AIG….our hero!!

Yesterday, the Federal Government (the taxpayers) bailed out American International Group, Inc. to the tune of $85 Billion dollars.  Morgan Stanley and Goldman – Sachs were soon to join Lehman Bros. as the biggest weenies on the block.  They now are looking for buyers!  Surprise..Surprise!  Someone bought the Lehman Bros. building and their stock investment arm for a little over $1 Billion dollars.  They seem to have a way to go…condering they are down over $1 Trillion in reality. So, how did “the too big to fail” AIG reward the American taxpayer who bailed them out?  Well, they got together with all the other slime Investment Banks (Unregulated right to steal groups)…and pulled out of all their Derivative and worthless Hedge Funds….at pennies on the dollar.  Once out, they immediately invested in Crude Oil….raising the price by a spike of $6 dollars a barrel.  They plan on continuing this process until they unwind all their worthless Derivatives and Hedge Funds.  Oil was on its way to $60 dollars a barrel….before these weenies ponied up their “smash and grab” winnings!

In the meantime, our friend Chris Cox at the Securities and Exchange Commission…is standing on the sidelines…waving his latest edit about “no more short selling”….which has nothing to do with the rampant theft of these so-called Investment Banks.  We still have that lovely “Enron Exception Rule”…brought into existence in the Budget Bill of 2000.  It allows people to buy oil and natural gas with 5% down and 31 days to pay.  It allows big run ups of commodity markets and is virtually “unregulated theft”!  Dare we remind you of the huge spike in electricity and gas prices back in the Grey Davis days?

So, what now?  The artificial “Speculator Spike-up World” is back into Crude Oil and Natural Gas.  Poor T. Boone Pickens…just when he actually had a chance to save America…….Secretary Paulson saves AIG!  Shouldn’t there be a “Brown Act”…or something against “collusion in Markets”?  Oh sure, they have that….but the problem is anyone with a computer can watch the market buys and the amounts being secured.  Even Aunt Mable…can join in the run up once those Institutional Investment boyz grab their mouse!

Morgan Stanley and Goldman – Sachs are busy trying to find stupid people to buy their baloney Investment vehicles!  From National Lampoon’s Vacation: “Think Mom is going to buy that?”  …”Nice talk..Rusty!”….

We need to let these dinosaurs……go the way of Prudhoe Bay!  Squish them and get as much out of them as possible!  By the way, the Shareholders are first ones to lose everything.  Administrators, top sales guys and CEO’s all flourish into wonderful Government work as Economic Advisors!


About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.