OJ blogger Vern Nelson putting on piano concert this Sunday in H.B.

Orange Juice blogger Vern Nelson is going to put on a piano concert this Sunday, June 13, 6PM, at the Huntington Beach Central Library — the Best One Yet, he says! Vern will be playing:

  • Andrew Imbrie: SHORT STORY (1980) [Vern’s old composition teacher who died this year]
  • JS Bach: Prelude & Fugue # 7 & 8 from the Well-Tempered Clavier Book 1
  • Vern’s E-flat minor medley [Beach Boys’ Good Vibrations / Nino Rota’s Romeo and Juliet theme / Joe Jackson’s Steppin’ Out / Brubeck’s “Take Five (really by Brubeck’s sax player Paul Desmond, and including a little of Lalo Schiffrin’s Mission Impossible theme)]
  • Chopin: Nocturne in B Major, Polonaise in A-flat Major
  • BRAZIL (new arrangement)
    – intermission –
  • John Coltrane: Naima (new arrangement)
  • Pink Floyd: ECHOES (1971)

The Huntington Beach Central Library is located at 7111 Talbert Avenue., in Huntington Beach.

Also, Vern is playing Friday and Saturday nights at Baci Italian Restaurant again! Except not THIS Saturday night! So if you can’t make it to his concert Sunday, at least come Friday to Baci. It’s on Beach Blvd. in Huntington Beach between Ellis and Garfield, next door to the IHOP, call first (714) 965-1194.

Vern says he hopes to see you all soon!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.