Since no one else in town has posted Garden Grove Councilwoman “Ding Dong” Dina Nguyen speaking at the OC CRA endorsement meeting that took place on March 15, we will. Click below to see part one. We will be loading parts two and three later today. I am told that the Red County blog has this footage. I wonder why they won’t post it?
Here is Dina’s second speech at the OC CRA Endorsement Convention:
And here is part three of Dina sputtering at the OC CRA Endorsement Convention:
Dina “sputters….” and she was receiving more votes from each round of speech. Dina was viewed not as a “polished, lip serving politician” rather she was a plainly nice REAL person to the keen audience.
Janet was severely shocked at the disappointing result from this endorsement convention. Janet was the ONLY incumbent who has FAILED to received the cra endorsement.
I am told that the Red County blog has this footage. I wonder why they won’t post it?
It hasn’t been uploaded yet. But we will have it posted later today.
Maybe you missed it, but we’ve already published two posts so far this week by describing Dina as being nervous and unimpressive in her initial speech.
Red County has been posting video of all the candidates who addressed CRA, and will continue to.
You might want to ask Janet’s people — whose video you are posting — why they only videoed Dina and not Janet.
No wonder Janet couldn’t get endorsement from the cra convention!.
Dina is much more friendly person. Just like she could be my own good next door neighbor. The pleasant Dina will go long .
I just watched the Janet and Dina footage again and they sound about the same to me. Both a little nervous and neither one is going to win any awards for public speaking but that’s pretty typical for politicians at this level. I was more interested in seeing Janet loose her cool and attack a candidate she and her people claim is no threat. Using her brother and uncle to try to get votes is pretty sad. You are all boat people and have a tragic tale to tell..we get it…now tell us why we should vote for you. Janet should have taken the high road but continues to show her politial immaturity. This is what you get when you elect a child to do an adult job. I predict Janet has a Mickey Conroy “flip Spitzer the bird” moment before we are done with his campaign.
Dina: warm, genuine, likable
Janet: cold, calculating, cold
We will be loading parts two and three later today.
Does that mean you are Patriotmissle1976?
I hope Gustavo seems them both and writes about them. Now that would be interesting.
After viewing both candidates videos, its no wonder the CRA did not endorse either one!
The First District is in trouble if this is the best they’ve got. A sad state of affairs…
Janet has been very calculative….using all the Dark side Political tricks… in order to win this highly coveted cra endorsement…… failed shell unit establishment attempt just few months ago….now the things are getting even more negative for Janet due to Dina’s arrival!
Janet may have to start packing now.
I just checked over at Red County. You still don’t have the Dina footage up. That’s great! We love scooping you guys…
BTW, the Janet footage my source has is the same as what you have, so why take up space? The better question is when are you putting up the Dina footage?
This is a contest in front of a conserative Republican group to win their support so Janet or Dina can protect this group’s best interests. The subject matter will be appropiate for this group. The content of their presentation is predictable. At the end they will choose the one they think can communicate their agenda the best.
This excersise will be done in a different manner as the groups they address change.
Their goal is to be able to convince as many of the special interest groups and the general public that they will champion their causes.
Janet has the better ability to do this.
Loretta Sanchez has this talent. This and her personality will keep her political career a winner.
art lomeli
You still don’t have the Dina footage up.
I’m sorry, Art. I didn’t know we were operating on your schedule.
It takes time to edit, process and upload videos. Not that you would know.
That’s great! We love scooping you guys…
What scoop? That Dina Nguyen spoke at CRA? What she spoke about? Yeah — no one knew any of that until your post.
And what’s with the “we”? In the case of these Dina videos, “we” would be Patriotmissle1976. Is that you? If so, then what’s with the pseudonym? If it isn’t you, why are you taking credit for something you didn’t do?
OJ has been posting Red County videos and Janet operative videos. Don’t work too hard there, Art.
Don’t be so disingenuous. You were never going to put the Dina footage up because it shows how much of a “ding dong” she is. Now that we have put it up, you of course feel the need to do so as well, but of course you are dragging your feet. Go ahead! We like being a monopoly. You cannot get the Dina footage on any other blog in town.
As for the identity of “patriotmissile1776,” rest assured he is not me, but he is a friend of mine. If you are going to put up films shot by “tomahawkmissile” don’t complain when we put up films shot by another anon video Reep.
Maybe we need to start a “Dina Watch” and keep track of just how long it will take you to put that footage up on YOUR blog?
You were never going to put the Dina footage up because it shows how much of a “ding dong” she is. Now that we have put it up, you of course feel the need to do so as well, but of course you are dragging your feet. Go ahead! We like being a monopoly.
You tell yourself that, Art. You lie to everyone else. Why make an exception for yourself?
You cannot get the Dina footage on any other blog in town.
That must be why hardly anyone has watched them.
As for the identity of “patriotmissile1776,” rest assured he is not me, but he is a friend of mine.
Again, Art. You state “we will be loading parts two and three…”
“We” would mean OJ, i.e. one of your bloggers. But it’s obvious Patriotmissle isn’t part of OJ, so why claim credit for something you didn’t do?
