t defend Art, I explained what happened.
I truly think you and others are making a mountain out of a mole hill. That’s my honest opinion.
It’s not what I would have done, but it really isn’t that big a deal. It’s not illegal, immoral or unethical. It might be misleading, but as I said, lots of things in life are, to one degree or another misleading to get you to open it up. I am still waiting for my Talking Dolphins as well as the Space Aliens and Bigfoot Found, come on.
YOU COULD BE A MILLIONAIRE! Do you really believe that? But I bet for years you bought magazines because you thought it made your chances better to win. Come on, there are bigger fish to fry! This was just an opportunity to get readers and page hits. Deep down you know I’m right. It not a big deal, let it go…
Matt, Honestly you should be tracking down the connection between the billions of dollars that the Joyce Foundation has at their disposal to not only give to ACORN, but to the Brady’s, Million Mad Mommies, the Friends of the Earth, and all the rest of the radical left groups that they have funded. While he was on the BOD. Then connect the dots not only to ACORN and Obama, but to the developers like Rezko and Obama. Why should I do all this work when you aren’t out there doing it to support your candidate. I have spent more than 100 hours in connecting the dots and I don’t see anybody smart or active enough to get the word out about how Obama has circumvented his oath of office as a IL State senator when he sat on the Joyce BOD and contracted to write fictional law review articles, that then were cited in federal court cases. WTF man there are far bigger fish to fry here and you’re worried about Art’s credibility??? Please.
Your pissing match with Art has clouded your judgment.
That’s my honest opinion!
Interesting that it’s only the two most liberal bloggers here that are (privately) upset about this post – and we are big supporters of Art, no fans of Carlos, and great believers in irreverence and humor! We – or maybe I should just say I for now – don’t think Art is helping his campaign much with shenanigans like this.
For now, fellow Juice bloggers, I think the best we can do is MORE POSTS QUICKLY so this thing at least gets off the front freakin’ page!
I’ll join you in that Vern, you can use we for us at least.
I also stand by my 8:44 post as well.
Get over it!
Art must be needy for attention – campaign sinking fast eh Art?
Actually while you guys were frothing at the mouth today I was walking precincts and phone banking. Bustamante is doing neither. In fact to date he has had one mailer, no precinct walking and no phone banking. No bueno…you cannot assume victory merely because you are an incumbent.
You are a fine one to talk about credibility. You DEFENDED Bustamante’s infamous waterbra remarks and you continued to defend disgraced former Sheriff Mike Carona even AFTER he was indicted. Have you EVER apologized for supporting these two? How dare you talk about the sanctity of marriage, and support Prop. 8, when your boy Carona was doing Debby’s at a time – and only one of them was his wife?
LOL I am not frothing at the mouth….drama mama. No one was – just calling you out for what you are. The way you titled the story was so you could get some attention – negative attention is better then no attention right Arty? There are quite a few “Pedroza’s” in OC jail right now – one is in for $$1 million dollars bail – perhaps I should write a story like yours over at the OCB.
And wasn’t Jubal the one who said he heard the Water Bra remark and reported it? Which btw I am a woman and soooo not offended by it….just a stupid thing that boys say. If a woman gets offended by that then she is way to sensitive in today’s world….and why are you offended – do you wear a bra? Lots of people supported Carona – I myself was one of them, a huge supporter. My son joined the Sheriffs exploeres because of him – then the story broke and he lost interest in the program….very sad for my son – Carona was his hero – but am I sorry to have supported him? NO. BUT I am sad that he got too big for his britches.
Matt –
‘Worst of all is Carl’s defense of Art’s post. Carl and Thomas are about the only sane voices on this blog.‘
Sanity must equate to agreeing with you then.
I think Art has indeed reached a new low with this post.
But is it any different from a blurb about Erwin Chemirinsky last week over on OCBlog. The headline in news roundup was something like “Professor speaks out against gay marriage” when the full headline for the story read “Professor speaks out against gay marriage ban.”
He was making a statement AGAINST Prop. 8 (the BAN on gay marriage), but the link made it seem that he was FOR the proposition.
So Jubal, until you fix the headlines that intentionally mislead readers on your own site, don’t come here to go after Pedroza.
As far as I’m concerned you’ve both reached DESPERATE points.
‘Carl and Thomas are about the only sane voices on this blog.‘
And what did poor old Larry do to not make Jubal’s cut? Don’t break a veteran GOP activist’s heart, Matt! 🙁
I was simply stating my observation of the reaction to the post. I am not defending any one.
This is line with my civic activism.
Misleading information is not the problem here. Politics revolves around misleading information. It is about defending your guy.
This is politics. Everyone commenting here understands politics.
Matt, you know this better than most – you are a GOP politico.
The person being defended here participates in giving out misleading information too.