Everyone wants to know why we “Conservative Republicans” are going for Obama in a big way! They are flumoxed and twisted by a total lack of understanding. We went to the Strawberry Festival in Garden Grove yesterday and visited the Democrat and Republican booths..there!
It was a crack up to talk to the strong Hillary supporters at the Democrat booth……who said they had no Obama T-Shirts, no Obama buttons and no Obama bumper stickers! “Oh, we won’t be able to sell anything until after the Convention!”…what bull is this friends and neighbors? The Democrats should have been selling both gear: Hillary and Obama! But no….we will all have to wait until Chelsea Clinton gets the nod for her forthcoming Congressional seat!
In the meantime, the Republican booth was personed by Steve Sarkis and Ms. Guiliani (no relation to Rudy!)….We loved chatting with them both! The big question was: How we could vote for someone that was married to Michele Obama? We never got that connection….but the Republicans are still Hillary/Bill infected! Perhaps by 2009…the Clintons will be relegated to the hinterland of national politics. We can only pray!
Anyway, we support Obama! We aren’t voting for McCain…and we won’t vote for Obama…if he chooses Hillary or anyone we don’t like as a Vice Presidential running mate!
The Conservatives with principles are going with their intellect…. finally! What did they say? Principles Over Politics! “The world without Rudy…left us with a world with Obama!”
This is off topic. The topics drop off too fast. But Ron and Anna, I just saw the below article regarding Carbon Fiber cars. It would be nice if we could have continued your SUV post. Now, I would not buy what VW is designing here, but heck, if they could get a nice passenger vehicle that gets 80 miles per gallon, they would have a winner. But, here they are with a 235 mile per gallon vehicle:
Actually, if Obama did pick Hillary for VP, it would make her less effective, meaning that she couldn’t vote in the Senate unless it was a tie. Unless the VP is someone like Dick Cheney, I don’t think that you would have too much to worry about in terms of her influence.
How many Vice Presidents in recent times, other than Cheney, have had any real influence?
Both my husband and I support Obama and believe that his willingness to reach out to Republicans is an example for all Democrats to follow in Orange County.
I also believe that Michelle Obama would be an amazing First Lady. Her blue collar working father put both his children through Yale and never missed work considering he was battling MS. The media has focused on the few statements taken out of context and ignored the many great things she said, that she wants to see everyone have the same opportunity that she has had to succeed and make something of themselves.
Education is so important in helping people to do better than their parents before them. And both Michelle and Barack are prime examples of this. We should all be proud of both of them.
Thanks so much for speaking out for Obama
Heather –
May I offer you some free advice? Take the hit counter off Gary’s site. It doesn’t show a lot of interest at the moment.
SMS – Well considering the fact that he is “irrelevant”, it’s not that bad actually but point well taken 🙂
Winships headline:
“Why Conservative Republicans love Obama!”
EZ says – OK I give up, exactly why do conservatives “love Obama”?
The headline statement supposes to provide information which was not contained in the posted article.
Please answer the question – Why would conservatives support Obama? And please provide specific information. I am tired of the Obama love rants.
Maybe he could start a dialog that would put an end to segregation and heal the racial division that prevents us from achieving our true potential. Thats kinda Constitutional, isn’t it? Republicans are all about the constitution, aren’t they?
To anonyms,
MAYBE ? ? That is the best you can come up with? Are you off of your meds?
Also, the only segregation that exists today is voluntary – by BOTH races. Unless you are asking for forced integration – I would not be surprised.
“kinda constitutional” – ? ? ?
anonyms, I hope that you are not of voting age.
Yup, unlike the certain incompetence I predicted when George II was elected.
Obama certainly has the energy and spirit to be a leader. I saw him practially dance off of the plane in Iraq. He strides like some thoroughbred horse. OH NO! Now I ‘ve done it. I’ve made a comment tht vaguely makes a reference to Obama’s physicality.That Georgia ex-comgressman, what’a her name, the one who said that she was being harassed as a congressman while black, or some similarly stupid and self-perpetuating effort to mkae herself into a victim. She is only a victim of her hubris, her vicious misrepresentation of any facts, anywhere, and of her own stupidity. So, now she’s running for President on the Green ticcket. I am sure that she will be entitled to every on of the three hundred votes that she will garner in the race. I just hope that the networks don’t shortchange her acfcess to the media. A person of her stature is entitled to at least one two minute spot on T.V. Oh wait. There is no longer anything like the fairness doctrine, thank God. Althought, the leftists in the country, the one’s who started Air America as a counter to conservative talk radio but which went bankrupt because no body wanted to listen to a bunch of whining liberals complain about what a sorry place to live is the United States. Oh yeah, the woman’s name is McKinnon or McKinney. Either way, whe’s a whining loser, and so are her supporters.
The thing about Obama is that he looks good but he is all over the map on ploicy. And the most outrageous and, if you will, preposterous and downright laughable is his deniaoll that ht esurge was directly the cause of the incredible increase in security in Iraq. But, let’s face it. He sort of tied his hands behind his back when his final flip-flop was back to 16 months and we’re out of there, regardless of what is on the ground.
As far as his going to Iraq is concerned, contrary to waht Wolf Blitzer complained was Republican criticism even before Obama went there, with all due respect to that very nice but not to swift Mr. Blitzer, he reiterated his statement that he would have all the troops out by the end of 16 months. In light of Obaqma’s total disingenuousness in his assertion that he went to Iraq on a “fact finding tour”, the real truth is that it was a trip all for show. He was for start of withdrawal right away one year ago and, despite his fudging, he is still in favor of withdrawal by 16 months.
Frankly, I am torn. I like Obama’s energy and some of his ideas to bring America closer in working with our allies and negotiating. However, I am not sure if he knows when talking is heolpful and when it not only stops being that , but becomes a hinderence and, I am sorry to say, after economic sanctions have failed, the only other choice is military force.We have an obligation to the world and to ourselves to use pwoer when necessary.