Our former blogger Sean Mill says he’s going to recommend to his pal Councilmember Tinajero that the city of Santa Ana enact an open government measure comparable to San Francisco’s Sunshine Ordinance.
We think that is a great idea! However, let’s make sure Sal knows that it’s the Sunshine Ordinance — not Sunshine crackers. Sal may get the wrong idea…
Jokes aside, why does Sal need Sean to tell him what to do? Why hasn’t Sal already concluded that all the council meetings should be televised and archived online? Does Sal need scratch-and-sniff council meeting agendas? Or a decoder ring? Isn’t Sal a high school world history teacher? Do they no longer teach democracy in high school? Have we forgotten the French revolution, or the American revolution for that matter?
C’mon Sal, do the right thing — bring a little Sunshine to Santa Ana’s government and we’ll bring you some Sunshine Cheez-Its. Denounce Measure D and we’ll throw in some cheese too!
the same could be said of this Blog. After all, the Council knows what’s wrong in their City, nor is the bloging going to change much of what they do…
I heard Sal tried to bite his computer screen after seeing that Cheez-It picture!
Joking about a food addiction is not funny.
Pretty sad that this blog has descended into this. Petty name calling and juvenile insults.
Open government is a serious issue and Pedroza sinks to 3rd grade attacks.
Stick to the issues and try to elivate the discussion.
Yes it is!
That’s because Pedroza has the emotional maturity of a 3rd grader, and why he cannot be trusted.
You should be more concerned about Miguel Pulido’s maneuver to deny residents the benefit of televising all council meetings. And you should be concerned that Pulido and Sarmineto have purposefully removed their properties from the RSP.
Why you spend your ire ranting against a blog is mindboggling.
I betcha you believe the Daily News is really a bona fide news show.
Feb 5
Let’s stop injecting measure D in as a red herring in every post.
If D does pass, it will be because this blog’s authors and other crackpots opposed it, and voters didn’t want to be aligned with them.
Maybe there should be a measure D post to talk about the measure, instead of adding them to every other rant on this blog.
You are killing the credibility of the “No on D” effort.
This blog is killing the credibility of Measure D?
Quick, let me check my calendar. No, it’s not April 1st.
Dump Claudia Alvarez
” However, let’s make sure Sal knows that it’s the Sunshine Ordinance — not Sunshine crackers. Sal may get the wrong idea…”
Is this guy (Art) really one of the supposed “leaders” of the SA revolution? Santa Ana is doomed….
Knowing that Measure D would give Crazy Claudia the opportunity to sit on the City Council another 4 years gives the Yes on Measure D campaign a lot of negative baggage.
What’s happening here is that “Measure D” has relatively little support and not much chance of passing and Art and Queen Michele know this.
They want to harp on “Measure D” so that they can claim that “they” defeated it. They will then pat themselves on the back for a job well done.
In reality they are probably helping the “Yes on D” forces with all their babble.
Pedroza and Martinez just want to be able to claim victory on something. Lord knows that they won’t have any other victories to point to in the near future.
#12, why don’t you think that our homegirl Michelle “won’t have any other victories to point to in the near future”?
Art – did you know that the Sunshine logo is trademarked, and you just violated law by posting it?
#13, just look at who she has chosen to align with. The team of Martinez, Pedroza and Gordon is going nowhere fast.
Queen Michele has painted herself into a corner and is depending on those fellas to get her out of it.
Michelle Martinez also aligned herself with Mike Harrah and the One Broadway Plaza cause and that did not hurt her from getting elected to the City Council.
#14/Carlos, Sal, or Sean, so what?
The City Council looks for ways to violate the Brown Act all the time.
#17 – The big deal is that you can’t have your cake and eat it too. If you expect people to follow the law, then you yourself must do it. If not, then Art is a hypocrite. I bet you think robbing a bank is wrong, but you steal post-its from work.
#18, you equate the Brown Act with displaying a company’s product on a website? You must be Carlos or Sal. I don’t think Sunshine would complain that the many readers of Orange Juice are staring at a large image of their product on this blog. Their only complaint would be that it was part of a post that included Sal.
No Art, you are wrong. The Sunshine logo are copyrighted. An example is copyright, which grants a copyright holder a negative right to exclude others from exploiting his or her artistic or creative work.
By the way, have you noticed in your last few blogs how many people are turning on you?
Poster 21,
That’s OK. As long as they are reading the blog, I don’t mind the anon attacks on me.
BTW, we did not exploit the artwork in question. If anything we probably helped the Sunshine company sell a few crackers. I heard Sal ran out and bought a pallet load to hand out at his next fundraiser…
There seems to be a strategy, where an individual or a few individuals have taken to attacking the messsenger of whatever blog thread gets posted. The idea seems to be to get the focus away from the thread at hand and at the same time work on minimizing the OJ.
Those that are interested on the issue posted, be as persistant as the others and stay focussed. The other’s objective is to stop the discussion of the blog thread posted.
This strategy supplements the lack of government sunshine by stopping the discussion and so stopping the sharing of information relative to the posted blog.
Art Lomeli, you are 100% correct!