I don’t know why Total Buzz blogger Martin Wisckol has it in for Supervisor Janet Nguyen. He used to be a fair reporter, but consider the ridiculous headline he put up today, “Janet Nguyen
Note to self when the allegations in civil litigation expose you to both civil and criminal liability and you don’t…
Glad to hear Janet’s side of the story. I think she needs to get out front of this firestorm though. Thanks.
I wondered how long it would take you to call your controller and get your script.
Never mind that Supervisor Nguyen’s lawyers did all the work on the recount. What did Camp do exactly? Answer the phones and make coffee?
That’s quite a statement coming from a guy who — unlike me — spent zero time down at the Registrar or the courthouse during the recount.
The bottom line is that neither Wisckol or Cunningham spoke to anyone at Nguyen’s camp before they ran with their fraudulent stories.
Priceless! Coming from a guy who never does that, that’s quite a criticism.
I offered Team Janet the opportunity to provide a response shortly before I posted the story. The offer still stands. I have yet to get a response. It’s not as if Jimmy’s request for payment is news to them.
One more thing for the reading-comprehension-challenged proprietor of this blog:
The story ran first on Red County, not Total Buzz, as you would have noticed by reading Martin’s post.
But why bother you with facts?
And how much are the Trannies paying Wisckol for his services? I wonder if he is reporting this income on his tax returns? I would say the Trannies are getting a pretty good return on their investment.
Hey, Art? Did you speak to Martin before running with that fraudulent accusation?
Oh that’s right. You have that trusty double standard. What a toady.
Couldn’t put all your thoughts in one comment? How lame of you.
And why would I have spent my time at the recount? I have a job. You on the other hand are just a political hack for hire. I actually do something productive with my time. What about you Matt? When was the last time you held a real job?
And why pray tell should Supervisor Nguyen respond to you? You are not a newspaper reporter. You are just a GOP hack. I am glad she ignored you. More politicians should do that.
BTW, it does not matter if you or Martin lied first. You both lied. That is the point.
As for your final comment, obviously my comment was tongue in cheek you dumbass. Are all Servite grads such complete blockheads?
Classic Pedroza response.
Any idiot can engage in name-calling, Art, as you prove every day.
Why would anyone think Red Country has credibility?
A paid political hack — that’s a nice name for his job. Matt appears to be a cow-patty catcher for the big boys. They don’t like to get their hands dirty.
Did you letter in dodgeball at Servite? As usual you skipped over the meat of my response and limped off the court with a bruised ego. How does someone with such a thin skin function in politics?
I strongly doubt that Jubal lied, and you are one to call the kettle black dear Art. Explain the connection example you use Art about Harper vs. camp. Are you saying that harper is only paid $10k a year? I highly doubt that as well. And I do not see the connection between a campaign stafer and an office staffer….apples and oranges. As for your comment about Trung I dont see anyone bringing him to court to get paid, nor is he running in this race or this June.
What meat? There’s no meat to dodge, Art. If you actually said something intelligent and substantive, I’d respond to it.
You’re all hot air and juvenile insults.
Do you expect me to believe that Camp worked on the recount for a year? Are you joking? He spent maybe two or three weeks on that job and got way overpaid for it.
Trung won’t be sued by the Trannies he owes money to because Van Tran will tell them to shut up and wait for him to steal the money from some poor Buddhist priests.
Do you need a paint by numbers blog to respond to? Do you have problems with English comprehension?
I responded to your lame points. You chose to ignore my responses and focus on the fact that I called you a dumbass. Well, you must be as you cannot answer my responses.
Go back and read my original response or better yet slink off to Red-faced County! Maybe you and Wisckol can lynch Janet again on some lame trumped up charges…
Art, you’ve repeated whatever Janet or the Janet staffer told you. Your post is just a long version of what your “source” already said in comments on Red County.
If Team Janet ever issues a response, I’ll respond to that on Red County, rather than continue an exchange with a middle-aged guy who argues like a 12-year old.
you have to remember that Cunningham is nothing more than a bigoted racist. He and Fleishman are the posterboys of the NeoKlan element of the California GOP. I think that you will see changes in the state GOP to further minimize the ongoing damage that characters like these clowns as well as Schroeder, Prager, Savage, et al., have done here in California. The Gov will see to that.
You have to remember that Cunningham, Fleischmann, and DelVaccaro in Northern California, are cowpie hacks whose functional value to the Cal GOP is nothing more than to catch the turds the big GOP boys throw to them on occasion. Reminds me of dogs catching Frisbees in the park.
As to his past, when he is not wearing his NeoKlan sheet and pointy headed hat, the Servite Alumni directory (2003-p23) lists him as a 1982 graduate who earned a BA at George Washington University in DC (evidently he did not get in at Georgetown-everyone goes to GWU-the comparison is akin to Stanford and CSUF. Not a bright bulb in DC.
As far as his work goes, I think you hit it on the proverbial Jubal pointed head. He is a partner in Pacific Strategies located at 435E. Riv*****w Avenue, Suite C, in Orange. There is a phone number listed but for the sake of privacy, I did not think it was needed in this post.
In terms of Pacific Strategies, the general perception of this entity, if you can find anyone who admits knowing of them here in Sac, is that they are one of the many proverbial bottom feeders in terms of political consultants. These guys are not Manatt Phelps. Again, not the brightest bulbs in the Sacramento arena.
