Well, if my recollection is right (and I rarely practice criminal law), he would have been able to get a…
I was going to say that "bathing in your tears" is an immature thing to wish for, but you're saying…
My opposition to Prob 35 comes from a philosophy promulgated (at least hereabouts) by Fullerton College Political Science Professor Jodi…
You're a de facto Agranista, then.
From your yard sign surveillance to god's ears! My guess is that their probably with KK is that. if JJ…
"Fields'"? The only two people I know of for whom one drops the final "s" are Jesus and Moses. The…
Thank you Greg for the detailed response. Sorry, I haven`t had time to visit your blog since. Well, the news…
Matt is spending the final days of this election hawking his new novel "Plastivore." https://www.facebook.com/matt.truxaw/posts/pfbid02HQTM55k75pMWAksQLsqJpuaD2nXuSQVNDsV5pPzvk8qgnZjr5avHk2dQyp1Gqg7Vl?__cft__[0]=AZUds5BgNWfL12OBG5xnmEVjsjw1xcK-6JChKpOC5k5UGJBXf7vdS0bYkPkIZ-6zhXVpSWnd13sg6SBr4K6tCMifc84av5zjmK7YaKcrFEeJwhOirHC0G3nb8IC6xfLq6Uw&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R Congratulations to Fred. The control…
You have a wonderful day, sir.
I love your blog because I can reliably vote the opposite of what you endorse. Here's to hoping that I…
Where the HELL do you get $3-trillion? ROFL Whoa! Maybe you belong on Liberal OC? Last I checked it was close to 1 trillion. You most certainly are a liberal!
Again, welcome to the OJ. Art couldn’t have picked better fodder for me, except maybe Rebecca. Is this foreshadowing? Stay tuned and find out! 😛
By the time one factors in the long term healthcare costs for those vets who return home, you arrive at the $3 trillion number.
Sarah Michelle, dear. I’m fully cognizant that you choose not to waste your Beautiful Mind on this little War we have going on, or you would have been aware of Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz’ recent book and congressional testimony bringing the estimated cost up from the previously-generally-accepted 2 Trillion to at least 3 Trillion. Not knowing or caring about the war is your choice of course, but I just wish you wouldn’t waste pixels here, and my time, and everyone else’s time, opining about it, and stick to something you really do care about, such as Obnoxious Things Commie Girl Might Have Said To You Years Ago.
When I responded “Don’t worry about it, Sarah,” to your comment yesterday that you were too busy with some trivia game to read the “Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq,” what I was trying to gently communicate is that nobody cares about your throwaway opinions on an issue that is very important to most Americans.
Stiglitz took into account many things that don’t enter the minds of the Sarah Michelle Spinosas of the world: hundreds of billions over the next several decades “providing medical care and disability benefits to about 70,000 soldiers injured in the conflict,” the addition of $5 to $10 to the price of a barrel of oil causing our energy costs to skyrocket, and above all the interest on the money we borrowed to finance the war. From Bloomberg: “ ‘This war is the first war ever that’s been totally financed by borrowing, by deficits,’ ” said Stiglitz, a professor at Columbia University in New York. “ ‘Because we haven’t raised taxes, because we’ve tried to pretend this war is for free, we’ve been skimping on our treatment of veterans.’ ”
Maybe you will eventually determine (when you get around to it) that this Nobel laureate and former head of the World Bank is actually a hippie, or secretly connected to your persecutors at the Liberal OC, but trust me, discerning readers will yawn and scroll down.
A little less Full of Yourself, by about 80 degrees, Sarah Michelle, would be a fetching thing. And also: No Drunk Blogging, a worthy rule of thumb. Now stop wasting my time and go to sleep.
I love the ongoing banter between you and Vern. Democracy is better when we wrangle often. This is what our Founding Fathers did. And then they would go have a pint at the local pub…
The USA is not at war with Iraq or Afghanistan.
The USA is at war with TERRORISTS that are not part of an established country.
All of the candidates for USA president have agreed that the war on terror will continue in their administrations.
Were should the war on the terrorists be fought?
And who should pay for it?
And why did the terrorist pick a fight with the USA?
Cook, dude, I’m obviously talking about the war in Iraq, or more particularly the invasion of Iraq which had NOTHING to do with the war against terrorists, and the occupation of Iraq which has basically next to nothing to do with terrorists that are going to attack us here.
Iraq is draining our resources away from the terrorists who attacked us 9/11 and elsewhere. Almost any military expert will tell you that.
Sounds like you’re heavily invested in some other world view though…
You all have it wrong!
The war in Iraq/Afghanistan has nothing to do with terrorism, oil nor restoration of any democracy.
This war was initiated so the private Federal Reserve Bank and other major world financial institutions can balance their check books.
I will not elaborate any further because it is complex issue in which your Santa Ana education precludes you from understanding its complexity.
