Sunshine = open government… not crackers!

Our former blogger Sean Mill says he’s going to recommend to his pal Councilmember Tinajero that the city of Santa Ana enact an open government measure comparable to San Francisco’s Sunshine Ordinance.

We think that is a great idea! However, let’s make sure Sal knows that it’s the Sunshine Ordinance — not Sunshine crackers. Sal may get the wrong idea…

Jokes aside, why does Sal need Sean to tell him what to do? Why hasn’t Sal already concluded that all the council meetings should be televised and archived online? Does Sal need scratch-and-sniff council meeting agendas? Or a decoder ring? Isn’t Sal a high school world history teacher? Do they no longer teach democracy in high school? Have we forgotten the French revolution, or the American revolution for that matter?

C’mon Sal, do the right thing — bring a little Sunshine to Santa Ana’s government and we’ll bring you some Sunshine Cheez-Its. Denounce Measure D and we’ll throw in some cheese too!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.