ECCO takes a stand against Prop. 8 this Sunday at Joe Dunn’s home

ECCO is holding an important fundraiser to raise money to fight Prop. 8, this Sunday at former State Senator Joe Dunn’s home in Santa Ana.  I wonder if any of the Santa Ana Clowncil Members will attend?  Maybe Dunn can shame them into formally taking a united position against Prop. 8.  Read on for more info. about this event from Jeff LeTourneau of ECCO:

Throughout time, historic events have occurred which change the face of society. Proposition 8, on the November ballot is just such an event. If this measure passes, marriage will be restricted to one man and one woman unless overturned by the US Supreme Court, an event unlikely to occur in the
next 15-20 years.

Bottom line….one shot, win or loose, no second chance. If ever there was a time for action, this is it!

As a proven political ally we have worked together as we struggle for a progressive agenda of fairness dignity and equality. We will continue our support and urge you to come to our aid at this difficult time. Please consider sponsoring the upcoming event listed below. Times are hard, competition for political funds is intense but we have no choice. Its now or never!

Jeff LeTourneau
ECCO Political Director

ECCO and Special Guest Brian Chase, senior staff attorney for Lambda Legal.

request the honor of your presence in celebration of Full Marriage Equality at our Nuptial Bliss Wedding Reception.

Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 3 o’clock until 5 o’clock P.M. at the Home of (ret.) Senator Joe & Diane Dunn. (Call for location) for champagne, hors d’oeuvres, dancing, and favors

$55 per person $100 per couple. Sponsorships available (see below). RSVP ASAP.

ECCO: Telephone (949) 975-0866. E-mail :

Attire: Dressy Casual or Resort Wear

On May 15, 2008, the On May 15, Supreme Court ruled that marriage is a basic right of all Californians. In response, our opponents have placed an initiative, Proposition 8, on the ballot that would define marriage as solely between a man and a woman. If successful, this amendment would overturn the Supreme Court’s decision and place marriage discrimination in the decision a Constitution.

It is currently estimated that the LGBT Community must raise an unprecedented $20-25 Million Dollars to defeat this measure!

Please support this special day by becoming an event sponsor. Decades of struggle have finally paid off. Don’t let misplaced fear take away our rights!

Sponsorships are as follows: Gold Sponsor—$1,000 Admits 8 guests. Silver Sponsor—$500 Admits 4 guests. Bronze Sponsor—$250 Admits 2 guests.

All Sponsorships include one ceremony (if desired), one toast, one framed 5×7 photograph, mini photo album (6 photos) and one song choice for that special dance.

Opportunities are also available for any couple to have their wedding ceremony performed by an ordained nondenominational minister or credentialed official. Please contact Susan Freeze (714) 267-8752 in advance for additional information.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our event sponsors (a partial list):

(ret.) Senator Joe & Diane Dunn
Pride Catering of Orange County
Steven Kalous & David Copeland
www.pridecateringocwww. (714) 567-9213

Fly by Night Disc Jockeys
Larry Barrett
www.fbncorp.www (714) 698-8250

Orange County/Long Beach Blade
Jeff LeTourneau/Robert Nio

D.R. Heywood
Jim Toledano
Glenn & Susan Freeze
Harvey Liss/Aaron DeGrood
Jim & Carina Pantone
Brian Keller/Mike Losquadro
Scott Westerfield/Ed Miskevitch
Dr. Max Schneider/Ronald Smelt
Pat Magee

MAIL CHECKS TO: ECCO PAC 1700 East Garry Ave., Suite 231 MAIL TO: EC, CA 92705

Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes. Federal ID C00192302. FPPC 822380.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.