R.E.D. Alert: Where in the Ward are You?

R.E.D.(Real Estate Diversion) Alert. When you need to take a break from politics, give your mind a rest in Real Estate!mental ward

Where in the Santa Ana Wards are you? Santa Ana’s geographic council wards, to be more specific!  Santa Ana takes up a big chunk of real estate which has been divided up into 6 sections, each represented by one council member.

What has your Council Rep done for your property values lately?   What are their pet projects that impact your neighborhood and residence?   Why did Michele Martinez give so much of her time volunteering at SAUSD to pass Measure G?  Why- the school district office is smack dab in the middle of her Ward 2!  Which of the council members have been the most helpful to Mike Harrah in his attempts to construct One Broadway Plaza? Who’s selling Willowick down?  Would it suprise you if Sal Tinajero was present to congratulate high school graduates at Saddleback High School?  It’s should be no suprise, because SHS is part of his Ward 6.

Can you pick your Council Ward Representative out of a line up?

sa council

It helps to know which Ward each council member represents.  When you see the influential Ward 5 that Claudia Alvarez represents, it is no wonder at all why she has been named Mayor Pro Tem.  Do you think that Vincent Sarmiento might hobnob with the rich and powerful in the neighboring cities of Tustin and Irvine from his position in Ward 1?  Gazing at the city council  Ward map, it sure looks like David Benavides of Ward 4, represents one of the smallest and least politically-influential wards in the entire city.  Do you really think that Carolos Bustamante will allow the Willowick Golf Course to be replaced by those massive Mexican USA Chivas soccer fields that will serve all of the youth of Santa Ana, and at the risk of going against the power and finances of the Floral Park Neighborhood Association (FPNA) that dominates his Ward 3?   Are you happy with your Ward representative?

Do you think your Council Representative enhances the Real Estate property values in your particular Ward?

CITY COUNCIL (4-year term)
*Mayor Miguel A. Pulido (Re-elected 11/07/06, term expires 11/2008)
City Manager David N. Ream (Appointed 07/14/86)
Ward 1 Vincent F. Sarmiento (Appointed 1/2/2007, term expires 11/2008)
Ward 2 Michele Martinez (Elected 11/07/06, term expires 11/2010)
Ward 3 Carlos Bustamante (Elected 11/02/04, term expires 11/2008)
Ward 4 David Benavides (Elected 11/07/06, term expires 11/2010)
Ward 5 Claudia Alvarez (Mayor pro Tem) (Re-elected 11/02/04, term expires 11/2008)
Ward 6 Sal Tinajero (Elected 11/07/06, term expires 11/2010)

Santa Ana Ward Map

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