Upcoming conservative conference will focus on Prop. 13

The Western Conservative Political Action Conference is coming up in October, in Newport Beach naturally, but while they will be attacking immigrants and gay marriage, they are making Prop. 13 the theme of their conference.  If only they would completely sunder their ties with the Taliban wing of the GOP and just focus on cutting taxes, limiting the growth of government, and protecting the U.S. Constitution.

As one might expect, OC GOP hack blogger and immigrant basher Jon Fleischman, who recently got caught trying to bribe an Orange County podiatrist in the amount of $2,500 so he could meet with GOP California Insurance commissioner Steve Poizner, is on the WCPAC board.  Fleischman also was red-faced when one of his bloggers was charged with six felonies a couple of weeks ago.  (I have a feeling ethics won’t be an item of discussion at this conference).

Poizner and crazy Congressman Dana Rohrabacher will also be speaking at this conference.  Most likely Rohrabacher will talk about the dangers of wearing panties on your head and of course the threat of asteroids.  Poizner on the other hand will probably send Fleischman through the audience, like a church usher, to collect more payola.

Here is the official press release announcing the WCPAC:

(Newport Beach, CA) – The Western Conservative Political Action Conference (WCPAC) announced today that Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA) will co-host this year’s conference, October 10th and 11th at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach California.

The theme of the conference will be Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Prop 13. “We continue to see legislation out of Sacramento that seeks to attack the tenets of Prop 13” said HJTA President Jon Coupal, “We welcome the opportunity to remind everyone of the important home owner and property rights protections Prop 13 has ensured for Californians these past 30 years.”

This year’s WCPAC conference will also host panels that focus on the state of the conservative movement across topics including Immigration, Energy/Oil Exploration and the Protection of Marriage. “We are excited to have Howard Jarvis Taxpayers partner with our conference” said WCPAC Chairman Jim Lacy, “We feel our panels will provide thoughtful discourse across a spectrum of pertinent conservative issues.”

WCPAC seeks broader understanding and acceptance of conservative political philosophy through its conferences and is supported and affiliated with the American Conservative Union (which sponsors the national Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington D.C.)

For additional information on WCPAC or to register online click here.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.