Had enough campaigning? Some of us get to vote TWICE this June!

Yes, it’s true. My wife and I get to vote twice next month. In fact everyone living in the (CUSD) Capistrano Unified School Districts 2nd and 5th Districts are being asked to decide if we should recall our current representatives in a Special election on June 24th.

Let me begin by stating I strongly support the RECALL of the CUSD Board Members. To say that the prior Board mismanaged taxpayer funds would be a major understatement. Two years ago we elected three new members onto this 7 member Governing Board. We need a School Board majority who can practice fiscal management at a time when the governor has proposed major cuts in education funding. Now is the time to take action!

Ballot Question. “Shall Marlene Draper be recalled (removed) from the office of Governing Board Member-Trustee Area 2 ?” Vote YES or NO.

Ballot question. “Shall Sheila Benecke be recalled (removed) form the office of Governing Board Member-Trustee Area 5 ?” Vote YES or NO

“If more voters mark “YES” than “NO” on the first part of the recall question(s), the Governing Board Member(s) will be removed from office. If more votes mark “NO” than “YES,” the Governing Board Member(s) will remain in office.

If a Governing Board Member is recalled, the candidate who receives the most votes for that trustee area will be elected as the new Governing Board Member. That person can be sworn in as the Governing Board Member once the results of the election are certified.

The respective candidates found on my Ballot are Sue Palazzo for area #2 and three choices for Area #5. They are: former State Assemblymember Ken Maddox, retired teacher Gary V Miller (who did not pay for a candidate statement) and Laguna Niguel resident/entrepreneur Makam Subbarao whose candidate statement mentions his having a PhD in health sciences.

My recommendation for this office is Ken Maddox.

Having only one recall candidate choice for the area #2 I am recommending candidate Sue Palazzo. According to her bio she has a Masters Degree in Elementary Education and claims to have been an educator in our public schools for the past 33 years.

Juice readers. As always your comments are welcome. As stated by Art you can sign on to post your thoughts without using your real name.

About Larry Gilbert