Does McCain back the Vietnamese Commie regime?

I recently came across a website that alleges that Senator John McCain (pictured above being warmly greeted by Vietnam Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet in 1992) is a tool of the commies in Vietnam. Here is a letter published on that website from a fellow who most definitely is not drinking the McCain Kool Aid, unlike Garden Grove’s Assemblyman Van Tran and his acolytes, the “Trannies:”

Please allow me to expresses my deepest appreciation and respect to the Vietnamese Americans for your desires and successes in organizing campaigns to liberate Vietnam. We all know that liberty is never granted and it must be won. And liberty is the main reason for this open letter. As you know, we share one common goal and that is to identify the communist-friendly elements and eliminate their influence in the United States.

Ted Sampley and I were co-founders of:

Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry

Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain

For many years we fought these two powerful senators to expose their betrayal of the people of Vietnam who still suffer at the hands of one of the most brutal communist regimes in the world today.

To understand what a politician really is we must look carefully at what he does, rather than what he says. John McCain says he is for human rights, freedom, and democracy for the people of Vietnam; however, on every piece of legislation on which the communist government of Vietnam has had an interest, John McCain has voted the way the communist regime in Hanoi would have wanted.

The most damaging of all was his support to lift the U.S. Trade Embargo on Vietnam in the mid 90s which led to Normalization of Relations, trade deals, Permanent Normal Trade Relations, and recently Vietnam’s entry into the World Trade Organization. These actions by John McCain, more than those of any other single person in the United States, substantially strengthened the hand of the Viet cong.

The question we need to ask is: What has McCain ever done for freedom and democracy in Vietnam? There is only one answer: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Since John McCain has continued to lie to the Vietnamese American community over the 25 years as a Congressman and Senator, why would he keep his word after becoming President?

McCain is the best friend the Viet cong ever had. Just ask Bui Tin, a VC specializing in murder and torture, who McCain hugged and laughed with when he visited in the 90s, or McCain

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.