We are not………….buying this bull!

5/15/2008 by Ron & Anna Winship

Funny how things happen in life….sometimes they happen by accident and sometimes they happen by chance and sometimes on purpose. In any event, the new format for our OC Juice is pretty interesting….NOT good yet…but interesting. The story is that we love better technology. Not just new…but better!

Henry Samueli and his buddy Henry Nicolas are Orange County heroes. They give cash to the right organizations and charities. They are considered the richest people around. Today Samueli is under an SEC Federal lawsuit….all about fraudulent stock option transactions. Paying off his closest buddies with billions. Backdating the Options so as maximize the profits …isn’t exactly Hoyle….but that rarely bothers those that consider themselves above the law.

But who are we to be assumptive and accusatory. If he did wrong…he needs to fix it…doesn’t he? What is thing about Broadcom? Samueli stepped down as CEO because of the pending SEC lawsuit. Will he do time in one of America’s great prisons?

Oh, who is to know. His pal Nicolas has been busy trying to do “dogooder work” and giving $10 million dollars to Santa Ana after school programs. Yep, Nicolas is the same guy that had the Playboy cave with prostitutes from the Eastern Block and drugs from around the world. Hey, but just another rich guy with personality problems….hardly anything for the “not so rich” to worry their pretty heads about!

All in all, the fun here in “The OC” is getting pretty funky. Supervisor John Moorlach….tried an end run on the Sheriff interviews with the Board of Supervisors. He wanted June 3rd …as the date to interview all the candidates! Well, he had a minor uprising and his fellows on the board bolted with an array of reasons for not having these interviews (which were to be broadcast) on an Election Day!

At any rate, we can’t wait to see who gets chosen …..now that
the interview day has been moved to May 27th!

OK…back to new stuff and blogging and how we do stuff. It kind of goes like this..if it is easier…if it is better….and if it keeps it’s integrity….then we will be for it. Since all of what we have written since this changeover happened has suddenly evaporated from the new blog format….we will not be logging in on that format. We will continue to write on this format and if our words get out…then
great. If not…no biggie!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk show...is the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.