Some guy named “K. Lloyd Billingsley” wrote a commentary in today’s O.C. Register defending Santa Ana Clowncilman Carlos Bustamante for his “water-bra” comments. Billingsley compared what Busty said to former Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante’s infamous use of the “N-word,” which had no repercussions on his political career (which to be fair was already a joke).
Billingsley wrote that Busty’s comment was just a joke and we are being too sensitive. This guy Billingsley actually works for a research institute! That is truly hard to believe.
The fact is, Busty’s comment was wrong because of the implication that Sheriff Hutchens got her job merely because she was a woman. It is hard to believe that Busty works for the County in a position of hiring and firing people. He is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger did the right thing in asking Busty to fall on his sword. The fact is, he never should have appointed Busty to the state Fair Housing and Employment Commission. Busty simply was not qualified for the job. That Commission is populated by lawyers and other professionals and most of them are women who are better educated and better qualified to be on that Commission than Busty will EVER be.
It is hard to believe that anyone would defend Busty’s comments. The good news is that I know of several ladies who are considering taking him on in November. He won’t survive such a challenge and will soon be off the Santa Ana City Council.
Perhaps Billingsley’s dorky research institute can hire Busty to be their spokesperson on harassment issues. Good luck with that!
I for one am relishing Carlos getting dragged through the mud. He constantly hounded Sal and other council members about Art, Thomas and myself being bad for the city. He argued that our blogging activities were embarassing to the city and we were bringing shame to our positions.
Well congratulations Carlos you have embarassed Santa Ana far more than any of us could ever do and you have brought much greater shame to your position than any of us ever could.
Carlos’ arrogance has finally got the best of him and his lifeline has slipped from his grasp. I doubt the GOP looks at him as an “up and coming star” within their ranks anymore.
With that being said, it is gonna be difficult to take him out in November. Don’t get me wrong, he is beatable. However you’ll either need money or name recognition or preferably both.
John Palacio are you listening???
You are so right! Bustamante led the charge to implement the same “Code of Ethics” that he has already violated three times, just so he could get rid of the blogger commissioners. Well, things have not turned out very well for Busty.
I heard yesterday that the OC GOP is definitely walking away from him. He is now an army of one. Well, this guy Billingsley seems to like him, but that’s about it!
Art –
I think the party is scapegoating him in order to pander to female voters, but that’s neither here nor there. We all know the OC GOP is really a boys club.
Apparently you guys were right about the fallout from Carlos’ mouth though. Well, almost. If someone takes him out now, he’s done; otherwise, expect a reconciliation in November.