Bad enough that the Santa Ana Unified School District is screwing the children of Santa Ana, now the lying administrators at the SAUSD are hurting kids in other school districts as well. The SAUSD recently decided to pull its students out of a program for the deaf and hard of hearing, over at the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. The decision has resulted in a phase out of the entire program at Kaiser Elementary.
The Daily Pilot first reported that “a program for the deaf and hard of hearing that is being phased out at Kaiser Elementary school is not the result of Santa Ana School District students being pulled from the program, Santa Ana officials said Tuesday.”
However, two days later a very different story emerged, “Newport-Mesa Unified School District officials did not initiate the discussion about phasing out a program for deaf and hard of hearing students as a Santa Ana Unified School District representative said recently,” according to the Daily Pilot.
The Daily Pilot also reported that “A Santa Ana Unified spokeswoman who said it was Newport-Mesa officials who approached Santa Ana about winding down the program at Kaiser Elementary said Tuesday she was mistaken and apologized.”
So, to summarize, the SAUSD administrators LIED to the Daily Pilot about the reason they were pulling out of the program for the deaf and hard of hearing students at Kaiser Elementary School, in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, and when they were caught lying they claimed to have been mistaken. Nice.
The kids who were enrolled at the Newport-Mesa Unified School District will now be moved to a new program at Taft Elementary, in the SAUSD. District officials are promising a program comparable to the one at Kaiser Elementary. Yeah right.
The SAUSD is also busy lying about the need for Measure G, their latest bond measure. They are claiming that THIS time they are going to get it right, but the fact is they blew MILLIONS of dollars from the last bond measure, and they also blew the Tustin settlement money. It is ALL GONE.
The fact is, the administrators at the SAUSD are base LIARS. This time they got caught. Let’s hope they don’t get away with their Measure G lies. Vote No on Measure G!
For the luvva pete, Art, take it easy on those mid-level administrators over at SAUSD. Don’t you realize that if that poor SantaAnaUnified spokesperson DIDN’T lie, she’d be out of a job, couldn’t pay the mortgage, her kids hungry and out on the street?
The first rule at SAUSD is “we speak with one voice” which of course is “sweetness and light, we’re great and getting better, teamwork, deception, misdirection, fabrication, all of course, for the children.” If you haven’t experienced this, go to a school board meeting,promptly at 6, and take in the show. The first hour is “it’s a wonderful world”, children singing, awards and celebrations. The second hour is district administrators updating the board on progress how they’re making it even better. But starting about 8 come the grumpy whiners in public comment, trying to throw cold water on the celebration. . Like last week’s layed-off high school teacher, 5 yr vet, UCSB graduate, debate team leader, who had the audacity to say she and other top “riffed” teachers need a contract offer soon, or they’ll be forced to take offers from other districts eager to recruit the top talent out of Santa Ana. During her presentation our school board members were the very picture of annoyance and boredom.
And you expect that poor SAUSD spokesman to speak the truth? C’mon Art, show a little compassion and humanity.
So who should be surprised by this latest revelation? Taft has always been a merry-go-round. A school half hearing impaired and half elementary set deep in a nice part of Santa Ana (yes they exist) causing major traffic congestion, complaints by the neighborhood and so forth.
The answer then? Restructure the parking lot, drop off and bus zones. Of course that didn’t come without a price. Then to add misery some brain dead administrator decided to create Taft Intermediate in the back of the school. A Bungalow school no less.
This little venture required further modifications including new parking, new roadways and use of the private school access behind Taft from McArthur at a further expense. Then a few years later (as was reported in the OC Register) the Intermediate school was shut down and the students forced to attend other schools. More money down the drain.
I wonder how the district intends to pay for this new influx of students who were perfectly happy not being in Santa Ana? This will no doubt require expanding the school again. I hope somebody can figure out what is in it for SAUSD because they never do anything unless its for themselves. It ain’t for the kids, contrary to the popular montra.
take it easy on those mid-level administrators over at SAUSD.
The article mentions Doreen Lohnes. She is actually Assistant Superintendent of Special Education. Is that really mid level? Seems to me that is cabinet status.
It’s always about a buck at SAUSD. I feel sorry for those poor kids and their families. They are in for some rude treatment next year because they will be treated as an unwelcome inconvenience by the district.
And school board member Rob Richardson secretly brokered that sweet deal that resulted in the parking accommodations you cite. And of course, Jim Walker and Sandpointe NA. Is the picture a bit clearer?
BTW .. Doreen Lohnes is one of Fleming’s hold over from Capo. Doesn’t suprise many.
Lohnes IS a liar. I’ve witnessed her slandering others in a meeting to support her own view.