If you are going to put up films shot by “tomahawkmissile” don’t complain when we put up films shot by another anon video Reep.
Sorry to break it to you, Art, but our videos are shot by our people.
Besides, I’m not complaining. Just pointing out that you, Mr. Anti-Pseudonymous Blogging, are claiming credit for an anon’s work.
Maybe we need to start a “Dina Watch” and keep track of just how long it will take you to put that footage up on YOUR blog?
Please do. it’s not like anyone will notice.
Oh now I’m a liar? This from the guy who posted anon for a long time and actually referred to himself in the third person? Nice. You are such a hypocrite Matt. Hell, you still are using that stupid “Jubal” name as if it was a badge of honor when in fact it just serves to remind us that YOU are quite the liar!
When I said “we” I meant that this blog, the Orange Juice, would be loading the videos onto the post about “Ding Dong” Dina. Read into that what you will. You are the one with a history of hiding behind anon identities, not me.
And we all know that Truong Diep shot your videos and he also emailed the url for the Janet youtube clip to all the elected Dems in town. Rather unseemly for a guy that works for an elected Reep to be undercutting an incumbent Reep, don’t you think?
And no, I am not taking credit for these movies, but I did help the guy who shot them because he did not know how to put them on Youtube. Now he does.
At any rate, please do refrain from posting the Dina footage on your blog. I will enjoy the hits in the meantime. The Dina post is now in the middle of our top stories ranking. In fact there are three readers looking at the post right now, according to Sitemeter.
Matt, when will the Trannies give you your official “Trannie” ID card? I know Mickadork earned his recently…
Oh now I’m a liar?
You were making things up, Art. Would you prefer “fabulist”? It has a more sophisticated ring to it.
This from the guy who posted anon for a long time and actually referred to himself in the third person?
I used a pseudonym. I didn’t lie. I just didn’t volunteer my identity. Enormous difference.
And this from the guy who added pseudonymous “Little Saigon Watcher” to his blogpen after telling readers he wouldn’t add a pseudonymous blogger.
Well, I’ll let you get back to blog oblivion, Art.
I’m glad you mentioned “Little Saigon Insider.” I have not heard from him in months. The Trannies must have got to him. I never did know who he was, but I enjoyed his posts. I hope he is OK, whoever he is. This of course underscores why he blogged anon in the first place. The Trannies are known for getting dirty. People in their community are flat out scared of them, with good reason.
BTW, when you referred to yourself and pretended you were someone else, you went beyond using an anon identity. It was ridiculous and you were roundly criticized for it when the OC Weekly outed you.
I don’t know what you are referring to with regard to making things up. Watch the videos. Dina sucked, period. But at least we now know that she recognizes the odor of marijuana.
The truth is Matt, you did not post the Dina footage because she looks like a complete ass. I posted it and now you were compelled to say that you too are going to post it. I’ll tell you what. Stop posting HERE and go back to Red County, and put the damn Dina footage up! If you have so much time to be posting here, why don’t you spent it putting the Dina footage on your blog? Like you said you would.
Jubal, Art is not a liar but a run away mutant from a psychiatric facility. He is deeply confused and refuse to admit what is the truth or a lie.
Art, before telling others not to post on this YOUR BLOG Whoopie, why don’t you shut it down?
You spread too much of garbage on your blog anyway. This blog is intent to pollute the reader’s mind with truck load of imagenary lies from Art’s diseased brain.
Useless chatter–
This Mexican wouldn’t vote for either of these two princess’ anyways.
Matt Cunningham is a scuzball.
Just shut up already, “Jubal” and go back to posting whatever the Schroeders hand to you.
Art continuously shills for Janet and then rails on Jubal even going as far as accusing Jubal of being a “Trannie”. Despite all of this guess who’s blog Janet bought advertising on?
Give up?
Jubal’s Red County!
Pedroza can’t even get his girl Janet to buy ad space on his blog even though he shills for her constantly.
How you like them apples Pedroza?
You are showing your ignorance, which of course has never stopped you before.
Supervisor Nguyen’s consultant, Dave Gilliard, is a friend of Matt Cunningham, in fact Matt used to work for Dave. Dave is the one who placed the ad. It makes sense for Nguyen, as a Reep, to place an ad on Red County.
If Gilliard were smart he would place ads on the Orange Juice and the Liberal OC too. Nguyen, by her own admission, is in a Dem district. I believe that my blog and the Liberal OC likely have more readers in the First District than Red County does.
So lets see what Gilliard does. He is the one calling the shots with regard to Nguyen’s advertisements.
As for Matt, he is more of a Schroeder hack than an Trannie, but the fact that his blog put up only the footage of the OC CRA endorsement convention that they wanted readers to see should tell you something. Clearly he did not want his readers to see Dina Nguyen and Rosie Avila embarrassing themselves. That figures.
The First District race is non-partisan. You would think that Janet would want to help out her #1 shill Pedroza. Even she is smart enough to stay away from you and your slanderous blog.
