Eric Christen, who heads up the Coalition for Fair Employment in Construction, has weighed in on the ridiculous idea of failed politician Ken Maddox running for O.C. Sheriff, over at the O.C. Register’s Orange Punch Blog. Here is Eric’s letter, which serves as further proof that I am not the only one who loathes Ken Maddox:
By Eric Christen
So Ken Maddox wants to be the next Orange County sheriff? Does anyone recall why the voters of predominantly Republican Orange County rejected his bid to be their next state senator back in 2004? Was it, perhaps, because Maddox supported the outrageous, wide-sweeping union-only Project Labor Agreement (PLA) that gave Big Labor
maddox couldn’t do anything after his lost, i guess michelle steel isn’t paying him enough
Wait Art I am confused…..didnt you say he was a right wing nut job? AND anti Latino???
Must I produce a separate scratch and sniff blog for you? Or color by numbers?
Maddox is anti-choice. He is anti-gay. He is anti-immigrant. That was his platform when he ran against Campbell.
But he is also a pro-union hack. So yes, he is a right-wing nut job on SOCIAL issues and a left-wing pro-union hack on fiscal issues.
flowrszzz – maybe your husband, chad morgan, can offer a job for maddox
Wow, Art. You’ve sure completed a rapid slide away from being pro-life. You’ve even adopted the “don’t ever use the word ‘abortion'” lingo of the other side.
WOw now I am Chad Morgan’s wife LOL. My point Art was that how can he be a right winger….and be pro union? That in and of itself is a huge contradiction and makes no sense. As I said he is more a middle of the road guy. I cant help it if you can not back up what you spew….dont need to get pissy with me.
Do you not understand plain English? Maddox is a social right-winger. And he is a pro-union hack at the right time. This is not uncommon. Ken is a weaker, rosy cheeked version of Mike Huckabee.
I am glad I no longer belong to the party these two, and you, belong to.
Well Ken does not upset my day one way or the other….and I seriously doubt he will be the next OC Sheriff. He’s a decent guy that I dont always agree with. I have to laugh at all your fuss over it, it is a non issue. Besides his views, whatever they are, on abortion and gays would have nothing to do with the Sheriff’s post.
Art who are you backing for the next sheriff?
Ohh and the scratch n sniff blog would be fun!
I do think that the issues matter, as they indicate that Ken is not focused on what matters. I worry in particular about his anti-immigrant position. With an ICE program already in place, God knows what he would do to local immigrants.
I support Ralph Martin for Sheriff, but I agree with Supervisor Nguyen that we ought to conduct a national search for Carona’s replacement. If Martin tops the national list, all the better.