It pains me to write this but apparently the SAUSD’s fraudulent Measure G tax increase won tonight. With 86% of the votes counted it was leading by 68.4% versus 31.6%. It only had to win by 2/3 of the vote plus one. So the vote was close, but right now it looks like Measure G will win and the voters will lose as they will have raised their property taxes in the midst of the Bush Depression.
I can’t imagine that this bond measure will result in any positive change in the SAUSD. They told us things would get better when we recalled Nativo Lopez, but things are worse today in the SAUSD than ever before. And we have an awful crop of school board candidates running in the fall, so things won’t be getting better anytime soon.
If you are thinking of buying into one of the new ritzy condos in Santa Ana stop first to ponder this new tax increase, along with the fact that our City Clowncil has raised water rates twice in less than a year – and gang crime is rampant in our city. And we have the worst school district in the county. Don’t buy here! Run the other way…
A lot of mom’s with kids came in and voted.
about 5 % voted in Downtown Orange County (Santa Ana)
Almost midnight and the ROV has not inputed the votes from the precincts of Santa Ana. (all I checked read -0-. )
What was that word tossed around here? “Gentrification”. And so it begins.
Wow, you giving up so soon? You are only half too clever.
I guess you are crying “Uncle” on this one.
Sadly people will get what they asked for, more BS, more taxes, more waste, more mismanagement, along with higher taxes.
I am so glad I live on the other side of the river on this one. GG may not be the best district in the world but it beats the heck out of SAUSD any day!
Hey Carl. You are right. Lucky for you and I, we will not get hit with this increase since I live(barely) in Tustin Unified School District, which is a top notch district. I feel for Art and others who will have to bare this burden on their taxes so the SAUSD can screw it up like they did with Measure C.
Your comment makes no sense. You must be a SAUSD employee.
Go back and re-read your post.
Art,You can’t be too surprised,that most Propositions we’ve seen you back have failed. It takes Money to beat Money,and for Heaven sake, when you want so much to win, ya gotta get your own glossy mailers. 😀
Don’t blame me! I am not the one coming up with these crappy measures. As I told a friend yesterday, G came right behind D and the resistance, such as it is, was dog tired from fighting D.
BTW, Thomas just texted me some interesting news. G is only up by 53 votes right now as late ballots are being counted. There is still hope.
If you know they’re “crappy measures” don’t back them.
I did not support Measure G. Red County, on the other hand, ran their ads on their supposedly Republican blog.
What is wrong with this picture?
June 3rd the sealed boxes of votes were turned over to the collectors at the SAUSD headquarters.
There was sealing tape, in strips on the bumper of the truck the boxes of votes were put into.
People in the truck were opening the boxes. Then I drove away.
5 poll workers certified 70 votes total on the machine and 18 in dropped off VBM’s.
The ROV 1st run, logs in 171 votes. On the “G” measure alone.
Makes you (me) wonder.
The third run of vote counting now show that 90 percent of the mail in ballots were for measure “G”.
Now my poling place that had 70 e-votes and no paper votes, has 206 votes. They should not have opened those sealed boxes.
Nice try on the conspiricy theory at SAUSD HQ.
You obviously haven’t been down to the ROV in the past two days to see the integrity of the ballots.
Hey, what’s the latest tally?
“Arnie Samish” (Nice choice of moniker)
I didn’t question the integrity of the ROV or the ballots in the hands of the ROV’s office.
I did say “People in the truck were opening the boxes. Then I drove away.”
This was at the headquarters of the SAUSD about a mile away from the ROV’s office.
I picked up a copy of the final tally while I went to the ROV and audited the records and verified that the written records and numbers from June 3rd are the same today June 6th for the precinct were I worked
I told them that opening the boxes at the school site looked bad and should not have happened outside of the ROV offices.
And I told them the mapping systems used in the past was great at verifying the accuracy of the vote counts and I was disappoint in that it was not used this time.
right on. it was a really crummy voter turnout. I understand Measure G won by 198 votes. Let’s hope the taxpayers have accountability and transparency on this one. I’ll give the current board the benefit of doubt right of the gate. Besides, the new facility biz manager guys are top-notch with experience on these matters.