Jubalsheets is married to (Juba)L*u** (maybe she is the other partner?)-if JubaL*u** is, I wonder if she is a member of the NeoKlan women of the confederacy-I have seen historical pictures of them in the Civil Rights facedowns of the 1960’s.
And they have four junior neoklannettes-all girls. Obviously he didnt learn much in the sex ed class that the Servite Fathers taught us. Either that or he was blinded by the Anaheim elders that he is so deeply enbedded with (the late Carl Karcher?).
What I also find interesting is that his work address lists Suite C and his home address is the same as his work address.
I suspect that the Suite C means the Commode and that it is the only room in the house where his racist excrement and drivel, not to mention that from Fleischmann, can be deposited. I wonder if the Suite C walls have sufficient haz mat protective insulation to protect his kids from the tremendous amount of hazardous waste material he spews.
Does the City of Orange have a premium for such extra excrement? A further Question: Has Urell hung out in Suite C?
Art, one last point to put everything in perspective-
Matt “I am a NeoKlan California conservative” Cunningham and Jon “my timecards are accurate for my work as a proud OCSD auxiliary member at the OC Fair” are characters that will be further marginalized within the Cal GOP-it is not a question of if but when-these clowns see undocumented workers behind every flagpole and parking sign on every street in Orange County and the root cause of every societal problem faced by Orange County residents. They have problems seeing the larger societal picture and accepting the reality that they are not even minor blips on the societal radar screen.
My point is that they refuse to recognize that the world they live in is changing all around them. The world is becoming brown and it drives them nuts-these are the clowns that Carl Karcher loved to have ride on his knee. Their bile and hatemongering is tolerated but not accepted and it drives them nuts.
And dont forget Matt, or Jubalsheets, or Cunningling**, or whatever wall you choose to hide behind, as the good Friars taught us, you must always present yourself in a way that dignifies Servite. I know that such an effort is hard for you, having to take those NeoKlan robes off and remove that pointy NeoKlan hat in public and feel comfortable at the same time with all the rest of the world. I recognize that it is substantial effort on your part.
Keep trying, maybe someday you will find acceptance.
A Proud Schwarzeneggar Centrist Republican and Servite graduate
SCR, ROFLMAO. Or, you know, what’s that thing, where you’re rolling around on the floor, and you’re laughing so hard, that your ass actually comes off. Detaches. You know, that thing.
I hope that folks like you do eventually take over the GOP, here and nationally, so we can finally have a decent, respectable opposition party. Because, as wonderful and Christlike as us Democrats are, one need look no further than Santa Ana to see how one-party government ends up.
BTW does anyone know how to get hold of Ronald St. John, who is running against Crazy Dana in the Republican primary? He’s not making himself real visible.
And dont forget Matt, or Jubalsheets, or Cunningling**, or whatever wall you choose to hide behind, as the good Friars taught us, you must always present yourself in a way that dignifies Servite.
I can’t think of a single, solitary Servite priest who would read what you just wrote and think “I’m proud that he graduated from Servite.”
So thank you, at least, for not embarrassing Servite High School by revealing your identity.
It figures you would find that entertaining. SCR is at about your pre-pubescent maturity level.
Oh did I forget to mention:
Janet Nguyen is going to pay Jimmy Camp the $2,500 that Art adamantly declares she doesn’t owe him.
Art needs to dial in to his controller for new talking points.
PS. Mater Dei 1978. Had to take religion class from Carl Karcher’s son Jerome. Now there was a real twisted case.
What – the hell you say – Art got it WRONG again!?!?!
I wonder why this item never made it to the Liberal OC blog?
I dont thinkMarin Wisckol has it in for Janet Nguyen. Although he doesnt hold any punches he has been quite fair in his reporting on all thee candidates. At least as far as I can tell.
Did Camp EVER produce a copy of a written contract? No? So Nguyen paid him anyway? It sounds like she decided to make a pest go away. Now you and Wisckol will have to cook up another lie so you can keep attacking her. I am sure it won’t be long before you do so.
She paid him even though she didn’t owe him — that’s your spin?
Nice try. Squealer.
Gee Matt, I thought you were against calling people names? How quickly you changed your mind.
That aside, did you ever come up with a copy of a contract indicating that Supervisor Nguyen owed this guy the money he claimed she owed him? That’s what I thought.
She clearly paid him to make him and this stupid story go away.
BTW, what the heck were Camp’s qualifications to work at the CA Dept. of fish and game? I wonder how much moolah he got from us taxpayers for THAT gig? Hopefully NOT $10K every two weeks…
Gee Matt, I thought you were against calling people names?
I am. But for you, I make an exception since the Squealer character is such a perfect fit for you.
That aside, did you ever come up with a copy of a contract indicating that Supervisor Nguyen owed this guy the money he claimed she owed him?
Straw man arguments are signs of a weak mind, Art.
I was clear that it was a verbal agreement. And Janet acknowledged its invalidity by paying Jimmy his $2,500 for heading her recount effort and $7,500 of his $10K win bonus?
The facts were on Jim’s side, Art. That’s why Janet paid him. Not that the facts matter to you in your journey through fantasyland.
BTW, what the heck were Camp’s qualifications to work at the CA Dept. of fish and game?
Jim’s the communications director for the California Conservation Corps. He deals with the media, something in which he has acquired a great deal of experience from his years in campaigns annd politics.
Give it up, Art. Janet would most likely still be a Garden Grove Councilwoman were it not for exceptional job Jimmy Camp did running her recount operation. That you viciously attack him the way you do is more evidence you are nothing more than a today for Janet.