Gloria Alvarado (pictured above) is running for the Santa Ana Unified School District’s Board of Education. But you would not know that if you searched for her name on The only relevant return you will get is two articles I wrote here at the Orange Juice blog.
However Alvarado does have a campaign website. You just cannot find it by searching for it. I found that to be the case with her fellow candidate Valerie Amezcua’s website as well. Apparently their webmasters leave much to be desired. And the parallels don’t end there. Both Alvarado and Amezcua fail to list their education. But Amezcua does have an “About Me” page. Alvarado does not.
I am told that Amezcua (pictured above with her dad Al) is close to finishing her undergraduate degree. But who knows what sort of education Alvarado has. Why both of these school board candidates are hiding their educational accomplishments from the voters is a mystery.
All I know about Alvarado is that she is a parent of kids who go to SAUSD schools and she works for the City of Santa Ana in some unknown capacity. Her website simply is useless as it relates very little about her. Even her Endorsements page features only a “coming soon” message.
Amezcua does promise on her website that “I will be active in providing fiscal oversight to ensure that our funds are spent wisely and responsibly.” But she was a major supporter of the fraudulent Measure G, which raised our taxes during the Bush recession and gave more money to the crooked administrators at the SAUSD. And the first project their new bond construction manager got busy with was remodeling his office!
Amezcua’s 2008 Campaign Kick-Off will be held on Wednesday, July 23, from 5:30 p.m.– 7:30 p.m., at Libreria Martinez Books and Art Galley, which is located at 1110 N. Main Street, in downtown Santa Ana. The event will be hosted by the owner of Libreria Martinez, Ruben Martinez.
The only SAUSD School Board candidate whose website comes up right away when you search for her name on is Cecilia Aguinaga. And her biography page at least is honest about her education. She has an Associates Degree. Like Amezcua she claims to be working on another degree.
Is this the worst bunch of SAUSD School Board candidates you’ve ever seen?
Looks like Valarie had a nose job. Probably because she didn’t want to look like her dad in drag.
… I’m still available for contract work if any of these candidates is interested! Just email!
Okay, I got to object here. At least you have some candidates willing to step up and run for the Board of Education seats. Where are the dozens of other qualified citizens stepping up to help SAUSD?
~~~~~~**Crickets chirping**~~~~~~~
I have to agree with you there. In this big ole city with doctors, lawyers and indian chiefs, you would think a few would come out of the woodwork other than 3 who are all connected tightly with city government. This is why the city and the district get away with all this BS. It also is why others give up and shuffle off. Those who can afford it send their kids somewhere else to school and don’t care what happens at SAUSD. Maybe they will when they get the new tax bill. Maybe not, if they are very wealthy.
Who would have thought Fat Sal, a teacher in Fullerton, would dump his teacher’s ethics and use the district as a stepping stone to become a city councilman? I guess the lure of power and money is just too much for most.
SA is rapidly deserving the title of TJ norte.
Valerie and Gloria are great candidates. Just because you can’t find them from your basement while you are eating fritos and watching Cheaters doesn’t mean their campaigns don’t exist. This campaign will be won on the streets of Santa Ana and the is where Valerie and Gloria are, working with the voters. Come on Art, how many voters in Santa Ana are googling schoolboard races to get updates in the middle of July?
Yup, sorry you goofed on this one…these two are willing to step up to the plate, with little in resources or experience.
Maybe some honest “regular” souls are what’s needed. Sure, I would like to see more business experience, education etc., but what often comes with that are individuals who have ulterior ambitions, and distracting careers.
Just keep an open mind.
Maybe I am a bit jaded but in my opinion these candidates look like they are not qualified. In which case you have to ask why are they running?
SAUSD board members make what, a thousand a month? And they get free health insurance? That might be a motivation for some of these candidates.
Perhaps they actually mean well, but they certainly don’t seem to have the education or experience to be able to succeed as School Board members. This is not a popularity contest, although I suppose that is what these elections have turned into.
We have the WORST school board in Orange County! We need superstars on our board not people who are sorely lacking in every way that matters.
Why aren’t more people running? I think one of our readers hit it on the head. The well to do have already fled the public schools. They could care less what happens to the public school district.
