Huckabee should stay in the race!

Now that former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney has thrown in the towel there are those who wish that Mike Huckabee would follow suit. I disagree. So does Mike and the McCain campaign.

Trivia. At the CPAC Conference I heard governor Huckabee use part of a line from former Laguna Niguel city councilman Eddie Rose in which he said we deserve “a choice not an echo.” Signage in Eddie’s campaign contained his slogan which read “a voice not an echo.”

Early today Governor Huckabee told the audience that there are still 27 states that have yet to cast their votes. I won’t debate the math nor will I use the big “Mo” word.

I agree with the McCain approval of Mike staying the course in that there are still four more months until the final Primary election on June 3rd. Look at all the “free media coverage” our side would get. If Mike drops out today all we will hear and see is the Democratic side slugfest.
In today’s conference I guess someone asked Mike about his chances. He responded. “I didn’t master in math, I mastered in miracles.” Paraphrased.

He closed by reading an email he received from a tornado victim which said that through all the devastation, the Huckabee sign in her yard was still standing straight. Mike said that he is also still standing, or words to that effect.

So, back to the premise of this post.

Should Mike drop out of the race seeing the momentum which John McCain now enjoys?

About Larry Gilbert