Time to stop the Space Commander!

It is time to stop Santa Ana Councilman Carlos “Space Commander” Bustamante! California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently appointed John Cruz as his Appointments Secretary. Cruz is a member of the so-called “Hispanic 100,” a group of rich Republican Latinos who are very cozy with Arnold. Now that he is in charge of Arnold’s appointments, he is trying to appoint his fellow “Hispanic 100.” That includes the Space Commander.

However, the recent nomination of the Space Commander to the California Fair Employment & Housing Commission is NOT a done deal. We can scuttle it by contacting the members of the California State Senate Rules Committee, which will approve or decline the nomination. Here are the members of the Senate Rules Committee:

You can also call them at (916)651-4120. Ask for the Senate Rules Committee Executive Officer, Greg Schmidt, or his Assistant, Pat Webb.

The Space Commander is perhaps the most insensitive Santa Ana Councilman when it comes to his poor, immigrant constituents. This was on display at last night’s Council Meeting, where he almost cried as he defended spending thousands to build a median in the wealthiest part of Santa Ana, Floral Park. You don’t know what they go through trying to get things done, said the Space Commander regarding his wealthy neighbors. Then he compared those who live in the Townsend neighborhood to dogs, saying even dogs would not live in the dilapidated apartments in that area.

The Space Commander is clearly not the right choice for the Fair Employment and Housing Commission. Take a look at their website. All of their commissioners appear to be lawyers. The Space Commander has no clue about harassment and housing issues.

Here is what the FEHC website says about their mission: “The Fair Employment and Housing Commission promotes and enforces the civil rights of the people of California to be free from unlawful discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations, and to be free from hate violence and threats of violence.” Is Arnold kidding? How is the Space Commander supposed to do this? He doesn’t care about the poor or the harassed!

Also, see the picture above. The Space Commander is an ally of the “Trannies,” who are all known Mexican-haters! Be sure to tell the members of the State Senator about this relationship between the Space Commander and the racist “Trannies.”

Take the time today and be sure to contact the State Senators noted above. Ask them to please deny the Space Commander’s nomination. Also, contact State Senator Lou Correa and let him know how you feel about this nomination. Correa can in turn let the Senate Rules Committee know how his constituents feel about this lame appointment.

There is no reason why the Democrats on the Senate Rules Committee should approve the nomination of the Space Commander to the FEHC. Why give a political boost to their enemy? Hopefully they will shoot down this nomination, posthaste.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.