One other consideration – Valerie’s father is a board member at the Santa Ana Business Bank. Did he put her up to run so that he could try to connive the school board into putting bond money in his bank?
Folks we need to ask the hard questions! Do not assume that these candidates mean well. Question EVERYTHING! And pray that better candidates will emerge.
Well at least Amezcua does explain her history in the community so we can make our own judgement about her qualifications (except she doesn’t explain what her business experience got her on the Hispanic Women’s Business Assoc. board of directors).
We’ve got enough over-educated reps on the board now, so what we need are some with common sense and not necessarily a degree.
Obviously I agree for the most part in your comments. School boards used to be just plain old parents, probably upper class, that wanted to oversee the education of their community. Today it is just a stepping stone to higher office.
The people who run always seem to have city connections and are already embedded within the district. It doesn’t require a lawyer to become a board member, but it helps since the district has purposely overwhelmed board members with legal technicalities requiring even the most educated to take the advice of school legal council and superintendent, all with their own agenda.
We have seen Russo’s agenda. Save the district administration, dump the rest. The kids be damned. The almighty dollar is all that counts here and the more she gets, the sweeter the deal.
Are their any candidates willing to take this on without a further agenda? Who knows.
Cecilia is so hip deep in city politics and district government her professional website popped up two months ago..commenter, “I disagree” that was way before July! Ya think she has an agenda and some serious help?
The other two are a blank slate to me so far except they also have city ties and political connection. I don’t know if that is significant yet, but I hope that some others will emerge from the common folk and give the voters a better choice than we currently have. Jaded? Damn right! Anyone working at SAUSD or has left, been riffed or fired cannot help but be.
It is obvious to %99.9 of those familiar with the SAUSD that the system is failing to adapt and reinvent itself to address the city’s unique student body needs.
A colloge degree is not required to make this observation. The humblest of the city’s resident to the city’s most educated can see the same thing.
The most important quality of a board member is to have the parent’s and student’s best interests when performing their elected duties.
The district’s staff has the responsibility of managing the school system to educate. It is the Board’s responsibility to hold the staff accountable when the students are beign underserved.
The best interests of parents and students can be advocated by members with degrees or without degrees.
If the Board members have no interest in advocating for the benefit of the parents and students then it doesn’t matter if they have college degrees or not.
I know Valerie Amezcua to have the best interests of the parents and students of Santa Ana. In addition she will have her BA soon , she is two classes short of the degree.
It seems to me that someone is jealous. Have you ever met the candidates? (i.e. Sat with them one on one and had a “grown-ass man” conversation with them?) Apparently not! You sir are obviously immature and mistaken. I as a true fighter for this country know I have to get my facts straight before opening my mouth and keep my fellow men out of any danger. With that said, I do what I do to give idiotic men like you the freedom to state your opinion to make you feel like a man. So keep talking and embarrassing yourself, showing your true colors while Valerie, Gloria and Roman walk the streets of Santa Ana making a difference while you sit on your ass and type away!
Have a great American Day and enjoy your freedom!
Roman? Do you mean Roman Reyna? Does he have a campaign website yet? Please let us know. I can only imagine what he will have to say!
BTW, isn’t Reyna against a woman’s right to choose? Wouldn’t that tweak Planned Parenthood?
Wow Art! You really need to do some dirt digging if you are to continue this battle with these great people. God forbid great men and women look beyond politics and seek the truth to make a difference in childrens lives, oh wait, according to you, this is somewhat sinful!
Ask yourself how many second chances you have been given to be where you are at today! These candidates are only asking for A CHANCE to make a difference. So what if they do not yet have a Masters? It took you awhile! How about letting them finish college and raise a family? Not everyone takes the easy route to Devry. Instead they study in the city they are fighting for! They are supporting their local colleges. Isn’t that what a great candidate is? Not to mention all the hours they volunteer in community service.
I wonder if ANY of these candidates could out-smart a fifth grader?
Listen, School Board members have to analyze financial data. They have to approve textbooks. They have to assess construction projects. Do you think any of these candidates could do all of that, and do it well? Really?
