Are these the worst SAUSD School Board candidates ever?

Gloria Alvarado

Gloria Alvarado (pictured above) is running for the Santa Ana Unified School District’s Board of Education.  But you would not know that if you searched for her name on  The only relevant return you will get is two articles I wrote here at the Orange Juice blog.

However Alvarado does have a campaign website.  You just cannot find it by searching for it.  I found that to be the case with her fellow candidate Valerie Amezcua’s website as well.  Apparently their webmasters leave much to be desired.  And the parallels don’t end there.  Both Alvarado and Amezcua fail to list their education.  But Amezcua does have an “About Me” page.  Alvarado does not.

Valerie and Al Amezcua

I am told that Amezcua (pictured above with her dad Al) is close to finishing her undergraduate degree.  But who knows what sort of education Alvarado has. Why both of these school board candidates are hiding their educational accomplishments from the voters is a mystery.

All I know about Alvarado is that she is a parent of kids who go to SAUSD schools and she works for the City of Santa Ana in some unknown capacity.  Her website simply is useless as it relates very little about her.  Even her Endorsements page features only a “coming soon” message.

Amezcua does promise on her website that “I will be active in providing fiscal oversight to ensure that our funds are spent wisely and responsibly.”  But she was a major supporter of the fraudulent Measure G, which raised our taxes during the Bush recession and gave more money to the crooked administrators at the SAUSD.  And the first project their new bond construction manager got busy with was remodeling his office!

Amezcua’s 2008 Campaign Kick-Off will be held on Wednesday, July 23, from 5:30 p.m.– 7:30 p.m., at Libreria Martinez Books and Art Galley, which is located at 1110 N. Main Street, in downtown Santa Ana.  The event will be hosted by the owner of Libreria Martinez, Ruben Martinez.

It\'s a Cecilia Aguinaga Sandwich!

The only SAUSD School Board candidate whose website comes up right away when you search for her name on is Cecilia Aguinaga.  And her biography page at least is honest about her education.  She has an Associates Degree.  Like Amezcua she claims to be working on another degree.

Is this the worst bunch of SAUSD School Board candidates you’ve ever seen?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.