While the candidates speak of health care proposals we interview leading research players

Juice readers. For the past few weeks our focus was on the presidential primary, Term Limits and other ballot Measures.
That said I hope you are ready for a change of pace. Believe it or not but everything that Ron & Anna Winship and I do does not revolve around politics. We have listened to every candidate present their plans to provide a variety of healthcare proposals. What is missing from the story is the ongoing R&D in this field.

Well the Cutting Edge team has bypassed the political candidates’ plans and pursued those researchers who have spent decades looking for the “magic bullet” cure for our many ailments and diseases. That list includes the various forms of cancer, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Hodgkins Disease and Parkinson’s.

To learn more of the current medical research please watch the following program:

For Immediate Release….February 6,2008

Goldie Film Award recipient and the preeminent Independent News programming for the Web; Cutting Edge – a talk show proudly announces the exhibition of our latest program entitled: “Aged to Perfection – Part II” with Professor Steven C. Clarke.

This program is the second in our series that investigates the topic of aging. Our Cutting Edge team was honored to visit professor Steven Clarke at his UCLA laboratory and anti-aging research facilities.

Aged to Perfection – Part II,  is dedicated to understanding more about the Aging process and possible therapies and solutions science is investigating.
This programs attempts to bring a variety of unfamiliar terms and concepts  into the public realm and discussion.  We invite you to view this program as many times as required to grasp all the various aspects under discussion.

While there is no “magic bullet” solution to life-extension professor Clarke provides some valuable insights on current research. Having devoted 30 years of his life to this field he told us that we are “getting a better picture of Health Span.”

Life extension is more than simply living to 150 years of age. The scientific community has been working for decades seeking medical breakthroughs to a variety of cures for those suffering from Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s and several forms of cancer. In one theorist’s opinion he writes “Cancer cells, however, do require well-maintained telomeres if they are to keep lethally multiplying, which is why cancer is most commonly found in the oft-dividing cells of the gut, the reproductive system, the skin and the blood, cells that are actively producing telomerase. “ He goes on to say that scientists “are pursuing anti-cancer drugs based on telomerase.”

We invite you to view this 57 minute program..cost and commercial free… at any time of your choosing,
by simply visiting  our web site
www.cuttingedge-atalkshow.com with free access 24/7.
There are no registration requirements or invasive information requests.
While you visit our site don’t forget to go to review our Archive link where you will find a wide array of other enlightening interviews.

Larry Gilbert, Investigative Reporter and Publicity Director,
Cutting edge-a talk show 

To view the program you may need to download a “free” Real Player. 
Or you can also view the program with Windows/AOL media player with an expanded screen.

About Larry Gilbert