Is Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee Al Amezcua a man of character? The Orange County Council of the Boy Scouts appear to think so. They have selected Amezcua, along with several others, as their 2008 Men of Character (not sure why they don’t have women of character too).
Here is what the O.C. Council of Boy Scouts has to say about this award, from their website:
Each year the Orange County Council of the Boy Scouts of America conducts a county wide search for 8 extraordinary
What kind of lawyer is he? I have actually heard him speak, and I wasn’t impressed. I would have expected more for someone with all of his education and community experience.
He seems to be at a lot of community events though.
They DO have Women of Character. In the Girl Scouts. Duh.
Three chears for Western State Law school! (Did they ever get accredited?) Al is a jolly former gang banger who is part of the “affirmative action generation” of Chicanos. The Scouts, like many organizations, are trying to stay alive by giving awards to Mexicans for being Mexican. Schools do it. Service clubs do it. Law schools do it. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion.
What is the criteria for being selected a Man of Character by the Boy Scouts?
amezcua has zero character. he is nothing more than a former gang banger making loads of cash from his affiliations with politicians. his connection on both the rancho and sausd bonds got him richer while shortchanging the kids. busted fire alarms and unbuilt schools, but scummy al just kept pocketing the bribes and campaign donations. now this man with the lack of character is back asking for more money from santana voters for the children. take care of your own children first al.
Alfredo Amezcua is a gangbanger making money by keeping fellow gangbangers out of prison. He has no interest in making RSCCD a better place as witnessed by the waste of bond monies, fire sprinkler fiasco, Administrator shower hijinks, excessive salaries, lack of oversight or accountability and the Sheriff training taj majhal paid for with money intended for Santa Ana College.
Alfredo Amezcua is also a founding director of the Santa Ana Business Bank, and has exploited that position to profit from Santa Ana’s current and future bond projects, such as school bonds, California 1B bond, OCTA mass transit funds, and all the cash he can steal exploit as much as he can as a Chamber of Commerce Director, with his friend and criminal associate, Michael Metzler.