Yes we CAN solve Santa Ana’s shopping cart problem!

One of the major complaints I hear all the time in Santa Ana is that we need to do something about the shopping carts that folks often leave in our neighborhoods and on our streets.  They are unsightly and offensive and I agree that this is a problem in search of a solution.  And I have one.

What we need to do is start a bounty program for stray shopping carts.  I wrote about this before, but have now refined the proposal to include:

  1. Stores that have theft protection devices on their carts need not participate in the bounty program.
  2. The rest of the stores will have to offer their clients the use of their shopping carts to take their groceries home – with a BIG catch.  The clients must pay ten dollars for a cart voucher.  They will be given a voucher that they can return, with the cart, to get back their ten dollar deposit.  NO ONE is going to walk away from ten dollars – not in Santa Ana.
  3. But let’s say someone DOES leave their cart on a street or in someone’s front yard – now what?  Well, under the bounty program ANYONE could return the cart, sans the voucher, and get $5 back.  The store would profit $5 because someone did not bother to get their full deposit back.
  4. Under this scenario, might someone attack a person with a cart – to try to collect the bounty?  Well, the voucher could include the name of the client and his phone number.  The stores could then call the number on the voucher, if the person returning the cart has a different name than that name which appears on the assigned voucher.  If the client was robbed of his cart and voucher the police would then be summoned.
  5. This program will work because if folks don’t return their carts, neighborhood teens and others who could use $5 will return the carts in order to get their hands on $5.

If stores allow folks to take their carts without getting a voucher, guess what?  Those stores will be stuck paying $5 bounties to those who return the shopping carts.  How quickly do you think those stores will improve their parking lot and store security systems?  Or they will install anti-theft devices in the carts, which is a better option.

So mission accomplished.  No more shopping cart problems in Santa Ana.  In the past 20 years no one on the Santa Ana City Council has come close to solving the shopping cart problem.  As I have stated before, our City Council Members are not the most creative bunch…this is one of the reasons I am running for Ward 3 on our City Council.

We CAN solve the problems in our city, but not by doing the same things we have been doing for over 20 years, with no results…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.