“When John Edwards admitted Friday that he lied about his affair with filmmaker Rielle Hunter, a former employee of his campaign, he may have ended his public life but he certainly ratified an end to the era in which traditional media set the agenda for national political journalism,” according to Tim Rutten in the L.A. Times.
“A number of news organizations with resources far greater than The Enquirer’s, like The New York Times, say they looked into the Edwards matter and found nothing solid enough to report, while others did not look at all,” according to the New York Times, which is now in the uncomfortable position of having to admit that they fumbled the ball on this story.
Did the story matter? I think so. It spoke to Edwards’ lack of character. And he was on the short list to join the Barack Obama administration, should Obama become our next President. Now Edwards appears to be toast as even his own party has banned him from speaking at their upcoming national convention.
The National Enquirer took the lead on the Edwards story, going as far as to chase the man in a hotel while he met with the woman who had been his mistress and who may have delivered his latest child. But the rest of the new media, particularly the blogosphere, also reported on the story while the T.V. news networks and the big newspapers turned up their collective noses.
Newspapers are quickly going out of business in today’s new economy. How can they afford to get scooped by the National Enquirer and the blogosphere?
Furthermore it is obvious that the Mainstream Media DOES limit what they report – they are NOT objective after all. Edwards was a media favorite, so the MSM protected him. And the new media took him out – or perhaps I should say that his behavior undid his aspirations.
Locally the Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) Melahat Rafiei, hung her hat on the success of the DPOC’s Truman Dinner and bringing her Edwards to town. The DPOC has been very quiet as Edwards’ political career has blown up.
But the DPOC’s unofficial blog, the Liberal OC, did weigh in on the matter as Dan C. had this to say about Edwards, “I’m not sure the former North Carolina Senator will be able to recover from this politically speaking. But if Newt Gingrich can survive after being a serial adulterer, anyone can.”
Whatever. Let’s put aside the adultery for a moment. The real news here is that the MSM utterly failed to report this story. And it the story DID have major repercussions. Whether or not Edwards can survive lying to the media and to his wife and to the American people is besides the point. The MSM cannot long survive by letting the new media break the news…
Oh, right, the mainstream media protected Edwards…that’s why all the talking heads never said anything about his $400 haircut.
It isn’t the stories about who is sleeping with whom that the MSM needs to do a better job at. Let’s leave those dregs to the National Enquirers and the gossip blogs. The MSM needs to be doing a better job on stories like the leadup to the war.
The haircut story WAS awful – and in hindsight it provided a glimpse at the narcissism that Edwards is now copping too.
But think about it. This guy wanted to be President. And he was willing to settle for being our next U.S. Attorney General. Do you really want a big-time liar in charge of the U.S. Department of Justice?
I was never an Edwards fan – and this story simply proves that my misgivings about him were true. But all that aside, the real story here is that old media utterly failed to report a big story. But the new media never let go of it.
It is a brave new world for politicians – you just can’t hide anymore.
As to your other point, yes the media BLEW it with regard to the War in Iraq. After 8 years of Bush you have to believe that this won’t happen again – but I have a feeling that the new media will continue to do a better job than the old media of getting to the truth, warts and all…
Actually, you were talking up Edwards, albeit for a brief period, on this very blog.
I wasn’t arguing whether or not Edwards is qualified to hold office. And as for the MSM, I really don’t want them pouring their dwindling resources into finding out who is sleeping with whom. There are much, much bigger fish to fry. Let’s leave that style of reporting to the National Enquirer.
I think you are thinking of our former blogger Claudio. He is a big fan of Edwards. I never have been.
Don’t you know, there’s no media bias…
I have never thought that lawyers make good chief’s of executive offices, gov., pres. or otherwise. Apologies to you out there who are lawyers, but that’s my opinion. I have lots of experience working with many good folks who practice law, some good, some bad, but generally they think too much about the minutiae. Those who go after class actions especially.
(J.D.’s don’t count if they don’t practice, Mike!)
To some of us it is not the affair, it is the lying about it, that is fatal. Yes, Clinton lied too – for some reason he was only wounded by that fact, vs. having his political career ended. Others who have lied and been caught were done in politics (as in Gary Hart).
As one example, you opened an August 25, 2007 post with this line;
“I am really starting to warm up to Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards.”
Hey, let’s not forget that the MSM has NEVER ran a story about George W Bush’s marriage, even though the scandal mags have run TONS of stories about Laura staying at the Mayflower hotel as George canoodles with Condi.
excellent video that sums up the story in 3 minutes. Some great photos and video portions for ironic twists: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzqICrPKERM
Let’s put this into perspective; ex-presidential candidate admits to consensual affair. as opposed to, oh, let’s just take one of the many Bush administration scandals [that YOU have NEVER bothered to blog about] like the one where George and Dick want to ‘CREATE’ evidence to gin up a WAR against Iran.
When we posted this story in Dec. 2007 (and we certainly weren’t the only blog to do so) the article was hit about 6,000 times, leading me to believe that it was absolutely newsworthy with or without Edward’s admission. After all – all the same elements are there. Not much has changed in a half a year.
