I reported in March of this year that indicted rich guy Henry Nicholas pledged “$10 Million to free after-school tutoring for low income high potential high school students.” But now that Nicholas has been indicted for “doling out drugs and prostitutes as part of a freewheeling lifestyle,” according to the L.A. Times, what will happen to his pledged donation to the SAUSD? And does the SAUSD even want to accept his money now? I mean what kind of role model is this pervy criminal?
All of this begs the question of why the SAUSD even accepted his pledge while he was under investigation? Look at the picture above. According to documents the L.A. Times looked at, Nicholas created a hidden lair underground where he and his guests could have fun with prostitutes (Online Source). Is that really the sort of guy the district should have been getting in bed with? What does this say about our current SAUSD School Board?
What a sad state of affairs…I wonder if Nicholas also contributed to the fraudulent SAUSD Measure G tax increase campaign?
Shouldn’t current SAUSD Board President Jose Hernandez apologize on behalf of the Board for letting Nicholas sucker them?
Guilty til proven innocent! Don’t be such a puritan Art – follow the Golden Rule, Love thy neighbor, etc.
Ask Henry’s wife what kind of guy he is. I suspect you will get an earful.
Mongo think money better used for what pledged then anything else. Besides money come from business not person so not so bad. Person who bad can still make money in business that not bad so Mongo think okay.
“Taking money from Child Abusers, Pimps, Drug Dealers, Coyotes and Rapists……no matter how
much…is still dirty money!
SAUSD….should put that cash in the Refrigerator
and hope that no one finds it! Actually, it should be returned until Tricky Nicky…..finds out who and what he is! This is why Gore returned the Monk money! Remember that one?
Just goes to prove how dirty SAUSD can be. We are judged by the company we keep.
This story seems to tell another story of its own. Basically that SAUSD will sleep with anyone for a buck! In other words they are prostitutes in their own right. Those of us who have worked there already knew that, and now so does the rest of the world if they just care to look. Morons like Mongo above want to take money from anyone no matter who it is. But what would you expect from a braindead character from the movie Blazing Saddles?
I believe the Gambino family used to give money philanthropically too. The question is what kind of sleaze took that money? Well anyone with half a brain…oops sorry Mongo….know already. The closet door is rapidly opening on the SAUSD and the skeletons are starting to fall out. How many other “dirty” backroom deals are yet to be found?
If you were in danger of drowning because you can no longer continue swim (due to fatigue), and someone throws you a life preserver, should you refuse to accept the life-saving flotation device if you realized Satan, himself, had thrown it at you ?? The man was caught in a sex scandal, and was alleged to have bought drugs to accessorize his tryst with the prostitutes !! The $$$ he pledged are from his legal business, not from a crime operation, linked to organized crime like the Mafia !!! Just STFU and say “thank you for your generous contribution.” Before you hold yourselves up high for supposedly being virtuous, why don’t you research the Christian Crusades, or the Salem Witchhunts, or how many native American Indians, Aztecs, Incas, etc… had died because they refused to convert to Christianity !!! History clearly shows you holier-than thou HYPOCRITES are not as virtuous as you claim yourselves to be !!!