Let them finish their education and THEN run for the school board. Would you go to a doctor if you knew he only finished half of medical school, or didn’t go at all?
We need school board members who can do the job. I don’t think these ladies measure up. Amateurs need not apply!
Hey Bro some of us did our time in different service. Mine didn’t have the technology yours does and the body bags came back 20 to 1 compared to your skirmish. No suits with Air conditioning or gear to protect us from crotch rot. Lighten up. I didn’t see sand and you didn’t see rice paddys. We both fought for the same reason. So people can say what they want. Obviously you haven’t learned that yet. Of course you didn’t get spit on when you came back either. Just a friendly word of advice. Comment without the service reference. Some of us have already been there and we don’t wear it on our sleave or use it as an excuse to beat on those who didn’t serve. Semper FI.
Could you? I REALLY doubt it!
Now you listen, to answer your question, “School Board members have to analyze financial data. They have to approve textbooks. They have to assess construction projects. Do you think any of these candidates could do all of that, and do it well? Really?”
Do you know what they do for a living? My God man! Like I stated before, you need to learn your facts before opening that mouth of yours!
“Would you go to a doctor if you knew he only finished half of medical school, or didn’t go at all?”
Doctors huh?
I have men almost to their last breath who have been saved by Corpsmen with absolutely no degree. So don’t even try to compare true heroes with licensed bastards who take advantage of their power! (hint hint)
Art, both you and I are seeking the truth, correct? Let us know the REAL reason you are attacking these candidates. Whose corner are you on if not Valerie’s and Gloria’s? Go ahead and say you are only trying to protect our schools! Take these candidates away, and you will continue to see the bull we are still dealing with today!
What do they do for a living? In the case of Alvarado, who knows? You sure can’t derive that information by reading her campaign website.
Amezcua is a probation officer. I have no clue what that entails. But it does not sound relevant to the position of School Board member.
And Aguinaga has worked for the district in some odd capacities. But her background certainly does not give one confidence that she could do the job.
I have no faith that any of these candidates will make a difference on the school board. They all supported Measure G, which was a big lie. That tells you all you need to know about the lot of them. They didn’t stand up to the district on Measure G, did they? And they won’t stand up on any other issue either.
We need school board members who can delve past the spin coming out of the SAUSD headquarters. These ladies won’t have a clue on the school board. They will buy Russo’s lies hook, line and sinker. They already did with regard to Measure G. Why do you think they would suddenly develop the capacity to think for themselves? They have not shown that ability up until now…
I am not beating on those who have and haven’t served! This man Art just needs a true awakening! He thinks he is above and beyond everyone. I am trying to let him know that everyone is different and work different. Not all of us have to have a masters to make a difference! I have my bachelors but I do not think I can run the world. Art needs to lighten up and stop harassing great women like Val and Gloria. Atleast these ladies want to make a difference. Like he asked before, “where are all the educated people?” I bet most of them are supporting these ladies because they believe the outcome will be successful!
And what exactly makes them great? They might be great people perhaps, but the SAUSD board is not in need of mirth.
John Palacio is the ONLY SAUSD Trustee who knows what he is doing. And he opposed Measure G. These ladies all were fooled by the Measure G campaign. That alone is reason to NOT vote for them.
And I certainly don’t think that Trustees should have to complete a graduate program. But I do think that, at bare minimum, they ought to have either a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience. I don’t see that in these candidates.
You appear to care. That is a start. Now take the blinders off and think for yourself! We need people in this city to research the issues and think for themselves. Don’t just jump on the bandwagon for every candidate that comes along and gives you a nice hug.
This school district has a 60% drop-out rate. We need Trustees who are going to make a difference. I might be inclined to nominate these gals for their neighborhood association boards, but that’s about it. They simply are not ready for prime time. Or at least they don’t appear to be.
Sounds like you have a good arguement. Go with it. What you and I did has nothing to do with the arguement so stick with the facts on the candidates as you see them. I don’t see them as clear as you do yet but I’m willing to read and listen and learn.
You know, Santa Ana has to start somewhere when it comes to homegrown leadership taking a stand for correcting what’s broken. I don’t think anyone can hope for “perfection” when it comes to SAUSD candidates, but at least they LIVE in SA.