The fly in the ointment here though is that is shows pretty plainly how bent the media is. Oh yeah, I know, they’ll cover liberal goofs when they absolutely have to. The cable news networks are forcing them to cover all sorts of things they didn’t want to cover before….
However the newspapers – like the NY Times will splash an unproven, story about McCain alleged affair all over the front page, while the Edwards story (which has had sources, photos, witnesses and the woman’s allegations) was flatly ignored.
Now the liberal press proports “he’s not running for anything, why does it matter?”
Well, the story happened when he was running for something – he then was a viable VP candidate and lastly, yes, he STILL in active in the political process, stumping for Obama.
To say it’s not a legitimate, serious story is pure nonsense – and since I seriously doubt Edwards is coming clean about the child being his, it will continue to be a story.
Danny Vice
I don’t have to – I brought Vern Nelson on board to cover all that – and he does a great job in that arena.
I can’t cover everything by myself…that is why we have a dozen bloggers on the OJ team.
Good point! I have a feeling that most politicians in DC cheat on their wives.
I recently met the VP candidate for the Libertarian Party, Wayne Root. He had a great line when he discussed his family, “I have had four children…all with the same woman.”
Like Root I also have had four children with the same woman – and after being married for 21 years I can say that our marriage is better than ever. The last thing I would ever want to do is go cheat on her and destroy my family.
These cheating politicians must not care much about what they are doing to THEIR families.
GOOD POINT 11 . the press and msn did not want to cover this because its a dem that is in trouble here , look at the mccain fiasco . the ny times is a scumbag newspaper like msnbc is in the tank for any democrat . if this was a republican it would be going on day 4 of constant 24 hr coverage .
Pride goeth before the fall- what presidential candidate needs to heed this message?
Edwards not only deceived his wife and family, but he violated the trust in his staff and supporters who campaigned for him. And he duped those who supported his quest to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Furthermore, he placed the Democratic Party at risk in its journey to defeat the Reps. What was he thinking?
For those who attempt to discredit this blog let this be a lesson – the “legitimate media” – whatever that is – is fraying around the edges. The National Inquirer stayed on this story and we all should be grateful they did. It’s a sad day when the multi-Pultizer Prizer winning NYTimes gets black-eyed by a so-called gossip rag.
I am so sorry that one of yours screwed up and you want to treat his fling as a non-issue. I guess Obama and company differ with your assessment. Perhaps you can explain to the Juice readers why his speech at the upcoming DNC convention has been cancelled.
When I was younger I could keep up with people like you. Shifting gears without stepping on the clutch and blowing the trannie. It takes practice.
Obviously you are doing your best to justify the MSM blowing this story. for the most part, bloggers are not worried about corporate sponsors or whether or not John would come into a studio and do an interview with us. As such we have nothing to lose by covering ALL the news rather than satisfying a litmus test to see what the backlash might be if we engage in hard ball coverage.
‘When I was younger I could keep up with people like you. Shifting gears without stepping on the clutch and blowing the trannie. It takes practice.‘
It’s called ‘powershifting.’ *blush*
We really need to either get out of people’s bedrooms or eliminate opaque walls and clothing. I’m ok supporting either option.
Respectfully you do not get it. The key point to this post is that bloggers are more inclined to cover these stories while mailstream media watches too many road signs. You know which ones they are. They read: “proceed with caution.”
In an older post I responded using an illustration of Barry Bonds being interviewed by a national sports reporter about the BALCO scandal. The next night Barry hits two tape measure home runs and the same reporter needs to get an interview, approached Barry, and Barry flips him off him because he just wrote a negative story about alleged drug use.
The MSM is afraid to write negative stories about elected officials, especially when the are registered as “Dem’s” for fear of an information lock out. John Edwards is still a high profile player in the USA and the news media does not want to be excluded from any future interface.
I think the fear of an information lock out extends beyond the fear of what “Dems” might do; the spineless MSM reporting that took place during the run up to the war was largley based on fear of not getting access to the White House.
Also, for what it’s worth, Edwards is, finally, getting far more scrutiny than Bob Barr or Newt Gingrich did for their maneuverings.
Larry, in my opinion you do not get it. Neither media should cover these stories. Lets draw the line at illegal, and leave the bedroom out of it.
As to the rise of new media, I hope that you are not claiming the Inquirer, the Star, and these other tabloids as one of your’s. I very much appreciate blogs which can state suspicion and opinion as authoritatively as mainstream media can state facts.
I think that the ability of our elected officials to “freeze-out” the press of either media is something that needs to be addressed so that all of our media sources will not have to play ball to have access. Its not such a big deal with sports figures but the elected officials have to answer to the public, through the media.
We cant have a situation like the Iraq war happen again because we didnt get the truth out.
#22 anonymous.
There was a time when the bedroom was off limits. Those days ended sometime after JFK took office and really became part of routine news coverage during and after the Clinton years. Elected officials of both major parties have been on the front pages regarding their non-political life choices.
Let’s not forget Elliot Spitzer, governor of New York State and Lt. Gov. Paterson who, immediately after taking over that post, acknowledged his extra curricula romantic exploits.
Hate to inform you but each day the mainstream news directors meet to select the lead stories, the evidence shows that this is what the public wants to read. “Sizzle sells,” not just the National Inquirer.
Bleed leads.