State Senator Dick Ackerman, who is termed out and will be replaced by Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, has found another office to run for. The San Diego Union-Tribune has revealed that Ackerman has filed a statement of intent “to run for the 3rd District Board of Equalization seat held by Republican Michelle Park Steel.”
Steel, who is Korean, is married to former California GOP Chairman Shawn Steel. I am guessing that Ackerman has a beef with one or both of them.
Apparently Assemblywoman Lori Saldana, a San Diego Democrat, has also filed to run against Steel. Two minority women in the race? Looks like Ackerman has a shot at taking out Steel.
I guess that Dan C. over at the Liberal OC was wrong about Ackerman running for Mayor of Irvine. But we’ll have to wait and see if Ackerman is serious about taking on Steel. Some in his party might frown at an attempt to take out an incumbent Republican.
Steel is also former Assemblyman Ken Maddox’ boss. Maddox is now running for the Capistrano Unified School Board. If Steel loses to Ackerman Maddox might actually have to go out and get a real job. Not sure he knows how to do anything substantive.
Whew..this is a big deal! Our Libertarian, fiscal conservative pals Michelle and Shawn have made “The Board of Equalization” seat into a real barn burner. They have a great newsletter and they let everyone know what is happening. Michelle has created an activist position that will certainly launch her into higher office if she wants it. Dick Ackerman must have a big lump in his throat as he launches a campaign for basically a “Non-Partisan Office”. He will have plenty of money….but what do think he is going to spend it on? The attacks on Shawn have already begun. This is going to be a very bloody battle…or could go that way. Our opinion is that Ackerman will suddenly have a change of heart and withdrawn before the election….that is: if he is smart! We like Lori Saldana..only
because she answers our e-mails..and seems fairly
bright on most issues. Sad that term limits are finally having the positive effect intended on the system and Public Office jobs are narrowing the options for “out of work politicians”!
Is Ackerman going to be another perpetual politician, to be supported by taxpayers for the rest of his life? He proved as a state senator that he’s not a real Republican. Here’s what Ackerman needs to hear: voters and taxpayers have had enough of you.
Art is correct about Ken Maddox, but maybe Ken could use his police background to get a job as a security guard with the Keystone Cops.
… to be replaced by Mimi Walters? You don’t have much faith in Gary Pritchard, do you Art? 😛
Sorry Gary/Heather. I actually really like you guys. May I provide some free advice? Heather, deciding to stop blogging didn’t help your husband. You are easily an asset to his campaign and should continue to fight for him on the internet. He may not win, but you never know, Mimi might screw up big time and you can organize a recall.
I really don’t think she’ll retain the seat for long. But that’s just my opinion.
Sarah. What are you smoking?
Mimi will not screw up and will retain the 33rd SD seat as long as she wishes to up to Term Limits. That’s one prediction I am comfortable making.
PS: She is our new state Senator and will do her best to represent south county in our Democratic controlled legislature.
SMS. I know what I wrote above. This years General election “ended” on June 3rd. Larry
Larry –
I just don’t like her. People think I can be mean but she makes me look like Spongebob Squarepants by comparison. A few years before I left Boston, Ted Kennedy took his seat for granted and barely campaigned. He almost lost to a newcomer. Strange things happen in politics that can change a race completely, and literally overnight.
I’m just playing devil’s advocate here.