Just over the wires from the Sac Bee.
Massachusetts senior Senator (D) Ted Kennedy has just been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. While I have never supported his policy positions or involvement in a tragedy several years ago, let me suggest that we include Ted and the Kennedy family in our prayers.
To see the Sac Bee report click here.
How very sad. I hope he lives long enough to see Barack Obama become our next President.
While I’ve never been a fan of Sen. Kennedy especially after his youthful mistake, I don’t wish him ill will either. He’s done a lot of good in the senate and if nothing else always made some kind of point I had to agree with. No matter where you stand on his views, you have to respect a good old Irishman that has held the tradition of the Irish. Work hard, play hard and drink hard. I’m one Republican that hopes he can beat this thing and get back out on the senate floor and raise 9 kinds of hell.
Chappa quidproquo dick
I agree with you. As much as I have had bad things to say about all that Ted Kennedy is, and has been, I certainly share the pain and anguish both he and the family must be going through right now. My heart goes out to all of them. We may disagree about social agendas, but we all face our human frailties together.
And Art, I hope he lives long enough to see Bob Barr as POTUS, now that would be heaven! Although Ted might see that as purgatory instead.