I finally received my absentee ballot today. Here is how I voted:
President: Barack Obama (First time I have EVER voted for a Democratic presidential candidate)
Prop. 91: Transportation Funds Initiative – Yes (Appears to stabilize funding on roads and freeways).
Prop. 92: Community Colleges Funding – No (Our state is going bankrupt and the folks behind this initiative want to lock in more funding for community colleges, when they are already the cheapest college option? I don’t think so.)
Prop. 93: Limits on Legislator’s Terms in Office – NO! (This is a bogus attempt by lame legislators Don Perata and Fabian Nunez to avoid terming out. Basta con estos mensos!)
Props. 94-97: Referendums on Indian Gaming – Yes (Backed by the CA GOP, the Howard Jarvis Tax Payers Association, and State Senator Tom McClintock)
Santa Ana’s Measure D: Amendment to Charter Sections 401 and 401.5 – NO!!! (Bogus attempt by Santa Ana City Council to extend their term limits, while not giving us the mayoral term limits we need. Vote No on Measure D!)
Santa Ana’s Measure E: Amendment to Charter Section 901 – No! (Bogus attempt by Santa Ana City Council to get rid of appointed City Commissioners they don’t want – for no reason).
Be sure to vote!
Art, please reconsider your vote on Proposition 91.
The official proponents are withdrawing their support because Proposition 1A passed last year.
Michele must have told him to vote for Obama.
Prop. 91 is very destructive towards transit funding. Art supports affordable housing but hates transit. That makes sense to me. HA!
So you were sucked in on those Indian gaming propositions, huh? Their ad campaign on t.v. started last fall (California’s for self-sufficiency) and for a couple of months was all warm and fuzzy about these tribes and their contributions to teh community. It was impossible to figure out the agenda that prompted those ads. Then the 4 propositions surfaced, and it became clear they were promoting their own special interests. Until these Tribes pay income and sales taxes like the rest of us, I say no. Their soverign nation status that exempts them (and sales their enterprises make) from taxes is unfair to the rest of us. They have enough.
I think no on each item.
Since the president is not elected by the people, why waste the effort.
I am voting for Clinton. But do you think either Obama or Clinton will have enough pull? I think the dems are doing it again — headed for failure.
I hope whoever is elected will have enough strength to clean up the mess of the current administration.