The USA, as a country, is just hired bully boy, a pot stirrer, and an actual beneficiary of any spending.
How do you think the Washington could give away so much money to maintain its failing economy?
The aim is to drive everything to ground by devaluation of the currency and then reset a counter world wide.
If you would understand the economy you socialists, you would actually make a bundle too during this economic imbroglio same as any other bourgeois.
Whoa there big boy! The ‘freeway blog’ says, ‘5 years, 4,000 lives,’ and then goes on to say ‘3 trillion $$$.’ Since the former statements refer to the present and the later refers to the future, maybe you’re taking advantage of hyperbole to label others?
I remember this trick. Didn’t Rove and Bush do a great job pulling it off by getting the majority of the country to label people against the war as ‘unpatriotic.’ You use the same tactic to make it look like I don’t care about the ‘war.’ I do care about it very much and I’ve conveyed my ideas on the subject on this very blog.
What I don’t care about is your useless pie in the sky optimism that says a bunch of signs over freeway overpasses is going to do something about this ‘war.’ People are already against it. By your own number, 70%.
Those people who want out swiftly and immediately are largely the same hacks who are voting for Barack Obama because he’s a great orator and they think he represents hope, but as Cook pointed out, all three major candidates are against an irresponsible withdrawal from Iraq.
Hope and rhetoric in this country, at this moment, is political gold, not solutions apparently. I guess Obama is a ‘uniter not a divider.’ It’s happening again. ;(
I also agree with Cook except to point out again that we are not at ‘war’ at all; war must be declared by Congress. In this light the ‘war on drugs,’ ridiculous as it is, is technically more legal than operation in Iraq.
As far as my not getting a chance to read a 36 page document on short notice with two small children who wanted to go to Dave and Buster’s for school vacation, your comments are just plain rude.
And finally, if nobody cares about my opinion, explain why Art invited me here on nothing than the ‘Commie Girl’ incident that you’re so fond of regurgitating? Maybe it’s because my fight wasn’t with a woman who hasn’t written in a major publication in two years; It was against her socialist logic and others who share it.
Do you ‘resemble that remark?’ Time will tell. If so, please don’t try to take it too personally!
Besides, the drinks are on Art. 😛
Sigh, where to start.
Your first paragraph. We have spent 5 years. We have lost over 4,000 military in combat alone (always a lowball figure, excluding accidents, suicides, and more) AND WE HAVE GOT OURSELVES IN HAWK for 3 Trillion dollars as of NOW, even if it’s your kids and my kids who are gonna be paying it off their whole lives. No disingenuousness on my side. Weasel out of this better if you’re gonna weasel out.
Paragraph 3. Can’t help it, freeway blogging is in my blood and great, therapeutic exercise–you should try it. Even if my messages do finally represent the majority opinion at this point, it at least reminds people they’re not alone. I especially liked my last sign if I say so myself: “Do something.” — meant to be inspirational! And it’s engendered conversation here, no?
Paragraph 4: I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know why you consider Obama a hack, and am happy to be on a majority-Obama blog. And the sadly confused Cook was talking about the “war on terror” which all candidates would continue in their own way. I hope YOU don’t conflate that with Iraq! Obama’s withdrawal plan is the closest to the “Responsible Plan” and I think he could be swayed by a strong Congress to come all the way to that plan. (Gotta win an election first, no?)
Paragraph 7. Take your time reading the Responsible Plan, but if you’re honest you’ll see it’s much more close to things you’ve (vaguely) suggested than you thought. Remember, knee-jerk contrarians are only right twice a day, like a stopped clock. (I think that’s the formulation.)
Anyway, 9 comments so far for a post with ZERO TEXT ain’t bad is it!
I agree with your numbers, just not the mixed context in which you present them.
I would actually love to try freeway blogging sometime. The concept is exciting if done properly, excepting for the space limitation of course. lol When shall we go do this? 🙂
As for Obama, I agree he will try to do the most logical thing in Iraq, but his inexperience forces me to consider his ability to actually get it done.
And I PROMISE I will read the plan this weekend. I admitted my reaction was preliminary, and since I’m a fair person, I WILL read it, but it was school vacation this week and I have a son in Kindergarten. Small children have a way of sucking all of the time out of the day! 😉
Although you believe in the negativism, two socialist having pissing contest does not make good blogging. You are on the way to be #20
I’ve been called a lot of things, but NEVER a socialist. rofl What you said doesn’t make any sense; I was banned from a DEMOCRATIC website. Wow, I hate to resort to name calling, but you’re either ignorant of the facts or downright dumb.
And if memory serves, we actually went up one spot on BNN. We’re #10. Take a guess who is #11.
As Art is fond of saying, ‘Thank you for reading the Orange Juice.’
Hmmm.. deeper causes. The Crusades are informative reading.