So are you telling me that Matt isn’t allowed to slant things in favor of candidates he supports? Why is it okay for you to do that?
You would not have put up the Janet video yourself, it took Claudio doing so for the folks to see it.
As far as your claim that Gilliard “calls the shots” does not hold water. Janet should have the final say in what he campaign does. Are you telling us that she is just a pawn?
As far as the videos go, as the incumbent Janet was very weak. I would have expected her to be a much better speaker. She was very poor indeed.
Dina will get better with experience. Janet should already have that experience.
I don’t know what you are referring to with regard to making things up.
Are you that slow, Art?
Once again, this is you making things up:
You were never going to put the Dina footage up because it shows how much of a “ding dong” she is. Now that we have put it up, you of course feel the need to do so as well, but of course you are dragging your feet.
And again:
The truth is Matt, you did not post the Dina footage because she looks like a complete ass. I posted it and now you were compelled to say that you too are going to post it.
You are representing your overactive imagination as the truth. In other words, you are making things up. To put it simply so you’ll understand, what you are imagining is not true.
But you present it to readers as though it is fact. In other words, you’re lying.
in fact Matt used to work for Dave.
Art, do you ever get your facts straight?
I’ve never worked for Dave. We have been friends for many years. A couple of times I’ve consulted on campaigns for which Dave was the general consultant.
As for the videos, you are blowing them out of proportion. Janet did pretty good, except for the “they’re out to get me” part, which made her seem whiny and detracted from the strength of her presentation.
Dina ranged from unimpressive to OK.
But the way you oversell either candidates’ perform deprives your critiques of credibility.
I think Art has split personality syndrome…….having 2-3 thoughts in one brain.
Or he could be suffering from lie-maxiconfusemalice syndrome where one’s whole life is built on telling lies that he forgets what was spoken out of his mouth in any given period of time.
Therefor, nothing can be ever consistent.
No known cure available except the blood of Jesus can remove the demon(s) inside of him.
I just finished watching the videos again. Dina sure comes across as being much more articulate than Janet. Janet, not Dina, is the one sputtering and stammering.
Hey Pedroza, maybe if you ask Sal nicely he’ll help Janet out with her speaking skills. Right now she isn’t good enough to make his freshman speech team at Fullerton High School.
I think Supervisor Nguyen might want to take a pass on joining Sal Tinajero’s FHS debate team lest she winds up dead like that gangbanger kid who got killed three weeks ago. I hear Sal Tinajero’s own father was killed by some criminal scum in Santa Ana.Besides, most of what comes out of Sal Tinajero’s mouth are lies.
“Right now she isn’t good enough to make his freshman speech team at Fullerton High School.”
Sean, to be honest that’s not saying much. Sal’s kids cant debate worth a hill of beans anyway.
I just couldn’t understand why Janet suddenly changed her gear to attack innocent Dina?
Janet is NOT lacking the speech skills but her attitude and character as a leader.
“Sean, to be honest that’s not saying much. Sal’s kids cant debate worth a hill of beans anyway.”
That is perhaps the most ignorant comment I’ve read on this blog that wasn’t written by Art Pedroza.
The Fullerton HS speech team is nationally recognized and a large number of its members receive scholarships to four year universities because of the speech/debate skills.
So clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.
You consulted on a campaign where Gilliard was the main consultant. Well, that sure sounds like you were reporting to him.
That aside, I don’t think Janet or Dina did all that great at the CRA convention. I was not happy to hear Janet talk about Rosie Avila. She needs to steer clear of nuts like Avila. But Dina just came off as a ding dong. Her comment about knowing what marijuana smells like was priceless.
Art, every one knows about your low moral standard………….
You wanted legalization of illegal drugs and the prostitution…. and it’s only a part of your anti- family agenda picture.
Did you tell ding dong Dina that you make a breakfast soup out of mota?
Art, you are a family man and you must grow up and open your eyes!
hey air head … i mean Art … i didn’t see your ding a ling girlfriend Janet get endorse … go and comfort her instead of wasting your time with you stupid comments ….
Dina is not only DUMB, she’s also a very power hungry, low in morale but thinks she’s got it all. Now that’s scary. we need people who wants to serve this district well, not someone who would sleep around just to get what they want. why do you think she tried so hard to sleep with andy quach? so she could have someone to raise funds for her. Most of the money she’s been able to raise for this campaign came from businesses in Westminter and they were approached by andy quach not dina. why? no one knows who she is and they wouldn’t give her money. doners are doubful but they have to give $$$ because andy & dina promised they would take care of them should they need anything in their city. Isn’t that illegal? that’s a promise in exchange for their donnations. someone should look into this. dina needs to realize that she has no talents. If she depends on the trannies to win this raise, how is she going to lead this district? i think she and andy needs to get themselves a real job. she’s not a practicing attorney so what is she talking about when she said she’s a small business owner?
Art, do you think Janet’s camp is paranoid about Dina’s candidacy here?
Why so much of fales accusations and lies regarding Dina? Is Janet horribly scared?