The entire Santa Ana City Council voted to raise our property taxes last night, as they unanimously endorsed Measure G, the latest school bond measure from the dysfunctional Santa Ana Unified School District – except for Councilwoman Michele Martinez. But don’t get your hopes up. She did not oppose Measure G, instead she had to admit that she is working for the consultant who is running the Measure G campaign. She then recused herself.
So the entire Santa Ana City Council wants to raise our taxes even as our economy is floundering, and even as our city is number one in Orange County for foreclosures. Ironically, Martinez worked for a predatory lender before she hooked up with the Measure G campaign.
Here is a question to ponder. How is are the public schools in Irvine able to function without benefit of ANY school bonds? Yet they are tops in the county! The problem in Santa Ana isn’t a lack of funds. It is a lack of accountability. That won’t change until we dump Pulido’s friends from the SAUSD school board.
The entire City Council also took turns encouraging folks to go shop at Rueb
So DeSnoo hires Muffin-Top Martinez to coordinate the phone banking for Measure G. DeSnoo who ran her campaign for City Council, gives her a temporary job and now she has become another Pudrido puppet. How pathetic. I never expected her to violate her own principles.
I’ve started my own personal campaign informing Santa Ana residents that Measure G doesn’t guarantee $120,000,000 from the State. The only thing guaranteed by Measure G is a tax increase for Santa Ana residents and who knows what Noji, Rob and Jose will do with your money. It’s time to toss these LIARS off the board. Rob & Jose now and Noji in two years.
Sadly, there is no money in Santa Ana and this quote from today’s L.A. Times writer Tony Barboza says it all. “Santa Ana, the center of Orange County’s Spanish-speaking immigrant community is an area where some might see limited economic opportunity.” Those who can’t see this limited financial opportunity are Santa Ana are blind.
Maybe a guess writer from the SAUSD bond over sight committee can explain how well or other wise the district has spend prior bond funds and the Tustin settlement funds, etc.
Is there accountability at the school district?
I do not remember anyone being fired or punished for prior losses and management problems in bond monies or district operating funds.
Thanks for the post Art. So the City Council is going to buy overpriced books at Martinez book store to keep him in business? The whole world knows that Martinez is a nice guy but a terrible businessman. Just look at the article..he was GIVEN a half a million bucks with no stings attached and STILL can’t figure out how to keep his business a float. Earth to Martinez and the City council…ALL businesses are having a hard time in this economy. Should the city bail them all out? Should the city search the campaign rolidex to find out what other political “friends” can over charge the city for goods and services? If the council wants to give welfare to Martinez then let them have the cajones to write him a check and deal with the out fall. To over pay for books for the library just means my kids get less books and the library budget gets screwed again. Why doesn’t Big Sal Tinajero open up his own wallet and support Martinez. I like this store ok but I never voted to make him my charity. Rueben should move back down to calle 4 in a smaller storefront setting and draw more people or go back to cutting hair. Also, I love books in espanol but most of Martinez’s books are of the “Chicano” variety which have a much more limited appeal. This poor me tour he’s on now with the media is really getting tiresome.
Where does Janet Nguyen stand on Measure G Arturo? The 1st District encompasses the SAUSD area so I am sure she has a position on this ballot measure. Since you are so close to her Arturo please she with us her position. Thank you.
If Ruben Martinez had not been so rude to Thomas Gordon, I might have had some compassion for him and the closing of his business. I don’t.
Why this gift of public funds to Martinez for his failed business? Are all failing businesses in Santa Ana eligible for bail-out from City Hall? This is a great precedent being set. Which City Department and phone number can businesseses contact for financial aid?
This is all so ridiculous. Perhaps it’s time for a recall.
No wonder no one reads this blog anymore – your posts are just stupid and ignorant. Measure G has nothing to do with this private bookstore —other than your fabricated connection. If this Hispanic bookstore goes out of business – then so be it – but why shouldn’t Santa Ana’s kids benefit (at a close-out price, I’m sure) from the spanish language books? Besides (she says sarcastically), why would Santa Ana want to keep spanish language books anyway??
Wake up. Irvine Education Foundation raises millions of dollars every year to supplement the programs. Parents can afford to be more generous to those schools. Inner city districts have to rely more on the state.
Gentrification: the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents
I admit I had to look it up since the word was being thrown around so much on the blog. But look at the definition provided by Mirriam Webster above. It is the perfect definition for what is happening in Santa Ana.
In a town where the School District, College District, and the City all are going to dig deeper into the homeowners pockets, what else would you call it? The city can’t get a handle on the crime rate so tax the poor, generally believed to be the source of gangs, out of town. The school district can’t teach so tax the poor illiterate out of town. The college district? I don’t have a clue what their motive is unless they are just in league with the city and district and expect future favors.
In the final analysis it won’t work. Sure a lot of people will move out, but they will be replaced by others just as has happened in the past. Gangsters will roam the streets and the crime rate will soar as the need for money to live increases. Drug sellers, coyotes, and gun dealers may as well open stores.
The Lotto was justified by saying the money was for the kids. How many times have you been stuck in line behind someone buying Lotto tickets? Where does that money go? The Indian Casinos were approved for billions to the state. Where does that money go? How did we make it before these things came onto the scene?
Now we are talking about raising taxes at every level. Santa Ana has become the model of pure greed knowing that the whole state is going to take a bite out of everyones wallet if the taxpayers let it happen. Will they? Probably! I can see it now. Santa Ana residents taking a break from packing boxes to go vote yes on Measure G and laughing all the way home because they are moving out.