You can’t possibly be waiting for another “Rocco” to show up carpetbagging to “help” out the school district situation, can you? 😉
To the angry Military Guy,
I visited those websites and they are not impressive. If a candidate cannot get organized enough to at least put some decent, compelling information on their political website, then why should ANYONE be blindly convinced that the person is serious and can execute a plan that lasts longer than filling out some paperwork to run?
Your anonymous endorsement is also pretty weak. If any of those candidates have any vision at all, then be a good buddy and send them over here to post ( for free and no real website skills needed – just basic typing) to get interested parties informed about their stances and views of the SAUSD.
And lastly, Welcome and thanks for posting! You have some interesting things to share which makes overlooking your namecalling and intimidation attempts much more easy for our gentle readership
Alvarez works for the City of Santa Ana! That explains plenty. No way. She’s merely a puppet for the city clowncil’s agenda.
Art –
Richardson analyzes financial data for the county and has done a piss poor job as a school board member!
Give Richardson the boot Nov. 11!
I want to get in this conversation because I have been paying close attention to this two candidates. I attended to one of Alvarado’s campaign fundraiser It was very nice I learned a lot about her. I really liked her speech, she does know what she is talking about and she is famliar with all the issues that SAUSD is facing right now. I learned that she works for the City of Santa Ana as a Recreation Program Coordinator managing the Santa Ana Senior Center. She is a community advocate and has kids currently attending the santa ana district. I had a chance to meet her kids and they are brilliant kids.Iteems that Valerie is just running because of her dad. That is the only reason why she is known if not she will be an unknown individual. So far Alvarado has my support she is the only qualified candidate. I am attending Valerie’s kick-off event to find out a little bit about more I Parent wouldike to know more about the candidate. I wanta positive change in the board. Art I would recommend you to get to know the candidates more in depth. Don’t judge them for what you read, hear or see. My advice to you is to have a meeting with them and see what they are all about. Well Good luck to all! Keep up the good work Alvarado!!!
I agree with # 25. i have also attened one of Alvarado’s campiagn fundraisers.She is a great canidate. She understands the problems that the school board is having now. Her children are very bright.One of them just happened to be a sausd school’s boy of the year. canidate Alvarado has my support. Art, like # 25 said, get to know the canidates more in depth before u run that mouth of yours.
My family and had the chance to attend many of Alvarado’s campaign fundraisers and she knows what she is talking about. Art, u need to spend less time on your myspace and more time getting accurate imformation about these canidates. You are asking for well educated canidates, but yet you are to blind to see that these woman are the ones you are calling out for. I learned that it is true that Alvarado is the coordinator at the santa ana senoir center. Alvarado dedicates her time to any community servies. Art, get ur imformation together and then open that mouth of yours!
#25 and 26,
Again, unless you happened to meet Alvarado you certainly would not know ANYTHING about her, based on the little information she provides on her campaign website. Why have a campaign website if you are not going to put any useful information on it?
From what I am told she, along with Amezcua and Aguinaga, supported the fraudulent Measure G, which John Palacio opposed – with good reason.
If these candidates could not discern the true nature of Measure G they will not be able to function as school board members – at least not as good ones.
If these candidates want to be taken seriously they need to put together professional campaign websites, in my opinion.
As for the issue of the intelligence of Alvarado’s kids, I don’t see how this is pertinent. Kudos though to Alvarado for raising a bright brood.
I think the biggest issue in this race is will the candidates think for themselves or will they be fooled by the district administrators? I agree with you that Amezcua is far too political. And her dad is HIGHLY suspect.
As for Alvarado, time will tell. Perhaps she will fix her campaign site or maybe I will run into her at a campaign event. I would like to know why she supported Measure G for one thing…
Again I refer you to Alvarado’s website – it is a sad joke. And we still don’t know why she bought the District’s line with regards to Measure G.
We need school board members who will stand up to the district administration. We need people who will think for themselves. So far it sounds like Alvarado is a nice lady. So what? If she is going to buy Russo’s B.S. then she is worthless as a Trustee, period.
