Santa Ana Councilman Sal Tinajero and Councilwoman Claudia Alvarez are at it again. The agenda for Monday night’s City Council meeting notes that these two, as part of the so-called “Ad Hoc Committee on Review of Council Meetings Structure” have finally come up with some recommended actions…and they are quite lame.
For starters, they are asking the City Manager, the doddering and increasingly ineffective Dave Ream, to “review and recommend options for video streaming and video archiving City Council meetings for Council
The city already bought cameras and hired additional part time engineering staff as part of a parks and rec expenditure last year.
Parks and rec is the agency for that oversees all cable operations for the city of Santa Ana.
After a bunch of smooth talk about how both council meetings each month would be televised from now on, the mayor adjourned the meeting til the next one… in the police community room where there are no cameras!
They also voted to frame an ordinance that would delete language found in the city charter (sec. 2-100(b)) that specifically states that the meetings are to be held in the council chambers. All the many offsite meetings in the police community room, Kidworks, etc., may have been held in violation of the city charter.