What a day for Senator Barack Obama. He won all of today’s contests, including the Louisiana primary and caucuses in Nebraska and Washington state and also caucuses in the Virgin Islands “completing his best night of the campaign,” according to ABC News.
Obama ripped Hillary Clinton and John McCain at the same time, “saying the election was a choice between debating the Republican nominee-in-waiting “about who has the most experience in Washington, or debating him about who’s most likely to change Washington. Because that’s a debate we can win.”
Meanwhile, Republicans in Kansas sent a message to the presumed GOP nominee, McCain, by voting en masse for his sole remaining opponent, Mike Huckabee, 60 percent to 24 percent. “Huckabee insisted before the votes were counted Saturday that he could still win the primary race, even though McCain has a big lead in delegates.” (Kansascity.com)
Won’t that be something if Clinton and McCain end up losing their respective party nominations? Obama is clearly dominating the post-Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses, while Clinton is spending her time wailing about what a newscaster said about her and her daughter Chelsea. Keep wasting your time Shrillary, while Obama dominates at the polls…
As for Huckabee, he is emerging in the primary with the exit of Mitt Romney. Republican voters just aren’t warming to McCain. But Huckabee? Good grief! This is the best the Republicans can come up with?
Obama and Clinton are running on the same issues. And this makes most of us listen more carefully to their message. After yesterday’s contests, I analyzed each of their speeches for solutions to their promises. Obama’s content was filled with “shoulds” and “needs” but no “hows”. Why don’t his supporters or staff ask him to clarify instead of repeat? Clinton’s content was filled with solutions. She actively approached each problem the new administration will face with an understandable and “do”able plan of action.
I don’t understand the Obama train. I do hope it doesn’t end in a wreck.
Beauty is in the eye of the
beholder…obviously. When Hillary
speak domanates…..it always
sounds like: “I’m going to ask
Bill or Madeline!” to us.
Obama is very good at not only
shedding light on the needs….
but doesn’t use…that: “I’m
experienced …..” baloney! He
does have answers which you can
either agree with or not.
Hillary….says: “Healthcare,
legally required!” So, we don’t
feel thrilled by that…at all.
And I have to ask, do you have healthcare? If not, who will pay your bill when you visit the ER? All of us who are insured?
Obama wants healthcare mandatory for children only. Children are the least likely to have the necessity.
This country already offers free preventive medicine to all. Vaccines, condoms and syringes are available.
America can’t get over sexism. Hillary Clinton is the most qualified to get our country back on its feet. And this country is so infantile it cannot accept a woman as its leader. So it resorts to saying it is so “edgy” by voting a black man. Racism occurs far less in America than sexism. Just look at national salaries for men and woman in equal careers.
I am voting for Hillary Clinton on her strengths.