Watching the DNC Rules Committee at work yesterday should be an abject lesson to Republicans that a world with Hillary might be more like “Hell on Earth”. It brought back to mind a series of events from the movie “Reds” with Diane Keaton and Warren Beatty. With a partisan and broken DNC..pretending
to be a great force for unity…it was brutal to watch! Rules Committee Chairman Jim Roosevelt managed to keep a modicum of decorum … barely between the screaming and degrading Hillary supporter many interruptions!
There were the Lenin-Trotskyites fighting out those philosophical battles against “the people” and for demagoguery; in the name of a system so complex and so riddled with division that it couldn’t operate without political and philosophical assassination!
Harold Eckes, the Hillary Hit-Man…laid down the gauntlet of things to come: “The Candidate, Hillary Clinton has instructed me to reserve the option of taking this battle to the Credentials Committee..” His numerous “you can bet your ass…..” comments lent neither intelligent dialogue, nor a semblance of bringing the Democratic party together…..for November!
Hillary’s attempt to hijack the process and take all the unassigned delegates from Florida and Michigan was met with a worthy penalty; for those states that attempted to move up their Primary Elections to better influence the complete process. The DNC Rules Committee to their credit….wouldn’t bite and took 50% of the delegate value away from those states, along with assigning less than half of those to Barack Obama! This has put the Hillary people over the edge! They are now in a position “to lose without an excuse”!
We can’t imagine what kind of country we might live in with a Hillary presidency! Ron Brown and Vince Foster come to mind……
In the words of the Godfather in Godfather 1: “If anything happens to my son Michael….that he might be accidentally shot and killed by an off duty police
officer, hangs himself in a prison cell or is struck by lighting….I am going to hold some of the people in this room responsible! But other than that – Let there be peace!”
The time has come for Hillary to fold her tent and move back to Hope with Bill…..or NYC…but one thing is for sure: Bill needs to move his executive offices out of Harlem! Because: “You do not signify or represent black people in this country!”
Actually, many (including myself) believe Bill Clinton to be an incredible asset to the African-American community.
What’s your explanation for your own ‘(signification and representation) of black people in this county?’
Note: This is the second time in a week I’ve asked you this question: what exactly are your credentials on the subject?
Ahh..and we had been so OC topical this weekend too until now. A day with the Sominex twins is like a day, well like a day with a fire at Universal Studios. It is interesting but at the moment it isn’t high on the immediate list for the week unless you were planning to go to Universal studios today, or vote for president this week..hmmm
How many soup kitchens have you worked in again?
Probably the same amount as Harold Eckes!
We will stand by our years of watching Red Fox
and Sanford and Son; to get our concept of what Black America was all about!
What…how many times have you seen Shaft again?
R&A –
Again, your assumptions get you into trouble. I have lived in almost every kind of neighborhood imaginable from upper-middle class to the streets themselves. In order to truly understand minorities you need to be one and live among others.
That’s what I’ve done my entire life. My black friends will argue that I’m black. My Hispanic friends will argue that I’m Hispanic. Truth is, I’m Italian (which is a minority here but not back in Boston).
Minorities tend to claim me as their own because I understand what it feels like to be marginalized and how to fight my way out of that status… as I have scores of times before and likely will have to repeatedly over my entire life due to my health, sexuality and extremely independent politics.
I’m also self-taught in pretty much everything I know because I understand that knowledge is power, but get a lot of guff in political circles over my lack of a college degree, which, as a marginalized and disabled person, is a lot more difficult to pay for.
I didn’t come to my political conclusions by being half of an affluent, white couple living in Coastal OC, that’s for sure. I admit I know about as much about you as you do me, but it’s hard to take two middle-aged, upper-middle class, white Republicans seriously when they talk about minorities.
And #2 raises a good point. What’s with the timing of this story anyway? Methinks you’re just trying to put the final nail in the Clinton coffin.
PS: I’ve never seen Shaft nor any other ‘blaxploitation’ films.
Ron & Anna –
Your post is not too pretty. Stop slinging back those Cosmos.
“abject lesson” – you guys are the greatest!
