Long Pham: a modern-day Mr. Smith?

Long Pham!

The final results for the June 3rd Primary have finally been posted. Long Pham, candidate for the Orange County Board of Education District 1 was elected to replace 4 term incumbent Felix Rocha Jr. Pham beat him by less than 900 votes, 19,936 to 19,057. Both Pham and Rocha are Republicans. The Democrats did not run a candidate in this race, for whatever reason.

What is truly amazing about this win is that Long Pham has been a candidate for some sort of office for the last 14 years. Long Pham has never been considered a serious candidate or contender to any of the offices he has ever run for, including OC Board of Education. Long has never received an endorsement from any Political Office Holder or any Political Party. Felix Rocha did not put any signs up and he did not pay for a ballot statement. Nobody believed Long Pham would win this race.

Here is a brief rundown of Long’s past elections for those not familiar with his campaign history:

1994 – Ran for Newport Beach City Council, he lost with 19.5%.

1995 – Ran for State Senate in a Special Election to replace Marian Bergeson. Long ran against Ross Johnson, Gil Ferguson (Oliver North campaigned for Ferguson) and Doris Allen. Long lost and garnered 2.2%.

1998 – Ran for US Congress against Dana Rohrabacher, he received 6%.

2000 – Ran for Congress again against Dana Rohrabacher, he lost once again but this time with 7.5%.

2004 – Ran for State Assembly, he lost to Chuck Devore in the primary and received 3.1%.

2006 – Ran for State Assembly against Van Tran, he lost with 12.7%.

This win intrigued me. I am not a journalist, to tell you the truth I have no idea what I’m doing right now. So why am I writing? Because Long represents everything that is right about American politics. Anyone who has ever thought of running for public office will tell you that getting on the ballot is fairly easy to do. Most people stay away because they think they have no chance of winning, and for the most part they are right. Who exactly is “they?” We all are. All of us have bought into that thinking. All of us except Long that is. Long embodies the American Spirit in all of us that believes we have just as much a right as anybody else to be on the ballot.

Long Pham is an everyman, an average Joe, basically someone who has no business running for Congress, at least in the eyes of the establishment. That got me thinking? Who are they to tell us we can’t run for office? Who are “they” to tell us we have no chance of winning?

I think I laughed when I first saw the Long Pham for Assembly sign in 2006. A lot of people did, I almost laughed when I saw the Long Pham for OC Board of Education sign this year. All of us in Orange County can smile today, because today the little guy won, the underdog kept the lead he had going into the fourth quarter, the no shot contender avoided a knockout from the long time champ while leading on points heading into the 12th and final round. Congratulations Long, I don’t think anyone is laughing now.

And here’s the rub – Pham is now a superstar in the Vietnamese community – right up there with Supervisor Janet Nguyen and Assemblyman Van Tran. But now, as ever, he is his own man. All hail the Phammies!

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