Sean Mill opined today, over at the Liberal OC blog, that Supervisor Janet Nguyen is ” being given a free pass by local Democrats in her bid for re-election.” He also had this to say:
Rather than coming to the support of the lone Democrat in the race, Hoa Van Tran, most local Dems have decided to sit this one out. I realize that we were all hoping that Joe Dunn would run against Janet and we were all eager to get on board with his campaign. But Joe chose not to run and rather than going with a
I’m just curious why Sean didn’t run. Even Paul Lucas plausibly hid behind the SL label the first time he messed up and filed. That said, why not run a real SL campaign instead of a Van Tran scam? I mean, wasting resources on go-nowhere elections is what Dems do best, is it not?
“I’m just curious why Sean didn’t run.”
Simple!…. He can’t afford to be a fair game in the eye of the public opinion.
Think Moreno — FBI.
Has Sal Tinajero officially endorsed Hoa Van Tran? I saw Sal with Hoa on a mailer from Hoa’s campaign.
“Plenty” of free passes?
That’s a stretch Putoroza.
commissioners are not elected officials – they are appointed