Orange Juice founder Art Pedroza to get hydrogen car.

With all of the posts relating to the environment, energy, greenhouse emissions, the cost of gasoline, and corn for ethanol rather than tortillas, Orange juice founder Art Pedroza is making a huge investment in demonstrating cutting edge leadership of all local bloggers by being the first one to place an order for a hydrogen car.

After scanning the choices in Sunday’s LA Times he is leaning to the Honda FCX-Clarity  which is powered by hydrogen fuel cells. The FXC-Clarity offers the highest range of the four models listed with a top speed of 100 mph.

For all those who have collectively made the Orange juice a household name, in some quarters, with over one million hits, we might take up an offering to cover this major investment. These  hydrogen cars cost range from $100,000 to $one million dollars.

Beyond cost, for all those pushing “new technology” wheels there are some drawbacks other than initial cost. While there are 180,000 gas stations in the US there are only 61 hydrogen refueling stations of which 25 are in California. Another concern is that “the process of making hydrogen can create greenhouse gases.”  Oh. No one told us that before!

You surely will not miss seeing it tooling around Santa Ana. No, it will not be painted green. My guess is that Art will use Orange with green pinstripes to be politically correct.

About Larry Gilbert