As a former unit president of the CRA I continue to be disappointed in the games that are being played as candidates seek conservative Republican endorsements.
An unnamed attendee at the CRA endorsing convention for the 29th Senate District seat gave me a lesson on math. The competing candidates were Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy and Assemblyman Bob Huff.
To obtain a CRA endorsement the by-laws state that you need to gain voter approval of 2/3rds of the credentialed voters. In this case eight LA CRA units, with five voting members each, failed to endorse on the first or second Ballot. While Dennis did have a higher vote count in all three ballots he did not cover the minimum votes necessary for the endorsement.
There were 40 voting members in the convention casting ballots. On the third round they announced Dennis as the winner getting 26 of 39 votes. There is only one problem with the math. Fourteen members said they voted for Bob Huff yet only 13 were reported out. Did someone throw away one of the ballots simply to give the endorsement to Dennis? With 40 ballots Dennis needed 27 votes to meet the CRA endorsement threshold.
I noticed another local blog reporting Dennis getting the CRA endorsement. Perhaps that blogger needs to engage in some investigative reporting and update their post.
Folks. During one of my terms as president of a CRA unit the statewide CRA president was Senator Richard Mountjoy, Dennis’s dad.
President Reagan called the CRA “the conscience of the Republican Party.” On the CRA home page it reads: “Chartered in 1934, the CRA is the states oldest and largest Republican volunteer organization. CRA has been working to elect Republican candidates who stand for unwavering Republican principles.”
If I were Dennis Mountjoy I would accept the fact that while I came very close I did not legally win the CRA endorsement. That happens when you have two qualified candidates seeking the same seat. For the good of the 64 year young organization whose endorsement you seek, accept the loss and move on with your campaign.
Larry Gilbert, former president, Saddleback Republican Assembly
if one wins an endorsement by cheating, then what can we expect once in office?
ethics, principles and integrity are all meaningless words with today’s politicians.
what’s next to be disregarded? the rule of law? pluto
Email from a very longtime member of the CRA.
“I am disappointed in some of their tactics too. It seems they have learned how the CRP does politics.”
While I agree with the apparent lack of integrity this example could be passed off to an agressive campaign manager or other supporter. Not being in attendance I would not jump to blame Dennis Mountjoy directly for this tainted endorsement.In either case it’s ugly for those who are to stand above the dirt. After all this is the CRA.
Email form Peggy Mew, CRA Membership who also was Chief of Staff for former Senator Dick Mountjoy.
You seem to enjoy tearing up CRA on everything you hear instead of checking into the facts. You were not at that meeting so you have no idea what went on except what you are being told. Perhaps you should join the organization you love to beat up on so you have a legitimate right to gripe about what goes on in the CRA.
Peggy Mew
Peggy. My reply is quite simple.
As a 12 year member of the CRA I have particpated in many events and still have many friends within the organization. Where do you think I got the information? As to the validity of this post I also see that the San Gabriel Valley News reported that Bob Huff is also questioning the vote so I guess my post has credibility.
Peggy. You are too close to one of the candidates so perhaps you have a bias in this endorsement.
The same applies to your permitting, with concurrence from some CRA executive members, the establishment of six new CRA units in 24 to 48 hours in the City of Corona to support Mitt Romney (and Jeff Miller later in his race for the 71st AD)when that multi unit approval should have been questioned. I say that because Senator Dick Mountjoy endorsed Corona councilman Jeff Miller who received the CRA endorsement as a result of packing the house.
If CRA leadership had not engaged in these questionable practices than I would not have written these reports.
Having our SRA club hosting the statewide endorsing convention for CA governor during my presidency I would say that I have taken an active role in promoting our goals and objectives. The difference being that I will not trade my integrity for questionable victories such as these recent CRA endorsements of friends.
Larry Gilbert
Larry! I am Dismayed — DISMAYED, I tell you! Rightwing Republicans not caring about counting every vote?
I kid.