Libertarian Norm “Firecracker” Westwell has been re-elected to the Ocean View School District School Board, in Huntington Beach – without an election! As Westwell put it, he saved $87,000 of taxpayer dollars as an election for the OVSD offices was not held. Apparently no one challenged the incumbents.
Westwell owns a family business which produces competitive swimwear and athletic apparel for teens. How very Huntington Beach!
Westwell was first elected to the OVSD School Board in 2006. He is an active member of the Libertarian Party of Orange County.
I met Norm when he first ran for the OVSD Board. He ran for City Council and School Board simultaneously and had these huge homemade signs around town saying Elect Norm “Firecracker” Westwell. Running for two offices at once was unusual as was advertising a nickname like “Firecracker” but Norm kept it up for several election cycles and finally got elected to fill a short two year term when a Board member resigned. From what I hear Norm, despite his eccentric positions on some issues, has been one of the more dependable Board Members and one of the more down to earth voices on the board.
Mongo likes firecrackers and Norm is okay by Mongo. OVSD is a good district and Norm seems to be focused on being a good Board Member so Mongo is glad to have him back.
His signs were very visible each year. I wonder if that is what gave Briscoe the crazy idea…but that is another blog.
Check out Norm’s eccentric positions: