Latest poll. John Zogby, hottest pollster in the USA today”

Following is “part of” the latest Internet survey of John Zogby, CEO Zogby International  “the hottest pollster in the USA today.” Here is your chance to see the Aug. questions and provide your answers.

1.  The issue of overseas trade, both imports and exports, has been at the forefront of the national debate. Can you tell me for which industries you support trade (choose all that apply)
  Technology and electronics devices  
  Professional services  
  Health care  
  Not sure  

2.  Overseas trade and global manufacturing have drastically reduced the costs of consumer electronics sold in the United States. Do you think that this is very good, somewhat good, somewhat bad or very bad for the United States?

3.  The United States has created about 25 million jobs in the last 15 years. Do you believe America would have added more or less jobs if we had been more restrictive in our overseas trade?
 America would have created more than 25 million jobs  
 America would have created less than 25 million jobs  
 The number of jobs would have been about the same  
 Not sure/Don’t know  

4.  Do you agree or disagree you benefit personally from overseas trade, or not?

5.  Please tell us which statement is closest to your own opinion about the types of industry in America.

Statement A: America should stick with more traditional jobs in manufacturing and other long-standing industries.

Statement B: America should focus on high-tech and jobs in the service industry.
6.  Some say there is an anti-trade sentiment in America. What, if anything, do you think could be behind such sentiment?
 Negative reporting from protectionists in the media  
 Concern about the long-term future of jobs  
 Legitimate complaints that America is being taken advantage of  
 News stories that focus on the outsourcing phenomenon  
 I don’t think there is an anti-trade sentiment in America  
 Not sure  

7.  Some say there is an anti-trade sentiment in America. What, if anything, do you think could be behind such sentiment? Same list as #6 above.
8.  Please tell us which statement most closely matches your own opinion about U.S. corporations with overseas operations.

Statement A:They are harming American workers by shifting or creating jobs overseas. They should add those jobs in the United States even if it costs more.

Statement B: They are practicing smart business by placing workers in the most cost efficient locations. In doing so, they actually help the United States by remaining competitive.

9.  Can the United States remain the leader in technology and innovation if it restricts overseas trade?

10.  On a scale of 1 to 5, with one being not at all and 5 being very much, how important to you personally are the following results of overseas trade?
Low-cost clothing        
Affordable electronics devices        
Selection of fruits and vegetables throughout the year        
Quality automobiles        

11.  Overseas trade has no doubt changed our economy. It has reduced the costs of goods such as food, electronics and clothing. At the same time it has forced Americans to become more competitive with workers overseas. On the whole, has this been a good or bad thing?
12.  Would America be the economic leader it is today without overseas trade?
13.  If the election for President of the United States were held today and the candidates are Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain, for whom would you vote?
14.  If the election for President of the United States were held today and the candidates are Democrat Barack Obama, Republican John McCain, Libertarian Bob Barr, and independent Ralph Nader, for whom would you vote?
15.  Between Republican John McCain, Democrat Barack Obama, Libertarian Bob Barr, and independent Ralph Nader, which candidate for President in 2008 do you believe can best manage gas prices and energy issues?
16.  Between Republican John McCain, Democrat Barack Obama, Libertarian Bob Barr, and independent Ralph Nader, which candidate for President in 2008 do you believe can best manage the economy and jobs?

17.  Between Republican John McCain, Democrat Barack Obama, Libertarian Bob Barr, and independent Ralph Nader, which candidate for President in 2008 do you believe can best manage the War in Iraq?

18.  Between Republican John McCain, Democrat Barack Obama, Libertarian Bob Barr, and independent Ralph Nader, which candidate for President in 2008 do you believe can best manage the War on Terror?
19.  Between Republican John McCain, Democrat Barack Obama, Libertarian Bob Barr, and independent Ralph Nader, which candidate for President in 2008 do you believe can best manage health care?
20.  Between Republican John McCain, Democrat Barack Obama, Libertarian Bob Barr, and independent Ralph Nader, which candidate for President in 2008 do you believe can best manage foreign policy issues?
21.  Between Republican John McCain, Democrat Barack Obama, Libertarian Bob Barr, and independent Ralph Nader, which candidate for President in 2008 do you believe overall would be a better leader for America?

22.  Overall, how would you rate the job performance of the U.S. Congress?
23.  Overall, how would you rate the job performance of your U.S. Congressional Representative?
24.  In your U.S. Congressional District, which party’s candidate do you plan to vote for in the race for that Congressional seat in November?
25.  Which political party currently controls the U.S. House of Representatives?

26.  Which political party currently controls the U.S. Senate?
27.  Which political party do you believe is most to blame for high fuel prices?
28.  Do you think Libertarian Bob Barr should be included in the presidential debates?
29.  Do you think independent Ralph Nader should be included in the presidential debates?

30. Should Orange Juivce fonder Art Pedroza be elected to the Santa Ana city council?          ..Who added this one?

About Larry Gilbert