Did the Santa Ana City Council violate the Brown Act tonight?

Did the Santa Ana City Council violate the Brown Act at tonight’s City Council meeting? Eyewitness accounts report that the Council may indeed have stepped in it when they voted unanimously to give embattled, and enfeebled, City Manager Dave Ream a fifteen percent raise at tonight’s meeting – which was held at the Santa Ana Police Station’s community room.

The raise was NOT on the agenda for the meeting. We have been promised by the Council Members that they would NOT take any official actions at the meetings held outside of the Council chambers. I am told that Councilman Sal Tinajero objected when Santa Ana neighborhood activist George Collins asked if the vote was an official action. Yet one must ask – why wouldn’t doling out a monstrous raise to the City Manager be considered an “official action?”

Now we know why this Council continues to insist on holding meetings outside of the Council Chambers. Oddly, the Council had three cameras at the meeting, and they aired the meeting, after it was held. So why move the meeting in the first place? Was the meeting moved to try to head off opposition to giving Ream a raise?

Why does the overpaid, under-performing Ream deserve a raise in the first place? Particularly a huge 15% raise? Is he having problems paying for his meds? I am told that the Council argued that Ream deserved the raise because other city managers in Orange County make more tan he does. Maybe – but Ream’s performance, for lack of a better phrase, sucks! Santa Ana is the joke of the O.C.! Why did the clowncils give this man a raise when they ought to be showing him the door?

Lets see how the Times and the O.C. Register end up reporting this story. To me it seems a clear-cut Brown Act violation. The vote to give Ream more money should have been on the agenda!

Wasn’t the Council supposed to write a Code of Ethics with the passage of Measure D? If anything, they are acting even MORE unethical now!

A final note – Collins will have video footage of this Council meeting up on his website, Santa Ana Insight, in a couple of days. He does have the audio of the meeting up now. Click here to listen to the Council as they illegally vote to give Ream a big raise.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.