And I don’t care about community service. That is of absolutely NO relevance. Aguinaga has plenty of that too. We need Trustees who understand the issues, who have a spine, and who are informed, educated and bright enough to do what is a very difficult job. If they cannot even put together a professional campaign website, then I must say that bodes ill for their prospects as Trustees.
#’s 25, 26 & 27
It’s staggering how many fundraisers Alvarado has had. Her website cites only one fundraiser and her photo gallery has no fundraiser photos.
Which leads me to my next point, your glowing reviews do not match her website; there’s a disconnect. We need a school board member who is adept at communicating in the written word and verbally.
I’ve worked with her in the past and I’ve never found her to be as bright and articulate as you spew.
Since her website is anemic about her leadership qualities, let’s take a look at some SAUSD significant moments and unearth Gloria Alvarado’s participation in these seminole moments:
Where was Alvarardo when the district faced slagging ADA? Did Alvarado take the lead at her children’s school sites and promote attendance?
Has Alvarado been active in a parent organization?
Was Alvarado an advocate demanding accountability from the district regarding the squandering of Measure C funds?
Has she been an advocate for pressing the district to come clean about the falsifying of attendance records at Remington and Washington?
Was she part of the budget committee that made recommendations to the adminstration about slashing the budget?
It’s no secret that the city leans on its employees if they are not politically aligned with their agenda. I do not trust Alvarado since she has been a silent and complict parent aligned with the administration’s agenda.
Alvarado supported Measure G because she drinks the COSA/SAUSD Kool-Aid.
Alvarado has been an active aprt of PTSA for over 15 years.
Alvarado was instrumental in changing the view and level of participation of parents and the community not only at Lincoln but also at Fremont, Monte Vista, and Russel. She was also a part of the Districts PTSA/SSC Board at Muir, Villa, and Santa Ana High. She was present at Century, Lathrop, and Mc Fadden during hard times. For her efforts and leadership she was awarded the “Parent of the Year” on two different occation. she is a humble person who does not advertise her good deeds.
She has worked with youth at risk of impowering them with the neighborhood pride. Both corners of the city know gloria alvarado, not because she has obtain fame but because she has been there to make a difference. she was recognize for her efforts with the minnie street improvement and the rebirth of friendship park in the forgotten Myrtle street. I’m going to ask her to take a few minutes and look at the kind of crap people are willing to say.
I bet she would not be interested!
SAUSD High School Student –
What do you mean she was present at Century, Lathrop and McFadden during hard times?
You wax about Alvardo’s participation at a school named Russell. Where is that school located?
Your post has been passed on to sources intimately involved with the PTA/PTSA at the various schools you list. We’ll know soon enought if you’ve been exaggerating her achievements.
Was she on the bus to Sacramento when we fought for the Tustin Settlement money? I do not recall seeing or hearing of her during those dark times.
Why are you so consumed with the educational history of these candidates, I have to agree with the fact that the school board is in terrible shape as is and what is truly needed are people who live in santa ana, send their kids to those schools, and see these things day to day. Just because they don’t have a doctorate, doesn’t mean that they aren’t qualified. Maybe you should take some of the previous advice and sit down with these candidates and have an actual conversation with them before ranting on about how bad they are. It should be about their plans to change things, not on what college they graduated from. And as for your obsessive concern over lack of information on the websites, maybe you should consider that some of these candidates, Amezcua for sure, are out on the streets, talking to people and actually trying to make an attempt at changing the community rather than sitting in front of a computer hoping people will see their page. Think about: the people that are most affected by the school board are those who have children that attend a SAUSD school, and looking at statistics of SA, I would say that most of those families could use the personal contact, and how many of them are truly going to log onto the candidates websites? How many of them can afford to?
Try attending one of their fundraisers, or walking the streets with them and then make your judgment.
Valerie Amezcua is not the person she portrays herself to be. She said her daughter graduated from S.A.H.S…she did but because she took her out of Mater Dei. I see she has a picture of her children…where’s her third one? She has TWO step children but only claims one…maybe because only of them is going to college. She claims family values but I know two of her step children had to emancipate themselves from her because she didn’t want to be responsible for them. She doesn’t live her life the way a respectable candidate should.