What do term limits and moving a city hall have to do with
one another? Poor execution….on getting the right message
to the voters. It was very wrong to take a voted on Park
away from the people in the name of a beautiful view plane
for City Hall bureaucrats! It was very wrong to extend the
terms of a Mayor or anyone else…..in a self serving sense.
Wrongs? Sounds like we are making some moral judgments here
that may require further study. Did the other side have right
on their side or some wisdom that we may missed in our many
assessments? Perhaps we failed to see all the true value to
the communities involved? Who knows?
Yet, when you think about what we might have done…to change
the results…..that is what hurts. Perhaps, we didn’t write
clearly enough. Perhaps we didn’t put enough effort into the
process and steps along the way. What should we learn from
all of this? Surely, anyone can rail and scream NO, NO, NO…
and hope to get the people motivated to come out and cast the
winning ballot…on your side. This time we failed. Next time
we will put more effort into challenging each point and each
So dear friends….we lost these two very wrong-headed ideas
and missed our mark. Next time…..Next time……
The robo-calls for No on Measure D were in Spanish.
The percentage of voters in Santa Ana who are Spanish-only speakers is extremely low…so why risk alienating the voters who are bilingual, or English-only?
In hindsight, a mistake in strategy. Those calls did absolutely nothing to help persuade English-only speakers.
There were calls for No on D in English – I received at least one such call.
Well I’m glad to hear that…but I, and I assume by extension others, did not receive any calls for No on Measure D in English.
The Newport beach City Council decided long ago the city needed a new city hall. It couldnt be rebuilt on the current site becuase of the California Coastal Commission. measure B does the next best thing by placing a future city hall on land the city already owns. Whats the matter with that?
Anony….you have some good points
yet really miss the issue. The
land identified now in the City
Charter to be the sole location
for a new City Hall…..had been
voted on 4 times as a central park
for Fashion Island. Presently,
there is no Park in Fashion Island.
2ndly, there was a deal cut for
500 Fashion Island Drive for plenty
enough land for a City Hall and
to share the existing high rise
parking structure. Personally,
we supported a Large Civic Center
Complex which would have encompassed the existing Fire Dept., Police Dept…with a bridge
to the Chamber of Commerce and
taking over the Art Museum which
Mr. Segerstrom wants in the South
Coast Plaza are. Again, we would
not have to build a parking structure and combine efficiently
many city services. But hey, even
though we were right…the city
was not eager for that choice,
because there weren’t enough sweet
heart deals for all their buddies.
Jack Croul, Bill Ficker’s buddy
is a big time developer – (nothing
wrong with that..you understand) but no doubt will be compensated
one way or the other…starting a
new City Hall …from scratch!
*Sorry, forgot to put a few things
in context. The property we wanted
is located on Santa Barbara Drive
just behind Pacific Mutual.
2ndly, Jack Croul was more or less
the major contributor to the YES
on Measure B Campaign.
Hope that clears up the context of
our prior comments. Not everyone
follows Newport Beach goings ons!
If you google Jack Croul’s name, you will never find one word about him being a developer. He bought the cannary restruant to save it from becoming another “work loft”. he collects WW2 fighter planes and was the owner of Behr Paint, and donated $6 million to UCI for the Croul Earth Science Building. Can anyone point to any project mr. Croul has ever built? The enviro. crowd did some damage to their creditability by attemping to decieve the voters about who Mr.Croul really is. Mr. Winship, make them put or shut up. Make them show you proof that mr. croul ever developed one peace of property. thank you. P.S. I understand your points and respect them,but on the Croul issue i think you were sold a bill of goods.
Jack Croul, Bill Ficker’s buddy
is a big time developer – (nothing
wrong with that..you understand) but no doubt will be compensated
one way or the other…starting a
new City Hall …from scratch!
Ron and Anna, that is complete and utter bosh. It’s an unfounded, slimy little rumor being slithered around by you and other Measure B opponents.
Sleazy, and an indication of the intellectual bankruptcy of the No on Measure B campaign.