It is hard to believe that former O.C. Sheriff Mike Carona is going to be able to run away form his own words. The L.A. Times published partial transcripts of his secretly recorded conversations with his former Assistant Sheriff, Don Haidl. It does not look good for Carona – these tape recordings are even hotter than the Nixon Watergate tapes. And Carona cusses as much as Tricky Dick.
You can read the entire released transcript at this link, but beware – it is chock full of Carona’s “family values” f-bombs.
I still have not seen any apologies from OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh or any of the other local Republicans who backed Carona, such as Assemblyman Van Tran. But I have been reading a lot about who should be the interim Sheriff. One of the options is Santa Ana Chief of Police Paul Walters. That would be a bad move. Walters endorsed Carona in his last race. He knew better. That endorsement should nix Walters’ candidacy.
The other guy who has been seriously pimping for Carona’s job is former Lt. Bill Hunt. No way! Hunt worked for Carona and he was involved in a botched traffic stop involving Haidl’s kid driving while under the influence of marijuana. Hunt is NOT an optimal choice for Sheriff, even though the Assn. of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs wants him to replace Carona, according to the L.A. Times. Of course they do – Hunt is an insider who will help his old friends continue to cover up their excesses. No thanks!
If we have learned one thing from Carona’s fall from grace it is that we need to appoint a law enforcement professional as our next Sheriff – and he needs to be an outsider who has not worked in the O.C. Sheriff’s department. Who cares what the deputies want? The Sheriff answers to us, the voters, not to the hired help.
Art, I lost all respect for you. You have no idea what transpired with the haidl incident. Bill did what he wa suppose to do and notified the asst. sheriff of the circs. It amazing that you are such an expert and think that all those who voted for Hunt in the AOCDS election have something to gain from his appointment. We all know what is BEST for our department; what will give us PRIDE, ENTHUSIASM for our jobs once again; and a stable and honest leader we can be proud of. I bet you have never met him. By the way, what is Ralph paying you? I have met him and like the guy, but we DON’T need someone from the outside. We need someone who KNOWS our county, citizens, and its needs. Bill Hunt meets those needs. Leave me your number and we’ll meet and discuss more. If you really care!
An OCSD veteran
Art, if I remember correctly, it was the public, not the deputies, who voted for Carona. The deputies union knew what was best for OC. We knew what type of person Carona was, but I guess we should just shut up.
It’s called Morale Art. It’s not that we want Bill Hunt, we NEED Bill Hunt. But there is no way you would understand that, so it’s pointless blogging with you. It’s the same old thing; other’s know what is best for us, we know nothing, even though “we told you so”!
Poster 3,
Do you realize how your words look to the public? In light of the cover-up at the county jail? I’ll tell you what the voters need – an independent Sheriff who is going to clean house. That man is NOT Bill Hunt. Let’s do a national search and get it right this time.
BTW, there are plenty of deputies who were and are Carona hacks. Trying to say otherwise is just ridiculous. We know better…
To paraphrase the rental car lady from the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles, It sounds like Carona is “fucked”.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.