“At least 28 people were arrested – some of them dressed as Disney characters – during a union protest against Disney hotels, Anaheim police Sgt. Rick Martinez said,” according to the O.C. Register.
Amongst those arrested? Former Santa Ana Councilman Mike Garcia’s wife Rosa! She dressed up as a fairy, which you will see in the above video, and Mike ended up staying home to take care of the kids. Talk about a role reversal – but way to stay involved Mike and Rosa!
Kudos to the protesters – I love to see folks take a stand for what they believe in.
Kudos to Rosa and I tip my hat to Mike for supporting his wife’s conviction.
Walt is turning in his grave.
Without the workers, Disneyland is nothing.
Think about it for a minute. This week we are seeing photos of the Olympic Games including Tiananmen Square where 19 years ago protestors were massacred or hauled off never to be seen again.
Look back to the Soviet Union where protestors disappeared or were sent to a Gulag labor camp in Siberia. Yes, each of these examples relate to protestors against the government which is not the same as the private sector.
The good news is that we have the right to assemble..the right to protest..protected by the First Amendment.
When the dust settles, and it will, think about the winners and losers. We have just read that Disney has raised their theme park ticket prices.
I don’t know how or when this labor dispute will be resolved. I do know that if it impacts serious money, the park attendees will eventually pick up the tab.
As to Mike Garcia’s wife, and all those others detained they at least participated in expressing their position.
Bottom line. At the end of the day no one forces you to accept a job at Disneyland. If you are not happy with your compensation and benefits there is no ball and chain on your legs. They are gambling that the bulk of employees will not abandon the “good ship lollypop.”
Banks are failing, but American Labor is on the rise! Does anyone besides Larry remember the Reg’s diatribes against child care and HMO’s as creeping socialism? Will Mickey weep?
P.S.-I’m voting for Ron Paul cuz I don’t like the idea of public roads- those little unimportant people don’t deserve to clog up MY right of way!
I wish American Labor was on the rise. Our earnings will continue to decline from what they were in Labor’s heyday because even if there are a few more members few of them make anything like a living wage. I dont get it Rintrah, perhaps you were believing Labor’s press releases.