SAUSD administrators caught lying again

Bad enough that the Santa Ana Unified School District is screwing the children of Santa Ana, now the lying administrators at the SAUSD are hurting kids in other school districts as well. The SAUSD recently decided to pull its students out of a program for the deaf and hard of hearing, over at the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. The decision has resulted in a phase out of the entire program at Kaiser Elementary.

The Daily Pilot first reported that “a program for the deaf and hard of hearing that is being phased out at Kaiser Elementary school is not the result of Santa Ana School District students being pulled from the program, Santa Ana officials said Tuesday.”

However, two days later a very different story emerged, “Newport-Mesa Unified School District officials did not initiate the discussion about phasing out a program for deaf and hard of hearing students as a Santa Ana Unified School District representative said recently,” according to the Daily Pilot.

The Daily Pilot also reported that “A Santa Ana Unified spokeswoman who said it was Newport-Mesa officials who approached Santa Ana about winding down the program at Kaiser Elementary said Tuesday she was mistaken and apologized.”

So, to summarize, the SAUSD administrators LIED to the Daily Pilot about the reason they were pulling out of the program for the deaf and hard of hearing students at Kaiser Elementary School, in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, and when they were caught lying they claimed to have been mistaken. Nice.

The kids who were enrolled at the Newport-Mesa Unified School District will now be moved to a new program at Taft Elementary, in the SAUSD. District officials are promising a program comparable to the one at Kaiser Elementary. Yeah right.

The SAUSD is also busy lying about the need for Measure G, their latest bond measure. They are claiming that THIS time they are going to get it right, but the fact is they blew MILLIONS of dollars from the last bond measure, and they also blew the Tustin settlement money. It is ALL GONE.

The fact is, the administrators at the SAUSD are base LIARS. This time they got caught. Let’s hope they don’t get away with their Measure G lies. Vote No on Measure G!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.