The Santa Ana City Council found time at their meeting last night to finally revisit the issue of televising their Council meetings, after they wasted their time banning Hookah bars. Doug Irving, over at the O.C. Register, did a good job of summarizing the meeting, as it pertained to the issue of televising the meetings. Here is his article, with my comments following:
After refusing for months to televise all of their meetings, City Council members reversed course late Monday and agreed to spend $40,000 to make sure every debate and discussion gets on camera.
Critics have said that the council’s recent practice of using every other meeting for an untelevised “study session” gives the impression that the city is trying to hide something. They’ve also complained that it makes it harder for residents to follow the workings of their government.
On Monday, council members set aside $40,000 to buy new video cameras and other equipment to film their meetings, even when they’re not in City Hall. They indicated that they plan to take some of their meetings on the road
Yes, his highness Papi Pulido and his croanies had just gotten done telling us how wonderful they are for coming down off of their thrones to allow the peones video of all council meetings and how they are all for open government, blah, blah, …
And how it is important to have meetings in the council chambers, except for ONLY a few at outlying locations – in order to be more in touch with the community, … rraaaalllpphhhh !
And boom – next meeting at the police station community room.
So much for open and easily accessed city government. No live broacast on ComCast & what do you want to bet no video by the city?
“Slick Mick and his cinco sycophants” must be laughing there putrid heads off.