*thinking to self* ‘Sanford and Son’ versus homelessness (interestingly, I occasionally stayed at my friend’s apartment – above his junkyard – and yes, he was black). Yeah, I think I win this one. ‘Soup kitchens?!’ LMFAO Damn yuppies! Seriously. Don’t try to appeal to us common folk. You’re encroaching on my niche now and as you know I can be extremely territorial. It’s a mom thing.
Actually, you know something? Looking back on your original response to my critique of your ‘article’ (hindsight being 20/20), I think the way that you asked me how much I’ve volunteered to society simply because you consider me ‘white’ (i.e. the soup kitchen comment) after society has actually given me so little (especially since I just finished volunteering about 2 weeks of my life, more than full-time, to this blog) and the fact that you seriously and honestly use your viewing of ‘black’ television shows as some kind of ‘jive street cred’ and justification to speak for a people you know nothing about shows just how insanely out-of-touch you really are. If I had the authority, I would remove you from this blog. I am beyond insulted and we don’t need you anyway.
Hey, how many comments do you get over there at Newport Beach Voices you crybabies? That’s a sleepy bedroom blog. You belong there. Not to mention your own site, which is by far, and I’m not making this up, the worst I’ve ever seen… and I first got online in 1992 with a 2400 bps modem. That’s bits per second, not kilobytes, not megabytes, bits.
My battles so far have been political. You’ve made this one personal. This time you’ve screwed with someone who will fight racism until her dying breath. There are plenty of senior citizens who aren’t out of touch and I would love to replace you ‘Sominex Twins’ with one.
This blog’s hot. You two are not.
PS: To the readers, I’m sorry but racism really sets me off. ‘White privilege’ be damned.
Let us get this right “Sarahguts”…you are one
supporting Hillary and we are the ones supporting
Obama…and we are racists?
Hmmm…no…we don’t think so. Your self-agrandizing slapping your own back is less than
attractive! We are sure you are a dedicated caring person for the downtrodden…and hope you
might reveal to all of us how much and what causes you have donated over the years!
In any event, we do have a serious difference of
opinion regarding good conduct…both in print
and in general. We hardly care what you may think
or do…..but being generous…we do love to listen.. to everyone. We even listened to Claudio! So, you are small potatoes when it
comes to being offensive!
Try reducing the number of “I’s” in your sentence structure! It will be much more attractive to your dedicated base readership!
In the meantime, we will continue to support our
man: Obama!
Ron & Anna –
What does Claudio have to do with your rambling rant? I’m a Sen. Clinton supporter and I worked the soup kitchens alongside by ma in LA. But what does that have to do with Obama?
Cosmos? I think you’re drinking too much Thunderbird.
Sominex Twins
For people who can’t get to the point in less than 2 pages of drivel, unrelated quotes, and words no one but Thurston Howell the 3rd would spout, I don’t think you should be giving lessons on sentence structure.
Given your inane posts it disturbs me greatly that we are in the same political party, but you have the right to do as you like. To quote someone who does know how to get to the point, “Frankly you two are beginning to bore the hell out of me”
Pay more attention…it works every time! You
New Majority people are true works of art…
no not Pedroza! And were we talking to you?
Send flowers to Tom Kuechel and Earl Warren….
maybe they will make a come back or you could
dig up replacement players that could solidify
your basic political philosophy!
Hmm. It must be the cocktail hour.
Put a 78 on the record player and maybe Sen. Murphy will dance for you!
Ron & Anna –
Name two of Earl Warren’s grandchildren. C’mon.
R&A –
Now you defend your racism by deflecting it onto me because I voted for Hillary? Hmm. Let me see. I’m somehow prejudiced for voting for a woman over a black man? Where do I even begin to point out how wrong that statement is? If I had voted for Obama, would you have called me sexist?
Seriously, the high life must be treating you well as the lifestyle you live affords you the luxury of a great sniping post, but you don’t use a rifle. You seem to use a grenade launcher! Scorched earth won’t work here guys. I don’t exactly live in a glass house. You continue to inquire about my volunteerism, but I think I’ve made it clear by now that I first got involved in politics when I was only 12 years old (and have been hooked ever since)… campaigns don’t pay 12-year olds, so I guess I volunteered, huh?!
I love how you tell me I should stop talking about myself. So I’m not allowed to point out our major differences and how they shaped our politics? That would serve your Cosmo-swilling, silver-spoon interests nicely, wouldn’t it?